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WSJ: Americans eat 554 million Jack In The Box tacos per year and no one knows why

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Honestly I laughed when I saw this notification so thanks Wall Street Journal


Americans Eat 554 Million Jack in the Box Tacos a Year, and No One Knows Why - The Wall Street Journal
More than 1,000 times a minute, someone bites into what has been described as a wet envelope of cat food—and keeps eating.

A tortilla wrapped around a beef filling that is dunked in a fryer and topped with American cheese, lettuce and hot sauce, the taco appeared on the menu in the 1950s after the first Jack in the Box opened in San Diego. As the chain spread beyond California, the taco has followed it —with good reason. Jack in the Box now sells more tacos than any other item on its menu thanks to a legion of fans who swear by the greasy vessels even as they sometimes struggle to understand their appeal.

The first time Heather Johnson tasted a Jack in the Box taco, she was at a drive-through in Cincinnati when she noticed you could get two for 99 cents, so she added them to her burger order.

She took two bites, threw the rest on the passenger seat and kept driving. “It was stale, greasy, spicy, crunchy, saucy and just plain strange,” said Ms. Johnson, a 43-year-old director of operations at an advertising agency in Cincinnati and author of a blog called the Food Hussy. “Who puts a slice of American cheese in a taco?”

Two minutes later, she picked the taco off the seat and finished it. Then she ate the other one.
“I was like, ‘I must have more. This is vile and amazing,’” she said.


The full story goes on to discuss how Selena Gomez is into them, Chrissy Teigan, and Chelsea Handler too and that they all declined to comment lmao
It's the single worst item ever conceived from a fast food joint.

But it's a fucking dollar, so god damn right you buy like 5 of em.


good credit (by proxy)
Oh god I used to buy these all the time despite hating the taste. These tacos make zero sense.


Yeah, they're pretty vile and some of the greasiest things I've ever eaten. I still eat them for some reason though.


Because they are delicious and cheap. There would be more consumed a year if Jack in the Box expanded more to the East Coast. Hint hint.
They are one of life's greatest drunk foods.

I'm willing to bet at least 1/3 of all of those Taco's sold are to drunk / high people at around midnight


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It's the single worst item ever conceived from a fast food joint.

But it's a fucking dollar, so god damn right you buy like 5 of em.

It was two for a dollar. Now it's two for around $1.20.
They're blissfully abysmal. Fried pockets of gooey, vaguely taco-flavored goo that are the perfect endcaps to the drunkest nights of your life.


They're fucking vile. I vomited after I ate them the first time, I was also really drunk but it was the tacos that made me boot.

Seriously fucking gross shit. Taco Cabana is the only drunk taco you need.


Do a poll about how many get them when drunk af. There's your answer. It's what you get when you're loaded.

- J - D -

The only good thing about these is that their grease-infused shells don't immediately fall apart the moment you bite into them like a regular hard shell taco would.

That's the kindest thing I can say about them.


Best deal around when it was 2 for a dollar. My guilty pleasure food for sure. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure, but they're delicious to me.


They aren't great. But they are cheap. And they are greasy, which makes for a good drunk food. I'll order without sauce since I don't like it. I mean you used to be able to buy 10 tacos for $5 it was great.
It's like two for a dollar and change. And people (me) like things fried. So they're cheap and mildly tasty.

I don't see the mystery here.


Unconfirmed Member
he first time Heather Johnson tasted a Jack in the Box taco, she was at a drive-through in Cincinnati when she noticed you could get two for 99 cents, so she added them to her burger order.
Trump's America


It's like 2 for a dollar. When you're drunk and it's 2 am it's good enough.

Plus when the Houston Texans score 2 TDs in a game you get a free Monster taco from Jack in the Box the next day. So you can buy your 2 for a dollar and get a third, all for a dollar. You just have to accept that you'll feel bad about yourself and life choices afterwards.


Fucking love these tacos. I have a coupon on my phone from long time ago with no expiration date for 2 free tacos with any purchase. Even if I have more than enough food I just grab a few tacos for later.


There are like 3 Jack In a Boxes in my city and none of them are very close, so I've never tried the tacos. Never even knew they sold tacos.
I think the breakfast burritos from McDonald's have the same thing going. Everyone I've talked to about it including myself is like, "They are disgusting but good."


Because they are cheap as hell and taste amazing after a night at the bar/club. It's not that hard to understand.
As much as I love a good authentic mexican taco, these are a guilty pleasure. When I visited back home in California for the holidays, I made sure to pick up some.
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