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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud



If it's not super limited, it's going to be huge. Being able to swipe anything from your computer monitor onto your TV to display to people, or just watch on a bigger screen would be incredible.

Being able to push anything to the TV, but still be able to multitask on the Mac seems like a big deal to me. Much better than say the iPad or iPhone where your device is stuck with whatever it's pushing.

it won't. you can already approximate the feature using AirServer on Lion/Snow Leopard and, to be honest, it's not that great. there's serious bandwidth and latency issues that won't be resolved until Apple moves to gigabit wireless.

it's fun to try, but enough frustrations to make it likely nothing more than a tech demo.

Thanks. I don't really see what is so useful about it personally. It will make presentations slightly easier I suppose.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ok, but why is that huge?

It's something I would use a ton. Being able to push things effortlessly to my TV screen for everyone to see would be extremely useful. Any video content, any games, any photos, etc. I'd be able to use pretty much the best UI in the world to manage my content, but still display it on a massive screen whenever I need to. Awesome.

I may be playing it up too much, though. If there are latency issues, it will suck.



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7% vs. 80%... G'damn
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