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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud


Turn by turn matches the most important feature of Gmaps. But if the 3D maps don't have street view, then it would be basically useless.

A huge, useless boondoggle that nobody would ever use. And how does crowd sourced traffic work? Do you opt in for it to send velocity data to Apple whilst you're on the highway? If they expect people to tell Siri every time there is traffic, then nobody will use it.

Apple has made a good effort on this map software but I'm not ready to say they won anything yet.

absolutely . we need to compare actual results for business searches. reliability of the turn by turn directions. bunch of stuff needs to be in the hands of people before we can say who good or bad it is.
So who's going to set up the GAF dev account? I just want to dick around with it and probably go back to iOS 5 because it will most likely be full of bugs.


Here's a small summary of the keynote
****Keynote Summary****
  • Mountain Lion
    • iCloud updates
    • Notifications
    • Voice dictation
    • Share from everywhere
    • Safari updates
    • AirPlay mirroring
    • Power Nap
    • GameCenter
    • $20 shipping in July
    • Updates Snow Leopard & Lion
    • Updates all your personal Macs
    • New Developer Preview released

  • iOS 6
    • Updates to Siri
    • Siri for iPad
    • iCloud updates
    • Facebook integration
    • Updates to Phone app
    • Do Not Disturb
    • FaceTime updates
    • New Store updates
    • Safari updates
    • Photo Stream updates
    • Mail updates
    • New app Passbook
    • New Maps updates
    • New features for China
    • Developer beta being released today
    • Available for:
      • iPhone 3GS and later
      • iPad (2nd & 3rd gen)
      • iPod touch (4th gen)

  • New MacBook Pro/MacBok Airs
    • Retina Display
    • Shipping today


Wow. Dat apple presentation.

So back to functionality...

Any word if we still have street view, walk, bus, or rain navigation?

How about offline nav?


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What a fucking conference.... fuck I'm exhausted!


Canadians burned my passport
Turn by turn matches the most important feature of Gmaps. But if the 3D maps don't have street view, then it would be basically useless.

A huge, useless boondoggle that nobody would ever use. And how does crowd sourced traffic work? Do you opt in for it to send velocity data to Apple whilst you're on the highway? If they expect people to tell Siri every time there is traffic, then nobody will use it.

Apple has made a good effort on this map software but I'm not ready to say they won anything yet.

It should work the same way it works in google maps. They track the speed people's phones are moving at.


So, more Siri, Facebook, other small tweaks, and new maps... Underwhelming is an understatement.

I wouldn't say it's an understatement; FB integration is probably more important than most people realize.

It should work the same way it works in google maps. They track the speed people's phones are moving at.

What if you're gridlocked and the guy on the sidewalk is walking faster than you??


With iOS 6 not hitting until fall (presumably with the launch of the iPhone 5), I'm a little more comfortable with the idea of waiting until then to upgrade from my crummy LG Rumor Touch.


OK, so no surprise Apple TV SDK.

no Siri API (but lots of new integrated services).

and macbook airs are sadly not using retina displays. sigh.

but, overall, not bad at all.
That was AMAZING and yet I'm still bummed there were no new iMacs. They are way overdue, but if they didn't announce them here then WHEN? Silent update?
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