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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud


Post Count: 9999
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?

If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.
OK, so no surprise Apple TV SDK.

no Siri API (but lots of new integrated services).

and macbook airs are sadly not using retina displays. sigh.

but, overall, not bad at all.

I think a Siri API will take longer than most people would imagine. They could let developers access it's API, but would they trust them to write witty or even just well thought out responses from Siri?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The pass thing was neat and the crowd-sourcing for traffic is nice, but consider me underwhelmed and not regretting my decision to ditch my iPhone. Related: I have a white 32GB iPhone 4S (VZW) for sale if anyone is interested. $500 shipped.



iOS 6 gets even better. Mountain lion for only 19.99 is a steal.

The only thing I'm bummed about is not being able to afford the 2200.00 pro ;)

But I'm going to hold onto my base level 11" air for a little longer. Eventually other macbooks will have those features.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Apple just showed game companies how E3 is done. Mad mega tonnes. They also showed google how it's done, you know, actually shipping things with dates and whatnot. Kept promises.

by wielding that new MBP screen to a mobile graphics chip that will barely keep up (no, they really don't have a choice considering the laptop's thermals), it seems like they're taking a page straight out of Nintendo. ;)


If it happens that will be its own event. Foolish to expect that here today.

No no, I meant the rumored Apple TV UI refresh. I was also hoping they'd announce a deal with the NFL for Sunday Ticket.

My expectations and hopes are generally very minor for these things. (as evidence by the joy I'm feeling over toddler mode)


you know what? the people who find iOS boring would not see anything in iOS 6 to change their minds.

I think it’s still the best mobile OS out there, but the people who don’t like it will always want it to be way different than what it’s supposed to be.

It's an argument that has never rang true for me. You can do more with iOS than any other mobile platform. What are the people who call iOS "boring" doing with their phones? Pulling their notification shades up and down? Watching tiles flip around? Recreationally drilling down through menus?


I'd say Facebook integration, native photo sharing improvements, the Siri hooks and the maps app (with Yelp tie-ins) were the biggest announcements in regards to iOS6.
Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?

If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.

It is such a dumb decision. If I wanted a bunch of the same ports I'm used to then I'll have to use up all of the available thunderbolt ports.


That was the best Apple keynote in a long time. TEAM COOK!
I think a reason is that Cook will most likely let the three key players do their thing and not interfere as much as Jobs would have. For good and bad in that case but it will at least allow them to focus more freely on what they consider important.


The pass thing was neat and the crowd-sourcing for traffic is nice, but consider me underwhelmed and not regretting my decision to ditch my iPhone. Related: I have a white 32GB iPhone 4S (VZW) for sale if anyone is interested. $500 shipped.

Well, the thing about conferences like these, whether it be Google or Apple, is that it's really hard to come up with something truly earth shattering. The battle lines have already been marked and no one's going to cross over to the other side unless there was something really enticing or revolutionary.

That being said, what I was really looking for was an iTunes revamp, even though I knew we weren't getting it.
great announcements. can't wait for iOS 6 in fall and the new macbook.

Now lets head over to TDKR and buy those tickets on sale right now


Any information on a FireWire->ThunderBolt dongle for the MacBook Pros?

If not, expect some MASSIVE RAGE across the internet from the pro community shortly.

They showed one for FireWire 800, I think, I assume there will be one for FireWire 400 also.


My expectations and hopes are generally very minor for these things. (as evidence by the joy I'm feeling over toddler mode)

Same here. I personally don't care about a UI refresh. The maps changes, passcode, and toddler mode is good for me.

I'm also curious to see the subtle changes not even mentioned or demoed at the conference.


Post Count: 9999
They announced that and a gigabit Ethernet thunderbolt adapter as well.
They showed one for FireWire 800, I think, I assume there will be one for FireWire 400 also.
cool beans

As long as there aren't any weird compatibility issues (and these aren't ass-rape pricing), there shouldn't be any reason for bitching. Well I'm sure someone people will anyway, but there won't be a valid reason to bitch


Someone who knows much better than I do, please answer my two questions! :)

1. Do you think that the new bottom-end 13" Air play recent-ish (but not hugely resource-intensive) games like Civ V, Diablo III, and so on, reasonably well?

2. As far as I can tell, the update to the Airs was pretty minimal. Does now seem like a 'bad' time to buy? (I have a 2009 low-end refurb white Macbook that still runs fine. I'd like to upgrade, but it isn't urgent. So I don't want to update at a bad time.)
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