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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud


Sony, MS, ninten do. This is how you do a conference. Please learn. Focus on shit that MATTERS. Focus on announcements that the E3 audience will care about. Thank you Apple.

I think it might be representative of changing interests, though. This stuff just seems to be far more universally interesting than video games.


It is such a dumb decision. If I wanted a bunch of the same ports I'm used to then I'll have to use up all of the available thunderbolt ports.

You know, I've seen you singing the same sour note this whole thread, and I know your reasons, but I have to shake my head. I shuttle around big fucking XDCAM files all day, edit stuff in FCP and Premiere, and still I don't understand what your problem is. That thunderbolt-=Ethernet adapter is simply not that big of a deal. And I've been around, so to me, and the hoops we used to have to jump through to edit any sort of decent video on the go, well it just sounds like sour grapes.


Can't be more satisfied. Very good lineup for this year's keynote and they managed to maker hyped for Mountain Lion. Can't wait to see that new MacBook Pro in store.


I'm still glad that, although Apple knows that iOS is where their bread is buttered and that Mac has become such a relatively small part of their business, that they still focus so much attention with the Mac line.

I so say this as someone who got their first Mac this January and I absolutely love it to bits ^_^


we all knew her
Well, the thing about conferences like these, whether it be Google or Apple, is that it's really hard to come up with something truly earth shattering. The battle lines have already been marked and no one's going to cross over to the other side unless there was something really enticing or revolutionary.

That being said, what I was really looking for was an iTunes revamp, even though I knew we weren't getting it.

I suppose so. Maybe I missed it (checking the Engadget live stream during work), but I wanted to hear about a new version of Keynote. =[


the battery in the retina macbook pro is 95 WATT HOURS!!

the 15” old pro is 77 watt hours. the 13” pro is 63.5 w-hr

that’s a crazy huge battery. it must take ages to charge (it comes with the same charger as the old pro 85W charger)


It's mind boggling how people just accept that Apple doesn't support the OG iPad anymore and even want to upgrade because of that. Mission accomplished I'd say, that's how you get people to spend over 500$ again just after 2 years...


I'm considering an iPhone again (haven't since the late win mobile days). Good job apple!

Now to watch Google IO next. Need to see what ios 7 will look like.
I really like the new retina MacBook Pro but my one concern is that the screen might strain the GT650M for native resolution video games but I suppose we'll see how that plays out after the first journalist and user reviews.

Everything else was incredible. Apple is untouchable right now.


No branding anywhere except the bottom. Just like iOS devices. That's how it's done.



Honestly, I'd save for a few more months and get the Pro.

I meant the Pro, whoops!
But is the 13" non-Retina Macbook Pro good? I don't have any experience with laptops and want to work with (music, programming, Photoshop) and maybe a little gaming (Diablo 3)
I really think that they overall knocked it out of the park here. It was a very informational showing and they showed off a lot of things that people have been asking for.


I briefly though the Mac Book Pro was cool until the sticker shock hit. I guess that's not my next notebook. I was hoping they'd have some more budget options.


well, might as well get my serious predictions in on on page 1 of the thread for easier crow eating later on.

iOS 6.

new silver UI NO
Apple Maps YES
Siri API for third party apps NO
widgets API and widgets in NC NO
NC improvements like menu bar icon, better tap targets. NOT SPECIFIED. PROBABLY NO
interapplication sharing / communication API. NO

Apple TV apps and SDK reveal NO

MBP hardware reveal. (no brainer prediction) YES
RAM and HDD remain user serviceable (actual prediction) NO

Mountain Lion demo showing better iCloud integration in the UI. YES
releases in July for 30 dollars. NO.

hmm... I guess that’s it. that’s all I would expect.

how did I do:

NO 8

you can always count on me to have the inside scoop.
2. As far as I can tell, the update to the Airs was pretty minimal. Does now seem like a 'bad' time to buy? (I have a 2009 low-end refurb white Macbook that still runs fine. I'd like to upgrade, but it isn't urgent. So I don't want to update at a bad time.)

It's literally the best time to buy; I mean the MBA ships today so if thats what you want the peak is right now. If a retina air ever shows up it won't be for at least another 12 months. It's cheap(ish) and hella-portable and will play those games you mentioned. (They already play alright on my 2011 Air with some graphics tweaks, certainly nowhere to go but up with the new chipset)

The only problem with games on the MBA is just that it goes from the cold, silent ultraportable to the fan on, sweltering summer ultraportable.
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