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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud


Hmmm, bit disappointed in the Air. No 1080p options or anything.

SSD upgrade prices are nuts, but i guess that's standard for SSD's anyway.

Can't believe so few people have half decent laptops other then the Airs now with ultrabooks, only one i'm comparing now is Zenbook Prime.

When is the store back up?


testicles on a cold fall morning
You can have it shut. If you're feeling fancy, you can even pick up one of these things:


keeping the lid shut with the latest 2011 and probably 2012 MBP is a bit dicier since temps will rise and the CPU will throttle down to compensate. i've had it happen several times rendering in After Effects using that exact dock (which I love to pieces). i've had some success by, literally, opening up the MBP and disassembling it to remove the heatsinks and reapply thermal paste that looked to be poured on by a blind worker. that lowered my idle temps by quite a bit.


Well, I can't afford that new retina display.

Now I'm torn between upgrading to the new upper end 13 inch or lower end 15. All the specs are better on the 13 and it's cheaper, but it has integrated graphics, lame.
You can have it shut. If you're feeling fancy, you can even pick up one of these things:


BookArc Stand.

You can have it open, or closed.
Wireless mouse/track pad and wireless keyboard.

Pretty simple.

You can leave the screen on and use it as a second monitor or you can leave it closed.

Pair it up with one of these and you have an awesome desktop/laptop combo - http://hengedocks.com/

(I'm sure they'll be releasing a new one for the new Macbook pro soon.)

nope. what I do: plug in monitor, open laptop and turn on. once it's on it displays on monitor and laptop, close laptop lid and it switches the full display to the monitor
Thanks guys. Can't believe I never considered that as an option. I have a 42 inch sharp aquos I could even set it up with and the retina display would transfer amazingly to it I'm sure. Made even easier now with hdmi on the MacBooks. Now just gotta save up some cash. lol

Chris R

Wish there was a way to keep my MBA "awake" (aka connected to my wifi network and downloading stuff) without needing to keep the lid open. None of the apps that are supposed to do it work either. But with all the talk about an external monitor working while the MBA/MBP is closed I think it might be possible to trick it to think something was connected when in reality it wasn't?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So you can plug your MacBook Pro into an external monitor and use it with a seperate Bluetooth mouse and keyboard? Almost like it is a Mac-mini? Does the MacBook pro screen-lid stay shut (like in sleep state) or does it have to be open? (not sure how to word this as I've never tried this)

That may be a good solution actually...

you can have it shut. i used to do that all the time.
256gb SSD on the base MacBook Pro (retina) seems kinda low for people who will be working with a lot of intensive media files. Like, you know, MacBook Pro users.

I am using the MBP for the Adobe Suite and Final Cut Pro.

Is the jump to 16gb going to be noticeable? Or should I stick with 8?


testicles on a cold fall morning
you can have it shut. i used to do that all the time.

yep. devices have to be paired and the monitor has to be connected before you shut the lid. once that's done you can keep the lid closed indefinitely so long as you don't power down the machine. it sleeps and wakes with a closed lid and an external keyboard/mouse just fine.


testicles on a cold fall morning

I am using the MBP for the Adobe Suite and Final Cut Pro.

Is the jump to 16gb going to be noticeable? Or should I stick with 8?

do you do you work with video? how often do you work in print? 16GB is the glorious race. join us. if the newest MBPs are user-upgradable in RAM, you'll get a far better price on newegg.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I got rid of my iPad 1 because it was slow as on ios5. No surprise they dropped support for it in 6. The only reason the 3gs is hanging on is because they still sell a lot of them.
So is the return policy no hassle with apple? Can I buy online one of the pros and return in an apple store no questions asked and get my money back? Or do I have to ship it back to them? Want to play around with one first.

Never returned an apple product before.

Also, Canada store not up yet?
Can anybody tell me if these new macbook pros are upgradable? I see the SSD for the version im eyeing up is 256GB and would like to install larger SSD later.
What are the differences between Airport Express and Apple TV? Does the latter just have an integrated iTunes service but still does all the things the former does?


UK people - just do what I do. Fly somewhere where it's cheaper and then factor in the price savings into the cost of your flight.

I'm gonna buy one of those new Macbook Pros later this year so I'm going to fly to Thailand, Hong Kong or somewhere else where the prices are cheaper. The savings should more than cover the cost of the flight.

Alternatively, find a student to help you purchase the Macbook. You could probably find a student on Gumtree or something who would buy one for you. Just throw him £50 or something. Can get Applecare for £40 through the student store, too.


Seriously, Apple is fucking CRUSHING IT here. Competitors are going to be scrambling like never before.

The turn-by-turn maps looks AMAZING. Sell your Garmin/TomTom stock NOW!

They are adding some nice features, but some are still catch up. 3D maps are cute but I'll miss street view, an actual practical feature to give you info on a location, and it was really nicely done in the iOS app. I guess 3D will be useful if I ever turn into superman and have to fly to an unfaimiliar town.

Turn by turn is really good, but again something that both android and Nokia have had for ages, and that you could get in several apps on iPhone.

I guess it's a 'sum of the parts' thing though
do you do you work with video? how often do you work in print? 16GB is the glorious race. join us. if the newest MBPs are user-upgradable in RAM, you'll get a far better price on newegg.

Yeah I use Final Cut Pro but realistically 90% of my workload is split between Web and Print development.

Hopefully this beast is upgradeable.
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