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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud

Wow, I know what I'm spending some money on *swoon*

Or the hardware doesn't have the capabilities to run the new os?

3GS has lower specs than the iPad1, yet it is getting iOS 6. I say it boils down to the fact that they still sell the 3GS and want to support it, where the iPad 1 was sent out to pasture a long time ago.



I am using the MBP for the Adobe Suite and Final Cut Pro.

Is the jump to 16gb going to be noticeable? Or should I stick with 8?

Well I'm using 12 right now and barely seem to tap that out, so I think 8 is probably ok for the next year or two. 12 is "roomy". So 16 might be overkill. Just my 2¢.

sankt-Antonio said:
Who gives a shit about 17" big notebooks?
A whole pile of photographers.


oh wow. this is shitty. the base $2200 retina MBP can’t have the flash storage upgraded as an option during checkout. 256 GB is the only option

You need to move up to the $2800 model (with the 512 GB drive) to get the optional upgrade to 768 GB (for an extra 500 bucks, natch.)

I haven’t been following flash storage prices too closely but isn’t 500 bucks for 256 GB kind of insane?

Hari Seldon

You think they are going to re-add the optical drive?
The masses don't give a fuck about optical drives when everything is supplied digitally these days, or way easier to transfer with a memory stick.
There are people that desperately need them though, and apple supplies a portable superdrive for those people.

Physical media is dead, yo.

Not in my line of work, which is why I'm sad that I guess I am now done with Apple laptops.


Can anybody tell me if these new macbook pros are upgradable? I see the SSD for the version im eyeing up is 256GB and would like to install larger SSD later.

Nope I don't think they are. Let me get a pic of the internals.




Just bought a 17 inch Macbook pro in November...but those retina display laptops are the new hotness...My wife is going to hate me.
Here are all the prices for France, each model 100€ higher than before. Dammit.

I'll be moving to Japan in September so I'm contemplating buying my Air there. Just checked their prices, and its about 250€ less for the Air I want huahuahua... é_è
That's actually what I was thinking about too. Moving to Japan next year and probably will updated with the updated Retina model or whatever they've got in store for me then.


256gb SSD on the base MacBook Pro (retina) seems kinda low for people who will be working with a lot of intensive media files. Like, you know, MacBook Pro users.

Video editing is often done with external drives. It's never good to edit files on the same drive you're editing from.
Well I'm using 12 right now and barely seem to tap that out, so I think 8 is probably ok for the next year or two. 12 is "roomy". So 16 might be overkill. Just my 2¢.

A whole pile of photographers.

Thanks for the feedback. Ill just stick with the 8gb and hope its upgradeable.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Looks like I'll finally be upgrading my 08' MBP... finally. Everything up until today's announcement didn't seem worth it. It's time.


waiting on amazon to put up the retinas so I can get it tax-free and with prime shipping!

please link if you find it first :p

my 2012 MBP has 4gb and i've never felt low on ram. 8 should be great. 16 maybe if you do lots of video editing, which I don't :)


testicles on a cold fall morning
Quick what's better - the 2.3 with 16GB ram or 2.6 with 8gb?

Word is that the ram is not user-servicible correct?

is the 2.3 an i5 and the 2.6 an i7?

more threads on the i7 will increase your performance a bit in most apps, but if the RAM really isn't user-upgradable and you do a lot of video editing you're likely to see bigger dividends there.


Student discount in the US puts the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display down to $1999. It also comes with a $100 App Store Gift card for the back to school promotion. That would be a pretty good deal.

So if you are currently enrolled in college, you can get $200 off the new MacBook Pro and a $100 gift card for the App Store.
Then you should really move to another manufacturer. They are clearly removing the drives. I don't think they would backtrack on that. They aren't going to reintroduce the drive. I suspect after another refresh none of the mobile lineup will have actual cd drives.
Yea, that's what I'm going to do if the 17" doesn't have an optical drive (that I can replace with a second HDD)


Pulled the trigger on the entry level super MacBook pro.

Thank goodness I have 8 days left to return my MacBook pro, thank you amazon!


If pro's really are working on macbook pro displays, they have other problems then the loss of the 17".

You will practically not find a single pro photography studio that isn't using 15" or 17" MBPs as primary computers, and new iPads as quick-response viewfinders.

Raistlin said:
My 4K projector lols in your general direction ...
You... really? ohwow.gif


Dumb question, I have the most recent hardware revision of the iMac and Diablo 3 runs perfectly fine for me on it not totally maxed out but runs in 1080p. Do you think the baseline 13 inch new MBP would be capable of similar performance? If not I'll just get an air for my masters program in the fall and sell it off when the retina display version comes out next year.


better form factor, not having to be plugged directly into the wall outlet.

To me that's a worse form factor. I have one to extend my network. I wouldn't want it sitting on a table in my living room even if there were one nearby.
Because kids in general might accidentally delete your photos, but they don't view a single photo, get a bad feeling in their stomach, start screaming, and delete every single photo on your device intentionally.

But that still doesn't answer my question. The mode in general seems like it would apply to any kid. It just seemed odd to me that they would single out autistic kids when it's a feature that any parent could use. I've seen how my nieces react to my phone and they would constantly hit the home button by accident and leave the app from the excitement. I'm excited for my little one to be able to take my phone and play with it now without the fear of where they may go. I understand that autistic kids may react more to something, but I don't see that as a reason to single them out to highlight the feature.


What's up with the graphics card in the Mac Pro? Guess they found a box of 3 year old Evergreens somewhere...

oh wow. this is shitty. the base $2200 retina MBP can’t have the flash storage upgraded as an option during checkout. 256 GB is the only option

You need to move up to the $2800 model (with the 512 GB drive) to get the optional upgrade to 768 GB (for an extra 500 bucks, natch.)

I haven’t been following flash storage prices too closely but isn’t 500 bucks for 256 GB kind of insane?

M4s go for less than $1 per GB nowadays and is guaranteed to be much better than whatever crappy OEM SSD Apple uses. So yes, it's a complete rip-off.


You're gonna be waiting a few weeks. Amazon was almost a month after the '11 airs were released.
Really? I remember the 2010 MBPs going up same day!
Well, I'll cross my fingers.
Personally I'd rather save several hundred dollars and just wait a little bit but... that would suck :)


What the fuck, everything got more expensive?

Not really. Ignoring the Retina display, I don't think their laptops are significantly more expensive on the US side.

I was hoping for a proper desktop, or at least a refresh to the iMac line, but neither happened.
oh wow. this is shitty. the base $2200 retina MBP can’t have the flash storage upgraded as an option during checkout. 256 GB is the only option

You need to move up to the $2800 model (with the 512 GB drive) to get the optional upgrade to 768 GB (for an extra 500 bucks, natch.)

I haven’t been following flash storage prices too closely but isn’t 500 bucks for 256 GB kind of insane?

This is why I hope that when the iMac gets upgraded to Retina+SSD, the SuperDrive gets removed and we get SSD+HDD combo, so I can still have plenty of storage but run all of the truly important shit off of an SSD.
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