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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud

Chris R

Okay I'm going to sell my MBA and get the new one. What's a fair price for mine? It's from the last generation but one, 11" 1.4ghz, 2gb RAM, 64gb SSD. Any ideas?

I'd just look at what Apple is charging for the exact model but refurbished and then undercut it by ~$100-$150. That is what I'm trying to do with my MBA ('11 13" stock 128GB).
Oh man, I really want a retina pro, never owned a laptop in my life believe it or not, and this looks like the one to get. I am a bit shocked at the price though if I want anything more than 256 GB in storage space.

I am going to use the laptop primarily for 3D work in Maya, etc., some Adobe apps (Photoshop, Illustrator) and Final Cut Pro work, as well as some Diablo 3 action.

You guys think the basic 15" retina model is good enough for my purposes?
I would love to put most of my media collection in as well, but I think I may just have to leave it on my external HDD and just remotely access it when I am home if I do get the base model.
Oh man, I really want a retina pro, never owned a laptop in my life believe it or not, and this looks like the one to get. I am a bit shocked at the price though if I want anything more than 256 GB in storage space.

I am going to use the laptop primarily for 3D work in Maya, etc., some Adobe apps (Photoshop, Illustrator) and Final Cut Pro work, as well as some Diablo 3 action.

You guys think the basic 15" retina model is good enough for my purposes?
I would love to put most of my media collection in as well, but I think I may just have to leave it on my external HDD and just remotely access it when I am home if I do get the base model.

How much Final Cut Pro work? Also Maya would benefit from 16gb of memory.


Alright gaf, so how is the refreshed MBA? My gf was looking to get the last MBA but I told her to wait for the refresh. Should she just try to find a discounted last gen? It seems the prices for the current gen are lower, so I'm thinking go for the new.

I read a lot of comments complaining about the MBA price and whatnot, but its nothing new right? Same old trolling from the haters? I cant really find an ultrabook as sleek and comparable to the MBA on the Windows side..

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I am in such an awkward situation.

I love having a laptop for side work, and an iMac for primary work. This update...I don't know what to do.

Any suggestions?


You now belong to FMT.
My job finances one Mac product a year and our fiscal year is ending June 30th.

I just paid my last payment to finish off my iMac 27 inch and was scared that the new one would come out.

July 1st I will do the Macbook with retina. Hurrrrry up July 1st..
How much Final Cut Pro work? Also Maya would benefit from 16gb of memory.

Not too much FCP, probably just to put together animations / renders after they are done, but things may change in the future and I may use it more.

Hm, so I should look into getting more RAM with the money I saved by not getting the higher end model? Also, what exactly does the 0.3GHz additional do for the higher end model?


The new Mac Pros are terrible, like I said, incredibly disappointed. No updated graphics, no thunderbolt, no USB 3.0, no new anything to make it worthwhile.


Just pulled the trigger on a 13" MBP. They look pretty much like last year's model, so I don't think it will give me trouble to upgrade the RAM and HDD myself.

Now I have to choose if I'm going to get a 256GB SSD or 512, since I'll be dual booting Windows. This'll be my first Mac since a ~166MHz PowerPC running OS8 (other than some flaky Hackintosh attempts.) ^_^
So I'm thinking of buying a MacBook air 13" as a secondary computer next to my 27" iMac (with 12gb of ram). Should I upgrade the ram to 8gb? 

It will be mostly used to edit raw files on the fly in lightroom when I don't have my iMac around, some magazine editing in indesign and web/iOS development. 
(Would love to get a retina mbp but I really can't justify that price for something that won't be my main computer)
Not too much FCP, probably just to put together animations / renders after they are done, but things may change in the future and I may use it more.

Hm, so I should look into getting more RAM with the money I saved by not getting the higher end model? Also, what exactly does the 0.3GHz additional do for the higher end model?

Honestly if your not doing a lot of FCP 8gb should work out fine for you. Only thing is because the ram is soldered on to the MB you want be able to add more ram in the future.


So how will gaming on the new MBPs work? Just go into a game's settings and set it to 1920x1200?

Also, does everything think a 512GB drive in a MBP is still enough for bootcamp Windows?


Alright haf, so how is the refreshed MBA? My gf was looking to get the last MBA but I told her to wait for the refresh. Should she just try to find a discounted last gen? It seems the prices for the current gen are lower, so I'm thinking go for the new.

I read a lot of comments complaining about the MBA price and whatnot, but its nothing new right? Same old trolling from the haters? I cant really find an ultrabook as sleek and comparable to the MBA on the Windows side..

You could probably find a windows ultrabook that is cheaper for the same specs, but I'm not sure about build quality. Usually Apple products are decently priced for what they are, they just offer you shitty customization options which I think is a problem with ultrabooks period.

I wouldn't buy an older model myself, mainly because I'm about refreshing computer hardware as little as possible. I like buying new and riding the hardware into the ground until I upgrade.

Also the discounts are what, around $100? Thats a pretty small amount in comparison to the rest of the computer. Hell, that is likely what you're paying for in tax.


You could probably find a windows ultrabook that is cheaper for the same specs, but I'm not sure about build quality. Usually Apple products are decently priced for what they are, they just offer you shitty customization options which I think is a problem with ultrabooks period.

I wouldn't buy an older model myself, mainly because I'm about refreshing computer hardware as little as possible. I like buying new and riding the hardware into the ground until I upgrade.

Also the discounts are what, around $100? Thats a pretty small amount in comparison to the rest of the computer. Hell, that is likely what you're paying for in tax.

Yea, and I see the Back to School sale is on right now, so that's 100$ gift card that she can sell for like 80$, plus the student discount.

She's going to have live with the low resolution on the 11 inch though. Now the question is, the RAM is soldered onto the logic board on the Airs right? And can the SSD be upgraded easily with any standard 2.5" SSD?
Honestly if your not doing a lot of FCP 8gb should work out fine for you. Only thing is because the ram is soldered on to the MB you want be able to add more ram in the future.

So I won't be able to upgrade the RAM easily with aftermarket stuff for sure in these models?
Maybe I should add the $180 option and have it upgraded just in case. :/
So incredibly disappointed in the Mac Pro update (The desktop, people, not the laptop). No thunderbolt, no USB 3.0, just a minor processor bump. Not worth it at all. I was looking to upgrade from my 2006 Mac Pro, but I guess not.

They weren't going to release a new Mac Pro with USB 3.0 and no Thunderbolt. And right now, there just aren't enough chipset options for desktop Thunderbolt for Apple's engineers to choose from. Or so I heard.

Like I said earlier, we're still waiting. But at least we know they aren't cancelling the line.


listen to the mad man
LOL, how many fucking pixels would that be? That won't happen for a while I'm sure.

220 ppi at 16:10 at 27" diagonal:
(16x)^2 + (10x)^2 = 27 sq in=
356(x^2) = 729 sq in
x^2 = 2.04
x = 1.42

22.72 inches wide = 5000 pixels wide
14.2 inches tall = 3124 pixels tall

Edit: Just checked Wikipedia, WHXGA = 5120x3200, so that's probably what they'd go with.
So I won't be able to upgrade the RAM easily with aftermarket stuff for sure in these models?
Maybe I should add the $180 option and have it upgraded just in case. :/

Thats the route I went. I don't realllllly need it, but its great for the eventual resale price:
"16GB OMG! I'm getting into DJ'ing and that will tear my songs up!"


Crossposting from the Mac HW thread:

The Air has a better resolution anyways (over the non-retina of course).

Here's my dilemna GAF: I want a 13" Mac. I don't care about Superdrive or Ethernet (kinda, the dongle will have to do I guess). I do care about resolution though. I kinda care about weight, but my girlfriend's 2011 13" MBP doesn't feel heavy to me.

If the MBP had the 1440x900 like the Air instead of 1280x800, I wouldn't even be hesitating. But it doesn't, soooo

  • Is the Air not too weak CPU-wise? The most intensive thing I'll be doing is software development (RoR/JS, maybe some mobile dev)
  • What about stockage? I know SSD's are much better than HDDs (especially 5,400rpm's *shudders*), but I'm scared of filling it up too quickly. I'm not a hoarder by any means, but I still have over 150 GB of data on my main PC right now.

Thanks guys!

Any SW devs here working on an Air?

Chris R

220 ppi at 16:10 at 27" diagonal:
(16x)^2 + (10x)^2 = 27 sq in=
356(x^2) = 729 sq in
x^2 = 2.04
x = 1.42

22.72 inches wide = 5000 pixels wide
14.2 inches tall = 3124 pixels tall

Edit: Just checked Wikipedia, WHXGA = 5120x3200, so that's probably what they'd go with.

I wouldn't need to be 220 ppi though right? It could be lower since the average viewing distance between a monitor and the viewer should be greater than the distance between a laptop screen and the viewer.


220 ppi at 16:10 at 27" diagonal:
(16x)^2 + (10x)^2 = 27 sq in=
356(x^2) = 729 sq in
x^2 = 2.04
x = 1.42

22.72 inches wide = 5000 pixels wide
14.2 inches tall = 3124 pixels tall

Not sure what the closest actual resolution is.

They pixel doubled the MBP's resolution, just like the iOS devices. So the 27" iMac should go from 2560x1440 to 5120x2880.

The 21" iMac would jump to a more conservative 3840x2160. Lol.


yeah I'm not too sure what to do. I want SSD for sure, and not 11 inch so the only options are 13 inch Air and 15 inch retina mbp, but the MBP is 2+ Gs and the Air doesn't have retina :( (also SSD to 13 inch MBP but thats an extra 500$)

I guess my best case would be a 13 inch retina display MBP or Air, but we won't see that for another year at least


Not bitter, just unsweetened
What is the average lifespan of flash storage when used as the main storage medium?

for a laptop? a very long time.

if you constantly download stuff, delete, download, delete, download, delete it wont last as long

but under typical normal use... it technically should last over 10 years

(My SSD on my PC has had 2% wear over 3 years)
for a laptop? a very long time.

if you constantly download stuff, delete, download, delete, download, delete it wont last as long

but under typical normal use... it technically should last over 10 years

(My SSD on my PC has had 2% wear over 3 years)
Can data be recovered if it fails (like a hard drive in most cases) or is it permanently lost at some point? I'm just thinking about it because SSDs are something that are being adopted in a lot of systems these days and I've heard bad things relating to their lifespan, especially when used as the main drive.
Can't watch the keynote yet =( not willing the stream the SD stream from my ipad to apple tv.

Going to watch Steve Job's first All things D conference
well.. then you weren’t paying attention in previous years. OS updates were always announced months before phone updates. When Apple let the iPhone 4 out there for over a year, they ended up shifting the OS announcement to WWDC and then the phone came in the fall.

there was basically zero percent chance they were gonna cut short the 4S lifespan to announce a new phone today.

I’m not saying that everybody needs to follow this stuff as closely as nerds like me. But I have you the answer and it follows Apple’s patterns. You should be able to understand it now.
No, oddly enough my life doesn't revolve around Apple's conference cycles, thanks for the clarification. I bought the 3GS when a prior phone broke, and then upgraded to the 4 when it came out. I noted that it was one year later and came to understand they had one year cycles. They then broke that cycle with the release date of the 4S. I expected the phone to come out in the fall based off of their 1 year cycle policy, but I also expected to hear about it at an Apple conference a few months prior to the expected release date. I didn't know they had a rotation of conferences throughout the year. So I guess the phone will be announced two seconds before it launches then? When does their fall conference typically occur?
Only stupid idiots would ever announce an updated hardware product months before it's ready. What good reason is there to ever do this? Apple only does this with brand new products, like the iPhone 1.

DERP. Why would it be stupid to bring greater product awareness and start building hype for said product? New processors, game consoles, etc. are revealed well before they are released. I know it's popular enough to where they don't NEED this practice, but how exactly is this stupid? You're sounding like a console fanboy right now.


Are we even anywhere close to being able to make panels that size at that density? I guess if anyone can do it, it's Apple...

2 years ago we thought nobody could make a 10" screen at 2048x1536. :)

My guess is they'll roll out retina across the rest of the Mac line over time. Could take another year or even two to complete the transition.
2 years ago we thought nobody could make a 10" screen at 2048x1536. :)

Eh, it was never a case of "if", but "how much". It's always just a matter of price. Display OEMs just cheapened out with their crappy 16:9 displays and everyone bought into it, because "omg FULL HD on my PC!". Without that, this retina Mac announcement wouldn't be such a big deal. But it is now and I'm very, very glad it happened. I'm hoping that this will push the industry into the right direction again. Maybe in two years, some manufacturers will start catching up again.
DERP. Why would it be stupid to bring greater product awareness and start building hype for said product? New processors, game consoles, etc. are revealed well before they are released. I know it's popular enough to where they don't NEED this practice, but how exactly is this stupid? You're sounding like a console fanboy right now.
"Guys, please buy the iPhone 4S even though we already told you the next iPhone is coming out. Competitors, check out what we're working on!"

Apple doesn't need to build hype for a new iPhone. I also can't think of any situation where "building hype" for months has worked for anyone in the technology industry. Videogames and consoles work differently because a new product is an entirely new product with completely separate software, and as I said, Apple does the early reveal for brand new, completely separate products as well.

I don't understand the rest of the insults you dropped in there. You're really upset that everyone seems to understand how revealing products works except for you.


looks like there have been some UI changes after all



The new dialer is awesome but the blue bleeding into the status bar is ugly and I hope they change that.

Would like to see the Nav Bar change as well.


Still waiting for them to post the wwdc video.

Also, anyone have a beta download for the 4s and new ipad? I already have my UDID's set up.
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