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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10

After family sharing, I hope user accounts aren't far behind.

Filesystem access on-device is one of the few things I'm hoping for. With keyboard replacements and app to app communication, Apple has nearly completely countered my desire for modern Android.

Is Hey, Siri working yet? Tried with a plugged in phone but nothing happened.

Especially for family owned iPads it's a no brainer.
Apps can now display their system settings (notifications, background refresh, etc.) in-app, instead of forcing users to go to the Settings app.


My first contact with iOS was with iOS 7 and I thought not having app settings in-app was completely retarded. I'm glad Apple are gonna change this.


Has anyone gotten Handover to work between iPhone and iPad? Apparently it requires Bluetooth to be on, but I can't get it to work. What's supposed to happen when it does work? Does it automatically open the app you were using on the other device?


It seems moving forward with iOS 8, Apple is becoming less restrictive and just going all-out open. I really think this is something we would have only seen under Tim/Jony/Craig.
I noticed iBooks had settings like this, but haven't seen it in the app itself yet. But i dunno, this seems like a no brainer, and I never understood why they didn't do this before.


Is anyone else excited about what sacred cows might be slaughtered in iOS9?

People have said for years that Apple would "never" do a centralised file system, or allow replacement keyboards. And yet they did.

What's next? Bluetooth file transfer to other devices (maybe in the form of Airdrop dropping down to bt to send files to non-Apple devices)? Unsigned applications with the relevant tickbox, like Gatekeeper? Default applications? Actual user accounts (I'm not even sure this needs to be the full monty, just something like presence that is fed through to each app to let it know who is using the device at the time - so it tells Facebook to load the correct profile).

I'm not sure that's quite a fair assessment/representation of the holy cows. iOS still does not have a centralized filesystem, the iCloud Drive feature still does not give you total access to your filesystem (At least that is not the impression I got from the Platform State of the Union). It is pretty cool, with extensions iCloud Drive seamlessly integrates file access to Drobox, Skydrive, Box and anyone else who wants to write an extension for the file picker.

I've never heard the replacement keyboards argument, but I'm sure some people claimed it would never happen.

Bluetooth file transfer is simply unlikely as they now have Airdrop and iCloud Drive; I simply don't see them investing time into it, but I could be wrong.

I'm not sure user accounts are a sacred cow as many people would like them. I've never needed them but sure why not.

Non-signed apps; they already kind of do this for enterprise and have for years, I don't see them extending it for code tinkerers any more than they have, not really any money in it; but I'll lose no sleep one way or the other.

Default applications: More like default browser/mail, I'm not sure there are any other apps people really clamor to change the default action of. With extensions it's really not an issue, they can simply register themselves in the share panel and call it good.

Here's a sacred cow I know will never be killed: themes and custom system fonts, never going to happen ever*.

*Unless they get really desperate like the Mac OS 8.6 era, when they were completely lost and had nothing but rotten code.

hirokazu: I've read it helps to log out of iCloud on the Mac and log back in... Haven't tried the Developer Preview yet.


Has anyone gotten Handover to work between iPhone and iPad? Apparently it requires Bluetooth to be on, but I can't get it to work. What's supposed to happen when it does work? Does it automatically open the app you were using on the other device?
Developer needs to implement the API for it to work. I think an icon is supposed to show up on the lockscreen.
Apps can now display their system settings (notifications, background refresh, etc.) in-app, instead of forcing users to go to the Settings app.


Can you still see their settings in the main settings app? I preferred seeing a list of what's on and off instead of micro-managing each app.


Is it just me or with the iOS 8 beta my mail does not fetch automatically anymore and also autocorrect is there no matter what, it's off in the keyboard settings but yet it still keeps correcting?

Also I text messages don't go into notification Center when the phone is in do not disturb


Is it just me or with the iOS 8 beta my mail does not fetch automatically anymore and also autocorrect is there no matter what, it's off in the keyboard settings but yet it still keeps correcting?

Also I text messages don't go into notification Center when the phone is in do not disturb
Keyword: beta.


They have a solution for that. Mo members, mo iPads.

Pretty much. :p But I do think multiuser accounts are coming at some point, since families share iDevices plenty as is and the educational market is going to really demand it at some point. I'd say iOS 9 is likely. Not going to fault them for not including it here though; considering how much stuff they did under the hood while resources were being transferred to Yosemite, I'm very pleased with how much new stuff we got.


I have to say, there better be a way to put URLs back the way they were in the final version of Safari. This isn't fucking iOS, the bar is quite long enough thanks.


Just watched the WWDC video on the new features of Cocoa Touch, big on 'adaptability' and 'size classes'. Presenter said "It's not about device type but the canvas size you have", "You may end up in a situation where showing something, displaying your view on an iPad where the size of that canvas is actually comparable to that of being on an iPhone".

Not only is this going to be handy for larger iPhones, but it sounds like it will be very useful for iPad 'multitasking'.

mindwipe said:
I have to say, there better be a way to put URLs back the way they were in the final version of Safari. This isn't fucking iOS, the bar is quite long enough thanks.

Not likely, this is a design feature, applications that take addresses and searches as a primary feature are to have the field be centered in the window title bar.


Junior Member
Is it just me or with the iOS 8 beta my mail does not fetch automatically anymore and also autocorrect is there no matter what, it's off in the keyboard settings but yet it still keeps correcting?
You probably mean they don't push automatically.

I had the same problem. Go into "Setting > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data" and turn off Push. Then, delete your e-mail account from the iPhone. Turn it off and on or hard reset, then add the account again.

That should fix push. It did for me.


Man, I don't want to abandon Dropbox, but it almost seems like a given with how well-integrated a native solution will be compared to a third-party.

I love Dropbox, and I've been an early adopter from day 1 evangelizing for the service since 2006. That said, they've been way to stubborn on sticking to their pricing model in contrast to competitors (Box, Google, Microsoft), and part of it is that they're having a hard time deciding if they're going to be consumer-side (not exactly lucrative) and enterprise-side (not exactly successful there so far).

As of now, they clearly have more cachet with consumers, and they've invested a lot of money into the design team, which seems odd when they're a service offering with minimal app interaction.


Unless Apple provides support for Windows devices in the iCloud Drive service, it's of no use to me. Hoping they will though!


Man, I don't want to abandon Dropbox, but it almost seems like a given with how well-integrated a native solution will be compared to a third-party.

I love Dropbox, and I've been an early adopter from day 1 evangelizing for the service since 2006. That said, they've been way to stubborn on sticking to their pricing model in contrast to competitors (Box, Google, Microsoft), and part of it is that they're having a hard time deciding if they're going to be consumer-side (not exactly lucrative) and enterprise-side (not exactly successful there so far).

As of now, they clearly have more cachet with consumers, and they've invested a lot of money into the design team, which seems odd when they're a service offering with minimal app interaction.

You don't have to. What I gathered from some of the developer videos is that the iCloud Drive file browser also adds support for 3rd party services using extensions in both iOS and Yosemite.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
With Swift, do you think Apple is driving to the point where apps, not just documents, could be 'handed-off' between devices in proximity? I'm talking about universal apps that include Macs, as well as iDevices in the bundle.


With Swift, do you think Apple is driving to the point where apps, not just documents, could be 'handed-off' between devices in proximity? I'm talking about universal apps that include Macs, as well as iDevices in the bundle.

No, at least not with Swift, they are likely to accomplish this with other means. Extension bundles are executable code that live outside of your application code. They work on both Yosemite and iOS 8 (API compatible at least). They are packed into an app bundle.

Plus, iOS 8 just added support for having frameworks in app bundles. This will go a long way to being able to have multiple executables in one app bundle with different interfaces yet sharing the same logic - this is essentially what widgets, share extensions, service extensions etc are.

I think another avenue they could use is the new adaptability. It's code that displays in different ways depending on the device. Currently it is just for iOS, but I can see OS X being thrown in eventually.


Junior Member
Yay! :)

In that case, with the right pricing I'm there. I'm not a heavy user anyway - I think I have around 2.5GB in Dropbox.
Apple already announced most of the pricing plans.

You get 5 GB for free. $1 a month ($12 a year) gets you 20 GB. $4 a month ($48 a year) gets you 200 GB.

Apple announced the tiers include options up to 1 TB, but did not specify a price point beyond the 200-GB plan.


Thanks, I really should read a synopsis of the event. No point in me watching it, I never get past the ten minute mark.

$12/year for 20GB is more than adequate for my needs.


does anyone know if you'll be allowed to send https links of your icloud files similar to Dropbox?


does anyone know if you'll be allowed to send https links of your icloud files similar to Dropbox?
They have so many services to draw inspiration from, I'll be disappointed if they don't cherry pick the best and most essential characteristics from all of them (they can add some stuff too if they like). Not allowing the ability to share from a public location would be daft.
does anyone know if you'll be allowed to send https links of your icloud files similar to Dropbox?

I was wondering this also, on Dropbox is pretty easy to share a whole folder of pictures for example or if you just want to share one file you can just right click on it and push get link. So hopefully it is as easy on iCloud drive


Junior Member
That looks more like Pages on iCloud.com
It's from a section of the iCloud Drive preview on Apple in which it talks about editing and sharing between devices. If it's accessible from a webpage, as it is on the PC, then I imagine there will be HTTP links.
Someone tell me what exactly is Swift? Objective-C is used for both iOS and OS X. So can Swift. What is so special about Swift? Why should I use Swift instead of Objective-C?

Guess Who

Someone tell me what exactly is Swift? Objective-C is used for both iOS and OS X. So can Swift. What is so special about Swift? Why should I use Swift instead of Objective-C?

It's dramatically simpler and easier to learn/read/write while still being very powerful and performant.


Do we know if the "Tap to Talk" feature in Messages is supported only by the Apple keyboard? (i.e. we lose that functionality if we install a 3rd party keyboard)


Someone tell me what exactly is Swift? Objective-C is used for both iOS and OS X. So can Swift. What is so special about Swift? Why should I use Swift instead of Objective-C?

Object-C is a C-based programming language from from the 80s that has not seen much change. Most modern devs like cleaner and more expressive languages that have evolved since then and that more reasonably deal with common tasks without a lot of legacy baggage.


Junior Member
Do we know if the "Tap to Talk" feature in Messages is supported only by the Apple keyboard? (i.e. we lose that functionality if we install a 3rd party keyboard)
The third-party keyboard will have to incorporate it.

I imagine once people start making them specifically for iOS devices, they'll include the feature.


The third-party keyboard will have to incorporate it.

I imagine once people start making them specifically for iOS devices, they'll include the feature.

Judging by this beta photo of the Flesky keyboard running in iOS 8 there may not be anything to incorporate. Looks like 3rd party keyboards replace everything below the input line (which includes the voice record and camera buttons).



Junior Member
That's just one example, though.

Considering Apple has opened up Siri and Touch ID to third-party developers, I think it would make sense to allow them to borrow the keyboard features.

We'll see, I suppose.
If they're not going to allow third party keyboards to manipulate the cursor, they bloody well better be doing something to improve iOS's native control of it. It's so bloody fiddly to to place it back at a particular point in a sentence - something that was incredibly easy on the HTC Desire I had two years before I got a 4S.


Judging by this beta photo of the Flesky keyboard running in iOS 8 there may not be anything to incorporate. Looks like 3rd party keyboards replace everything below the input line (which includes the voice record and camera buttons).


They replace everything below the input line and can't touch anything above the input line:

Voice input would have to come from another source (maybe Google?) and the UI would be hard under Apple's restrictions.


can't you just do cmd+z ?

Yeah, sorry, what I actually meant to ask was if Safari finally had proper behavior when it comes to reopening closed tabs. Every other browser uses cmd+shift+T, and it can be used consecutively. In Safari, you can only reopen one tab. Besides, actually it doesn't necessarily reopen a tab. It's just undo, so if you just entered some text on a website (or if you did any other undoable action), cmd+Z will remove it instead.
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