Is anyone else excited about what sacred cows might be slaughtered in iOS9?
People have said for years that Apple would "never" do a centralised file system, or allow replacement keyboards. And yet they did.
What's next? Bluetooth file transfer to other devices (maybe in the form of Airdrop dropping down to bt to send files to non-Apple devices)? Unsigned applications with the relevant tickbox, like Gatekeeper? Default applications? Actual user accounts (I'm not even sure this needs to be the full monty, just something like presence that is fed through to each app to let it know who is using the device at the time - so it tells Facebook to load the correct profile).
I'm not sure that's quite a fair assessment/representation of the holy cows. iOS still does not have a centralized filesystem, the iCloud Drive feature still does not give you total access to your filesystem (At least that is not the impression I got from the Platform State of the Union). It is pretty cool, with extensions iCloud Drive seamlessly integrates file access to Drobox, Skydrive, Box and anyone else who wants to write an extension for the file picker.
I've never heard the replacement keyboards argument, but I'm sure some people claimed it would never happen.
Bluetooth file transfer is simply unlikely as they now have Airdrop and iCloud Drive; I simply don't see them investing time into it, but I could be wrong.
I'm not sure user accounts are a sacred cow as many people would like them. I've never needed them but sure why not.
Non-signed apps; they already kind of do this for enterprise and have for years, I don't see them extending it for code tinkerers any more than they have, not really any money in it; but I'll lose no sleep one way or the other.
Default applications: More like default browser/mail, I'm not sure there are any other apps people really clamor to change the default action of. With extensions it's really not an issue, they can simply register themselves in the share panel and call it good.
Here's a sacred cow I know will never be killed: themes and custom system fonts, never going to happen ever*.
*Unless they get really desperate like the Mac OS 8.6 era, when they were completely lost and had nothing but rotten code.
hirokazu: I've read it helps to log out of iCloud on the Mac and log back in... Haven't tried the Developer Preview yet.