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X-Men...incredibly good fan service!

Musashi Wins!

So the rush has started and a lot of decent games are going to get looked over...whether this will be one of them I'm not sure yet but I'd like to bring it to the attention of those who dig them some X-Men or a good brawler / crawler.

First off, screw Spider-Man 2, this appears to be the best comic book adaptation of the modern consoles. Where that title thrilled with a few mechanics but lackluster content, this one really shines with depth, both in game and in X-Men specific history. I played for nearly 2 hours last night and only finished the first map and a tour of the X-Men compound. The map was huge as is the mansion. Along the way I fought Mystique and the Blob, followed a relatively interesting storyline about the Mutant Menace, unlocked concept and cover art along with collecting a few more characters (you start as Wolverine), and messed around with all the mini-games in the mansion which include Danger Room training and a X-Men trivia game that gives you experience points for correct answers. Faaantastic.

It's by all means an overhead brawler, and if fighting hordes of anonymous badmen broken up by boss fights and some story scenes isn't your thing you probably won't enjoy it unless you're hypnotized by Marvel nostalgia (as I am). However, it does it's genre very proud. Fighting is quite fun with several moves available to each character including specific powers, equipment, etc. Levelling up is great fun with quite a bit of variety open to you. It's not the most beautiful game I've ever seen, but it does look quite nice with detailed environments (much of which is destructible) and the cell-shading really works here. The camera is adjustable and the only real problem I've run into with movement is that sometimes at stage switching areas the transition can be a bit uncertain with your character loading into the next stage. I'm sure that could be a bit of a larger problem with more people playing.

I am regrettably playing through it solo, but one more plus to the experience is that you can set your teammates AI patterns and item usage, and the controls are fantastically easy. You can swap Wolverines control for Cyclops in an instant as the situation demands.

I suppose the largest surprise I've had so far is the amount of detail and care that have gone into the surrounding story and RPG experience. They could have made a decent brawler and come out with the best X-Men game in awhile. Instead, they've made a fairly deep fighting RPG with a story and environment that is remarkably connected to the source material. There are a multitude of small touches that add to the fan factor (ie. the Canadian flag hanging in Wolverines room, signed with a message from Alpha Flight...The play on the excessive banter of Wolverine's character from his original comic, "I'm the best at what I do!"). It's just full of deep fan service as a game of this type should be..but it also plays with a lot of fun and even some difficulty.

Yea...this sounds like a big fanboy argument in it's favor, but honestly, I haven't read a Marvel comic in years upon years. This just brought it all back and did so because of it's quality of presentation. Check it out!

also...isn't Raven the same developer who did the Soldier of Fortune games??? If so, what the hell happened? Not that those games aren't unique in their own way but...this is a new and impressive direction for them.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Ah, crap, I don't need to hear this...although you did put a good idea into my head, Mushashi - maybe I'll trade in Spidey 2 for this...
Funny... I met a guy who claimed to have worked on the game... said it was going to be shit. But people seem to like it? Interesting...


kaching said:
Ah, crap, I don't need to hear this...although you did put a good idea into my head, Mushashi - maybe I'll trade in Spidey 2 for this...

Fucking do it. This game is tons tons better then SPidey 2. I mean, Spidey to was good in the representation of NY and the coolness of web-slinging but this game has so much more to it.

Game is pretty difficult to, at least the first part I played.(Im also at the mansion) Mystique kicked my ass 2 times, and I was just able to off the Blob without getting myself Squashed.

Awesome game. If you like stuff like Gauntlet Legends, Dark Alliance, Champions of NOrrath or stuff like that this game is great, especially if you like X-Men.

The only thing I dont like is that you cant jump into multiplayer right off the bat. 1 player has to go through the first level just as Wolverine untill you find Cyclops and then the third and fourth player have to wait.

Musashi Wins!

FortNinety said:
Funny... I met a guy who claimed to have worked on the game... said it was going to be shit. But people seem to like it? Interesting...

Really? I'd think given the genre they would be proud of the combat along with the obvious amount of detail work. Plus, it's getting pretty good reviews.

This game is way better than Spidey, IMO.

Yea, it's on all the consoles. I know that makes some people unhappy but just play it - everyone gets a chance.

86% on gamerankings so far!


I almost bought it last night, but the full price turned me off. $10 cheaper and it would be mine... but I opted for Burnout3 instead.


On ebgames.com Xbox page, it's listed at $19.99 but the link doesn't work. :( Any way we can take advantage of this?


Thanks for the great post. I'll be getting this tomorrow. It is indeed an example of a title that will be overlooked....Not the most overlooked title this season, seeing as how it has the X-Men license...but I still get a vibe that this game will slip under the radar.


GameFan Alumnus
Xmen Legends is way better than Spidey. It's longer, has more depth, and looks much better in 720p.
Eggo said:
Xmen Legends is way better than Spidey. It's longer, has more depth, and looks much better in 720p.

IAWTP. Spider-Man sucked balls. Swinging was fun, but otherwise a completely forgettable game. The production values for this game are through the roof. Getting Patrick Stewart was a great move and the CG story sequences are simply jaw dropping.


Scary Euro Man
I ordered it today (GC version, on the grounds that I've not got a modded XBox, and I figure there might be some demand round here for a four-player version). Looking forward to it more by the minute...


Damnit, I've already got a list of games I'm thinking of picking up:

Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection
Gradius V
Pikmin 2

and now X-Men Legends comes along. I can afford all of these games if I want to but I'm just too damn busy to devote much time to games these days.

So how good is X-Men Legends, really? I heard that all characters only have 4 special abilites which kind of sucks. Wouldn't it get repetitive real quick? Also, if I like old-school 2D side-scrolling fighting games (Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc), am I going to like this?


A couple of questions:

1) Is this game already out, or is it coming out in the near future? If the latter, what is the street date?

2) How is the difficulty level? My girlfriend LOVES the X-Men, but is not really into gaming. Do you think she'd be able to get into the game?

3) Is there a PS2 version? If so, does it support widescreen and/or 480p?

Last but not least, the thread title is confusing me. I always thought "fan service" meant "panty shot" -- does this mean that Wolverine is in drag?


-jinx- said:
A couple of questions:

1) Is this game already out, or is it coming out in the near future? If the latter, what is the street date?

2) How is the difficulty level? My girlfriend LOVES the X-Men, but is not really into gaming. Do you think she'd be able to get into the game?

3) Is there a PS2 version? If so, does it support widescreen and/or 480p?

Last but not least, the thread title is confusing me. I always thought "fan service" meant "panty shot" -- does this mean that Wolverine is in drag?

1) Yes, it's out

3) Yes, not sure about widescreen and 480 P

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Does anyone know where to input the codes for new outfits? I saw a code for one set of outfits on some promo cards for the game, but it didn't say where to actually input the code (which IIRC is up, up, right, left, down, down, start)

Musashi Wins!

Mejilan said:
I picked it up for the Cube 2 days ago, but alas, work and study have kept me away.

dude, don't study, play. god, this game is fun.

The Jewish people cordially invite you to play X-Men.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I made a terrible mistake, actually. By study, I actually meant that I went out buying a crapload of art supplies for my new art class, and began filling in my sketch book with renditions and whatnot.

Only to realize that my class is cancelled tomorrow due to Yom Kippur. Hell, we were cancelled last week for Rosh Hashana, and the week before, the professor told us we'd be out for only a week, not for two straight.

It didn't hit me until a couple of hours after that post that I didn't have class tomorrow, and by then, well, it's too late to play now. I'd probably get hooked and be up until the early morning, and I still have a full day of work tomorrow!

Ergh. Well, I'll probably be playing lots of X-Men Legends instead of eating or drinking this weekend.


I'd like to echo Musashi's thoughts on this game. It's just a great (beat 'em up, d.crawler..rpg) game. Tons of fun, especially if you're an X-Men fan.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Traded in Sly 2 for this today, fun combat so far, and the amount of upgrade options seems great.

I do worry about the slowdown though, on Xbox just wandering through the first few areas alone taking on a few baddies caused a bit of sluggishness here and there. I fear the full onslaught of a full party filling the screen with particle jizz and polygon tossing. How has it fared so far for you people?

Musashi Wins!

Brandon F said:
Traded in Sly 2 for this today, fun combat so far, and the amount of upgrade options seems great.

I do worry about the slowdown though, on Xbox just wandering through the first few areas alone taking on a few baddies caused a bit of sluggishness here and there. I fear the full onslaught of a full party filling the screen with particle jizz and polygon tossing. How has it fared so far for you people?

That's honestly not a problem I've had at all with mine (Xbox version too) and I'm about 4 hours in.


Musashi Wins! said:
So the rush has started and a lot of decent games are going to get looked over...whether this will be one of them I'm not sure yet but I'd like to bring it to the attention of those who dig them some X-Men or a good brawler / crawler.

First off, screw Spider-Man 2, this appears to be the best comic book adaptation of the modern consoles. Where that title thrilled with a few mechanics but lackluster content, this one really shines with depth, both in game and in X-Men specific history. I played for nearly 2 hours last night and only finished the first map and a tour of the X-Men compound. The map was huge as is the mansion. Along the way I fought Mystique and the Blob, followed a relatively interesting storyline about the Mutant Menace, unlocked concept and cover art along with collecting a few more characters (you start as Wolverine), and messed around with all the mini-games in the mansion which include Danger Room training and a X-Men trivia game that gives you experience points for correct answers. Faaantastic.

It's by all means an overhead brawler, and if fighting hordes of anonymous badmen broken up by boss fights and some story scenes isn't your thing you probably won't enjoy it unless you're hypnotized by Marvel nostalgia (as I am). However, it does it's genre very proud. Fighting is quite fun with several moves available to each character including specific powers, equipment, etc. Levelling up is great fun with quite a bit of variety open to you. It's not the most beautiful game I've ever seen, but it does look quite nice with detailed environments (much of which is destructible) and the cell-shading really works here. The camera is adjustable and the only real problem I've run into with movement is that sometimes at stage switching areas the transition can be a bit uncertain with your character loading into the next stage. I'm sure that could be a bit of a larger problem with more people playing.

I am regrettably playing through it solo, but one more plus to the experience is that you can set your teammates AI patterns and item usage, and the controls are fantastically easy. You can swap Wolverines control for Cyclops in an instant as the situation demands.

I suppose the largest surprise I've had so far is the amount of detail and care that have gone into the surrounding story and RPG experience. They could have made a decent brawler and come out with the best X-Men game in awhile. Instead, they've made a fairly deep fighting RPG with a story and environment that is remarkably connected to the source material. There are a multitude of small touches that add to the fan factor (ie. the Canadian flag hanging in Wolverines room, signed with a message from Alpha Flight...The play on the excessive banter of Wolverine's character from his original comic, "I'm the best at what I do!"). It's just full of deep fan service as a game of this type should be..but it also plays with a lot of fun and even some difficulty.

Yea...this sounds like a big fanboy argument in it's favor, but honestly, I haven't read a Marvel comic in years upon years. This just brought it all back and did so because of it's quality of presentation. Check it out!

also...isn't Raven the same developer who did the Soldier of Fortune games??? If so, what the hell happened? Not that those games aren't unique in their own way but...this is a new and impressive direction for them.
So uh... what's the game called?


Quadrophenic said:
so...how many playable X-Men? and who made the cut (spoilers, i guess)?
From the Gamespot review :
You'll select a team of up to four X-Men from a roster that includes Cyclops, Wolverine, Iceman, Beast, Jean Gray, Colossus, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Gambit, and more. Magma will also eventually join your team, thus making her available for field missions
and also:
Aside from cooperative play, the game also lets you enter a separate multiplayer mode where you can skirmish against either AI-controlled characters or other players. Here you'll be able to unlock and play as many of the game's enemies as well as your X-Men, giving you the chance to play as Juggernaut, Havok, Marrow, Mystique, Pyro, Sabretooth, a variety of sentinels, and a mess of enemy soldiers.
Serafitia said:
I'll be getting this next week :( What's the best version out there? Cube or Xtruck?

xtruck. They all play the same and surprisingly the Cubes movies arent as washed out. Lack of buttons on GC controller means combined button presses to replenish energy. But in the end if you want a pretty game, then get it on Box.


Running off of Custom Firmware
There are no controller problems with the Cube version. I've put 10.5 hours into it, in two sit-down sessions, and it controls perfectly.

I can't believe how bad the music, graphics, and framerate are, however. First gen stuff, perhaps worse.

But the game is 100% fun. Both as a simple beat 'em up, and as a dungeon crawler. I'm hooked and loving it.
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