love this game so far.
Combat is simple but the positioning, skills and enemy types makes it very engaging. And it
feels great (but I expected nothing less from a Falcom game of that era).
I actually enjoy the translation and writing. Dungeons/areas are interesting to explore. Small things like the fact that you are always guaranteed a chest per room and can juggle which enemy you get it from seem like they should have become an influence in the genre.
And to top it off, not only does it have Vancian magic, it has
Vancian skills!
Wow the Goblins in clover ruins are crazy, I can only hit them for 1 damage.
I killed those by using the skill which downs them and then comboing them in the back while downed. Also did just 1 damage when attacking them straight. (One level later I was doing 3 damage and it was much easier)
Sara, would it be possible to get a way to disable the game's built-in framepacing? It shouldn't be needed if you run it V-synced at 60Hz, and it might fix the intermittent framepacing issues I and seemingly some others are having.