Honestly, if they gave me Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, I could leave this thread and never come back.
I wouldn't because I actually really look forward to Tues and Thurs.
Honestly, if they gave me Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, I could leave this thread and never come back.I wouldn't because I actually really look forward to Tues and Thurs.
If this happened my weekend would be done.Honestly, if they gave me Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, I could leave this thread and never come back.I wouldn't because I actually really look forward to Tues and Thurs.
With Crackdown 3 delayed, I'd like for MS to toss us a bone with the OG Crackdown being BC today.
The best Battlefield game on 360 is here. Rejoice!
Tuesday and Thursday at midnight, it's the schedule depending on your time zone.
someone please list the remaining cod and battlefield games still not BC, i want to know how many weeks i need to suffer till they are all crossed from the list
i'm being salty but i remember bad company being kinda fun tho
My Top 26 Most Wanted but really like 40
[1] lost planet 1/2/3
[2] AVP
[3] Colonial MArines
[4] Ace Combat 6 - AH
[5] Armored Core
[6] Crackdown
[7] Ghost recon AW1/2/ FS /End war
[8] HAWX1/2
[9] Mortal Combat 9
[10] Marble Blast Ultra
[11] RE Revelations - Op Racoon City - Veronica
[12] Armored Core 4 - For answer
[13] BF Bad company 1 - 1943
[14] Aftrer Burner Climax
[15] Burnout Revenge
[16] Deadly Premonition
[17] Crysis 2 and 3
[18] Far cry Classic - instincts - 2
{19} Kane and Lynch
{20} Mafia 2
[21] Max Payne 3
[22] Metal gear HD
[23] NFL Blitz
[24] Sniper elite 2
[25] Saints row 1 2 3
[26] the outfit
I'm going to include the cross-platform ones considering we got the 360 version of Ghosts. * = cross platform
Battlefield 1943
Battlefield 4*
Battlefield Hardline *
Call of Duty Classic
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare*
Call of Duty Black Ops 3*
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Was Call Of Duty Classic ever on sale digitally as a standalone title? I got mine along Black Ops I think. I'm just wondering if this is another Quake 2 scenario.
Nice, I'd love that going BC!Yes, they eventually released it standalone a few months down the line.
And with Mark of the Ninja being spotted a few weeks ago by EvB, I'm sure that list will be diminished soon!![]()
Wished they'd just add Battlefield: Bad Company 1.
No interest in BC2, I need that BC1!
Wished they'd just add Battlefield: Bad Company 1.
No interest in BC2, I need that BC1!
Did they ever release in Germany? Wasn't it refused certification back in the 360 days? If my memory is correct then I think that would be a weird place to announce itI'd assume Crackdown 1 and 2 BC will be announced and released at Gamescom.
It would be a good place to announce that they're now available in Germany(like they did with the Gears games).Did they ever release in Germany? Wasn't it refused certification back in the 360 days? If my memory is correct then I think that would be a weird place to announce it