Because it's just yet another moaning about xbox thread.
Xbox doesn't lack console exclusives - there's a load of them, especially if the comparison is against PS5 and so includes games released for xbox and switch.
It might lack console exclusives that you like, but that doesn't mean it lacks exclusives.
If this is just "just yet another thread moaning about xbox" it means that there is a problem regarding exclusives and/or quality titles.
I'm very sorry guys and gals but looking at some of the replies I get the feeling that some people are so jaded and cynic that you can't have an actual healthy discussion about...anything really.
If you dare to express your own opinion you're immediately labeled as a "whiner" and or a fanboy, and that's the reason why I don't participate as much as I'd like in this forum, I mean, shouldn't a forum be a place where people discuss things ? Apparently not since things devolve into the usual Vs bullshit and/or snarky/ drive-by shit-posts/comments with people replying to others like they're some friggin bots on the other end of their screen, it's just miserable in the end , no humanity, no respect whatsoever, everything is a meme, then again, this is the internet we're talking about so it doesn't really come as a surprise.
Let me put it this way :
Are we not able or allowed to express our thoughts and/or opinions in here ? Are we supposed to only express positive opinions about X brand ? Why ?
As an example, I recently spent a good amount of money on an LG OLED C2, yes, the picture is very, very good but the webOS 6 is some of the worst s@it I've ever seen on a TV - am I not allowed to say so ? Am I suddenly an anti-LG troll? I mean shit, I spent my hard earned money on something , am I not allowed to share my thoughts ?
This is the problem , people playing the Capo's with other people wallets , then again, that's what real "brand royalty" does to some people (and yet, accuse other people of the same thing) - people have always been like this though when it comes to their "precious" things , be it a soccer team, a car/motorcycle brand , phone brand etc etc, those are the real "fanboys" with an actual (complex) agenda.
I explained my train of though in my 1st post regarding the exclusivity thing and I also said to try to not go down the "usual path®" these threads go and what happens ? The usual 5-6 suspects show up in here (I'm not that new in here boys) trying to stir shit up , why ? Can't you have a calm, normal and healthy discussion ? Why does everything have to delve into the usual Vs bullshit and "LOL You're trying to farm Sonypoints©" ? Are you that fookin' jaded ? I mean, JFC at some of these replies, you'd think that you'd stepped on their dog's tail but nope, it's the usual Internet forum misery, why ? Aren't you supposed to be better than the "other" forum were no actual opinions are allowed ? Practice what you preach boyos

(or at the very least , try to).
It's kinda funny actually, apparently you can't mention Xbox and Playstation in the same topic since the Vs wars are always lurking somewhere in the background, why ? These are fookin' plastic boxes that run games in the end, are some of you so jaded that can't fathom other people having different opinions? It'd be kind of fun if the majority of users were 18 years old max but to think that there are actual grown men trying the same ol'tired BS in here is just tiring.
No, I don't want people to necessarily agree with my opinion(s) nor do I need the poll results as to know what to do with my purchases, that's all for the sake of fun and (trying) to have an actual discussion about this common hobby of ours, that's it...
Just try to be cool, no need to be angry or cynic all the damned time.