It will be exactly what Phil said. It will be a game by game basis and ones that make sense.
Hi Fi Rush. Sea of thieves. Minecraft. Grounded maybe
Explain case by case basis. So lets say Hi fi rush sells like crazy on Nintendo and PlayStation, do case by case means Phil will tell some studios they cant make money on PlayStation and Nintendo? Please elaborate.
Phil : Hey guys i know Hi-Fi rush just sold 6 million on PlayStation and Nintendo but you guy have to not make moneys, sorry.
Studio not allowed to make money : But Phil why?
Phil : Just because bro. I need to make sure the small base who don't buy games on Xbox consoles dont get mad and complain on Twitter.
Studio not allowed to make money : Hey Mr. Nadella, Phil wont let us make millions of dollars for Microsoft so he could appease the small base that didn't buy games when Xbox had exclusive games.
Nadella : Phil Wtf please explain...?
Phil : Yeah i know we spent 70 billion dollars, i know we have been bleeding money since the end of the 360 generation, i know you almost closed down the Xbox division, i know i know.. I know Hi-Fi Rush sold millions on PlayStation and Nintendo but i have to make sure the small base on Xbox who stuck with us and complains on Twitter that don't buy games are happy.
Nadella : You're fucking fired.