yeah so I am on the final mission as I write this.... feeling a little somber knowing that this is it
So I've lost multiple soldiers in my new current Legend ironman playthrough, about four missions into the game. Every mission has been a success otherwise, just at the cost of Xcom operatives.
I care, commander. *hugs*
I have been thinking of balance changes of my own, lately.
I like the lenght of legend, and feel it could even be longer. What I don't like about legend is how you need to survive the first few months, but I do like the difficulty of the missions themselves, I just think the consequences are too harsh.
Otoh, I think harsh consequences are necessary. This balancing games thing is tough.
But here are my thoughts.
I like playing with the IESS+ mod (increased enemy size squad) and 6-8 soldiers, because it makes the game slightly more difficulty (having two extra soldiers against 3 extra stun lancers in a pod favors the AI, imo).
I like the long wounded times and the high XP requirements because it makes someone getting shot at or a high ranking soldier getting killed something that matters. Something that I really really do not want to happen.
I don't like losing the overall game too soon because getting back up from a failed mission or even from a string of successful missions that, nonetheless, pile up the dead and the injuried. Reading the other thread about how Darkest Dungeon works, I may have developed problems to losing the game at all. lol
So, my proposed changes (to myself, but I'm curious to see other people's opinion) is to reduce the rookie costs to zero, so you never lose until you actually see a game over screen. Still, you don't want to have people shot or killed (unless they are rookies, lol) because you don't want to keep throwing rookies out there, you want real soldiers who are actually capable of getting the job done.
I am fine with how the avatar timer works right now, but might extend its duration a little bit.
If the game ends up being too easy, to work on making one of my issues with the game even worse by somehow making the beggining even harder.
The thought is to make the overall game balance itself by preventing you to snowball into victory, yet not letting you lose because of free rookies.
I think, eventually, you get strong anyway because of how endgame tech and high ranking skills are amazing.
But by sheer force of failing missions and losing soldiers, getting to that point is a slow climb, instead of a sudden turning point.
I'm also thinking of some sort of adaptive changes too, like flawless missions triggering dark events or something, but you would have to pretend not knowing about that, lol.
So I've lost multiple soldiers in my new current Legend ironman playthrough, about four missions into the game. Every mission has been a success otherwise, just at the cost of Xcom operatives.
geez this final mission is freaking long. gonna have to go to bed before I finish it... guess I gotta finish it when I get home from work... whenever that is
i just finished the last mission, performance is so bad, i actually finished a whole movie while playing the game. lol.
New to the series. How bad is it to lose a couple of solders?
what's your difficulty
Why is it that almost every single first comment on workshop mods is "upload to nexus" or some variation thereof?
So I've lost multiple soldiers in my new current Legend ironman playthrough, about four missions into the game. Every mission has been a success otherwise, just at the cost of Xcom operatives.
How do I get Elium cores? I'm seriously lacking in War and wraith armor
How do I get Elium cores? I'm seriously lacking in War and wraith armor
Loot. Did you get the vulture perk at the GTS?
Because manual install > workshop.Why is it that almost every single first comment on workshop mods is "upload to nexus" or some variation thereof?
Because manual install > workshop.
What are the benefits?
Spraking of workshop, is there any way to see which mods updated? There's always some download being made, but it just generically says it is the workshop.
Then you flashbang the Sectoid hanging out behind and get 7 soldiers on a mission!
I'd rather free a solder like how they rescued Morpheus in The Matrix. Was cool.
Apparently you can get a rescue mission that rewards with a captured soldier.
But I would prefer to see a modded mission type dedicated to that.
Don't you already do that on rescue missions?
Minus the chopper and the machine gun and the ability to actually see inside a building with multiple stories
Did a search for "XCOM 2 mods", ended up getting linked to this article on a viper mod.
I have not cringed so hard in awhile. Ow.