you can only use? whut >_>4 soldiers in the last mission
There's another after it.
you can only use? whut >_>4 soldiers in the last mission
I started my second run yesterday and just wondering about an "infinite play" kind of mod to let me play without worrying about the avatar progress or at least stretch/slow the time required to finish the game. Yea I'm asking about a Long War type of experience and it's too early for that I guess.
I wish they would make the multiplayer point pool more configurable. I'd love to be able to do just 6 on 6 advent trooper matches. Just pure tactics and positioning.
I did find a mod that adds 4 to the turn meter on timed missions so my main complaint with the game is now resolved. I actually wouldn't mind only adding two to keep things slightly more pressured. Fuck the default turns though shit sucks.
I hit a crazy difficulty spike on a Blacksite mission. Felt pretty good about my squad, tried to upgrade all their equipment as much as possible, brought most of my main group of soliders.
They were not prepared.
First, I encounter my first.Sectopod
Then, my firsttogether with two Advent troopers. I took 'em down pretty fast. Not so tough, huh?? Wait what it fuckingAndromedoncomes back to life!?
After that, I trigger a Sectoid and Codex, and I had the objective toand I do so. At the same time I trigger a group two mutons and anotherskullmine the codex. So as they move into position, this crazy thing called anandromedonsprings into action.Avatar
Thank god it wasn't a timed mission because I at least could do the opposite of what the thread title suggests and retreat fast like hell and set up overwatch traps to thin their numbers. But holy hell that, not looking forward to facing more of those.Avatar
Btw, so far I love the balance between classes. They really nailed it, I feel handicapped anytime I do a mission without all of the classes represented in the squad.
I've been using this one and it's pretty neat, you can customise it or disable it so you won't lose your save if you want to change things around, plus it has a cool random option to mix things up.
Beaglerush + Grenadier spam + mimic beacons
Beaglerush + Grenadier spam + mimic beacons
Beaglerush + Grenadier spam + mimic beacons
You can only train two at once, you could alternate I guess. Just imagining mind controlling 6 enemies every battle, would not be a fair fight at all haha.
Yo, that's not my screenshot. It's Beaglerush's
no one knows who that is.![]()
Disoriented soldiers can't hack? This is bullshit. Complete bullshit.
The greatest xcom player to surf the internets.
It's funny how Chyrsalids are one of themGame-ending bugs, on the other hand, yeah. I got nothing hahahaha. Anyone playing Legendary Ironman right now is a brave, brave person.
Yeah, they really need to make it so the mimic beacon is treated identically to other soldiers in terms of AI target selection. It's preposterous right now, just a free turn panic button.Especially mimic beacon completely breaks the game. I mean, who cares about soldiers without cover or flanked soldiers, when you can just throw a beacon and get another turn.
Okay, maybe make it a slightly higher priority than a regular soldier, but right now enemies will run away from open flanks on your guys to cluster around the shiny blue thing.I think it has to go slightly beyond that. If treated equally, good AI would always shoot at a target out in the open rather than one in cover.
I think it has to go slightly beyond that. If treated equally, good AI would always shoot at a target out in the open rather than one in cover.
Do these mods disable achievements?
mimic beacons should only be able to survive 1 attack
I never used them, they act like extra units? :O
I never used them, they act like extra units? :O
I never used them, they act like extra units? :O
mimic beacons should only be able to survive 1 attack
mine survive like 2 attacks, so I don't see why they are so overpowered?
or is there a way to upgrade them?