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XCOM 2 Review thread


Did you guys who ordered from GMG already get your key to preload, or are you going to have to wait until release day to get it?

didn't get it yet, but they have yet to let me down with codes. Usually the day before or earlier.

This is definitely one of those games I'd be miffed about if they were late with keys, but I don't think anyone's ever had a problem with 2K keys from them.


XCOM 2 is ranked in the top 1.2% of games scored on OpenCritic

Well that's impressive.

Still need to play the first game, not going to buy XCOM2 until I do that. I have it and Enemy Within, just need to actually play them now.


Yeah my only qualm about it was I remember reading at one point they said they were designing the interface with mouse and keyboard in mind so it wouldn't work as well with a controller but as far as I can tell it's basically the same thing as the last game?

It sure seems similar, but generally with just more. Maybe they felt once you got even more small icons and a more crowded overworld that it would continue to become slightly harder to work with a controller?

Aaron D.

Hmm to digital deluxe or not to digital deluxe?

One this to consider is that DD features the Reinforcement Pack (season pass) and game Soundtrack, along with the Resistance Warrior skins pack on all pre-orders.

If you later decide to simply buy the Reinforcement Pack ($19.99) standalone, you'll miss out on the Soundtrack and RW skin pack as they're not part of that package.


One this to consider is that DD features the Reinforcement Pack (season pass) and game Soundtrack, along with the Resistance Warrior skins pack on all pre-orders.

If you later decide to simply buy the Reinforcement Pack ($19.99) standalone, you'll miss out on the Soundtrack and RW skin pack as they're not part of that package.

If you preorder the standard edition you get the RW skin pack anyway don't you?


It sure seems similar, but generally with just more. Maybe they felt once you got even more small icons and a more crowded overworld that it would continue to become slightly harder to work with a controller?
Could be possible they just didn't want to limit when they could do by making sure everything could work intuitively with a controller at launch. Apparently soldiers can have way more abilities now which means nearly 10 items on the hotbar. And the way the geoscape works looks built for mouse and keyboard primarily. Some of the other stuff ui elements are just holdovers from the last game. Either way it looks like a much improved mouse and keyboard setup all around even if it doesn't outwardly show it right away.
I've played XCOM so much that I just got the bug where if you have a ton of saves, they all start showing up out of order. :/ Sure hope the UI is more PC friendly this time.
EU/EW screams mobile interface, with the scrolling in dialog/text windows (despite having huge portions of the screen available) and how scrolling with the mouse wheel skips a bunch of items (save games, soldiers, items), rather than just advancing the list.
This doesn't seem available at all in North America. And by that I don't mean that the voucher doesn't work, I just mean that the game can't even be pre-ordered.

I had that problem until I typed XCOM into the search bar and then selected the version with (NA) next to it. Then the 20% off voucher worked, and I went with the digital deluxe


Is there any reason this isnt coming to consoles? I loved the first Xcom enemy unknown.. My pc cant even run the first game :(


Is there any reason this isnt coming to consoles? I loved the first Xcom enemy unknown.. My pc cant even run the first game :(

EU sold badly on consoles and Firaxis is a small team, so they're focusing on releasing the game on one platform. They may release it later on consoles tho.


Would you guys play the first one before Xcom 2 as a new player in the series?

I've played some turn-based games over the last few months, but haven't touched the Xcom Series yet.
More people should play the orignial(s) and/or Xenonauts. Helps you really get in the XCOM mood.


Strange there is no controller support. The first one played great with a controller. It's turned based so there really isn't any need for quick mouse movements like in an RTS.

Not a big deal to me either way. I still haven't finished playing EU nor even touched EW. It runs great on the Alienware Alpha. Played a few missions this weekend.
No controller support?? NOoooo.. that's basically a dealbreaker for me. Will wait until it's added in then, game sounds awesome otherwise.


Is there any reason this isnt coming to consoles? I loved the first Xcom enemy unknown.. My pc cant even run the first game :(
Last one didn't sell well on consoles and they're trying to make this into a Civ style success by being heavily modable and designed first for that audience. That said, wouldn't put it past them for this on consoles but it really depends on the route they take post launch. They could go hard into DLC and full expansions like Civ 5 instead since the team is pretty small.

Civ V is still one of the most played games on Steam so I suppose this is their shot at doing that for XCOM. Definitely seems like it's doing everything right!

Everyone wanting controller support needs a Steam Controller.


Neo Member
Aw yeah, soon.


I must hurry and beat my EW playthrough by the weekend! I just beat the base defense mission, so I'm assuming it won't take long to get through the rest of the game based on what I've heard, especially since I'm
playing on easy difficulty and save scumming, fight me.
Even though XCOM 2's basic premise spoils what's going to happen for me in the first game, I'd still like beat it.
Hoping for some sort of controller support fairly soon after launch. I absolutely disliked playing Enemy Unknown with KB/M and controller was fantastic with that game.


Is there any reason this isnt coming to consoles? I loved the first Xcom enemy unknown.. My pc cant even run the first game :(

The general assumption is that sales of the first one were poor on consoles compared to PC, even though the PC version had quite a few issues due to the lack of focus on it. They haven't ruled out Xcom 2 coming to consoles later on, but chances are the PC and any future console versions will end up being very different as time goes on. Firaxis have gone all in with the modding support and tools to such a massive level beyond so many other games. The potential for the game to be expanded upon and evolve further is huge thanks to what Firaxis re providing and opening up. Even right out of the gate they have worked with the Long War guys. I think Firaxis are very focused on that PC side of things and having this be a very long lasting game with a large growing community even beyond Civ V on Steam, which is a huge long time earner for them despite with even less modding support than Xcom 2


Hoping for some sort of controller support fairly soon after launch. I absolutely disliked playing Enemy Unknown with KB/M and controller was fantastic with that game.

I'm a console gamer first, but don't mind KB/M for a slow paced, point and click game like this. Enemy Unknown played fine without it. I actually bought Enemy Within on Android (better than the PS3 version). So, I'll live for a while without controller support.
As someone who has never gotten into strategy games, I'm wondering if XCOM 2 would be the one to finally hook me.

XCOM is a strategy game for sure,but I reckon when people hear the word strategy,they think of Total War,Civ or Starcraft series where you have to tinker with 50 different things at the same time.

XCOM is way more accessible and generally you see visible results for most your choices right away and the moment to moment gameplay during the missions are "action"-y enough to keep you interested even if you're not a huge traditional strategy fan.
It's also way more personal in scope compared to those other games where you're leading armies,you'll feel more attached to the soldiers you're customizing/leveling up similar to rpgs (and their deaths will be more meaningful as well).That was probably the main hook for me personally.


Awesome that it's reviewing so well, XCOM was my GOTY for 2012. I have a lot on my plate right now but will likely pick this up later, hopefully when controller support is added.


I am beyond psyched for this game. XCOM EU was so good that I bought it on both PC and console, which is something I never do. I had to buy a new graphics card to play this one, hopefully it runs good when I dive in.

Did they make the Long War or whatever it was called part of the game this time around? The whole racing the aliens to the finish line sounds cool, but I'd honestly rather play a long drawn out campaign.


This looks great but I don't think I have a punishing and stressful game in me right now.

I feel like xcom is in this weird limbo between intense and comfy. I might do my first run on Veteran instead of Commander to ease up on the stressful aspect but then I remember how incredibly memorable my original classic ironman was...I can still tell stories about specific missions that happened over 3 years ago.

I can say one thing though, the cinematic camera proc-ing randomly instead of only on kill shots is going to send me into a panic until I'm used to it.


I am beyond psyched for this game. XCOM EU was so good that I bought it on both PC and console, which is something I never do. I had to buy a new graphics card to play this one, hopefully it runs good when I dive in.

Did they make the Long War or whatever it was called part of the game this time around? The whole racing the aliens to the finish line sounds cool, but I'd honestly rather play a long drawn out campaign.

They've said that legend difficulty is 1.5-2 times as long as a normal game, so kinda. Might not fully get there though.


Yes but I won't buy the game on the chance it will happen, it has to happen before I lay down money. I'm super disappointed :(

I understand, just note that because this game was made with PC in mind instead of consoles like the original, if/when controller support happens, it won't be as good as on the original.

it's not so simple as to "mod" controller support. You could do that with games like Mass Effect because the modder was pulling the controller stuff out of the 360 version. Otherwise, there isn't really a way to get the game to recognize a controller if it wasn't designed to do so outside of xpadder or something like that, which is really just mouse and keyboard emulation

I agree, normally it's not as simple. However, considering Firaxis is giving people the entire code and tools that they used to make the game, I'm sure the ability is there.


They've said that legend difficulty is 1.5-2 times as long as a normal game, so kinda. Might not fully get there though.

Meh, I'd prefer playing the long campaign on Normal. There will probably be a mod for that eventually. I'll want to knock out the harder difficulties as fast as possible. I'm sure they will be painful.
I'm a console gamer first, but don't mind KB/M for a slow paced, point and click game like this. Enemy Unknown played fine without it. I actually bought Enemy Within on Android (better than the PS3 version). So, I'll live for a while without controller support.

I tried Enemy Unknown with a KB/M and I just couldn't do it. Preferences I suppose. I don't even have anything against KB/M (I play a lot of League, so I'm pretty conformable with the setup). Controller was just better for me.

Still gonna play the game regardless. I have it pre-ordered, just waiting on GMG to send me a key.


I tried Enemy Unknown with a KB/M and I just couldn't do it. Preferences I suppose. I don't even have anything against KB/M (I play a lot of League, so I'm pretty conformable with the setup). Controller was just better for me.

Still gonna play the game regardless. I have it pre-ordered, just waiting on GMG to send me a key.

EU on KBAM sucked in general, preferences or not. The game's interfact was poorly designed and oriented around controllers. That is likely the entire reason they focused on KBAM this time, so they could actually do it right.
I mean that code didn't work yesterday either for me in NA, so you probably didn't miss much. Game looks like it is worth the extra $1.6.


Strange there is no controller support. The first one played great with a controller. It's turned based so there really isn't any need for quick mouse movements like in an RTS.

Not a big deal to me either way. I still haven't finished playing EU nor even touched EW. It runs great on the Alienware Alpha. Played a few missions this weekend.

The UI of the original was severely gimped to work for controllers, and that bled into the game design as well. I'm glad that they aren't gearing this one towards controllers so it won't be clunky.


That pre-battle track a few pages back might just be the song I need on repeat to get me through this week.


From EGM review:

This gameplay of random chance was part of what made people fall in love with Enemy Unknown, yet it feels more frustrating this time around. Taking issue with a probabilistic system is always a dangerous gambit considering the abundance of counter-arguments, but my issue is not the fact that an attack with an 80% chance to hit may end up missing. My issue is that that one miss can quickly snowball into your otherwise sound team being demolished, which in turn can snowball into serious issues for the overall campaign, often in ways that are just too difficult to recover from. This is not a direct criticism of the game itself, but it is something new players should be aware of before they put a huge time commitment into something that can blow up in their face with a luck of the draw.

Welcome to the real world. This is exactly what makes these games exciting to play.

Also why was someone with less than 10 years of gaming experience (apparently mainly on Playstation consoles) allowed to review a big PC game like XCOM 2?
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