Very true, but was Wii hardware really that much more advanced than the Gamecube's? Is the 3DS more powerful than the Gamecube?
Wii is a GameCube with a bit more RAM.
Very true, but was Wii hardware really that much more advanced than the Gamecube's? Is the 3DS more powerful than the Gamecube?
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D launches today on Nintendo 3DS XL (the first game that requires Nintendo's new handheld to run), and we were able to send a few questions over to the game's developers in Japan. Check out the Q&A below that covers Xenoblade's original launch on Wii, what it took to bring the game to a portable device, and a few details about the upcoming Wii U-exclusive Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Answers were provided by Testuya Takahashi (the head of developer Monolith Soft), representatives from Monster Games (the company that worked on the 3DS port), and representatives from Nintendo SPD (an internal Nintendo developer that is lending support to Monolith).
Were there any particular technological or UI hurdles to bringing the game to 3DS?
Monster Games: The biggest technical hurdle when porting between Wii and New Nintendo 3DS XL is that the two systems have very different capabilities. All these differences kept the project from being a simple port. Every part of the game had to be reworked to account for the capabilities of New Nintendo 3DS XL hardware. For example, New Nintendo 3DS XL has a different GPU architecture, so none of the art assets could be directly used. The team had to rebuild all the graphical assets while making sure it still looked as good as the original game. Each world was carefully optimized by the art staff and we needed to invent new techniques to render the large scenes where the player can see far into the distance. It wasn't until late in the project that we finally were able to make sure the frame rate was good everywhere.
Regarding the UI design, our big challenge was to maintain the look and feel of the original game, while taking advantage of the dual screens. There are hundreds of screens in the game and the design had to work for many languages. The design team spent over a month mocking up various UI designs until we got one that seemed to work well. Once we converted the screens to run on New Nintendo 3DS XL, we brushed up the artwork to fit the small screens and fine-tuned the placement of the elements. Given the number of screens and languages, this process took a long time and we were working on improving and fine-tuning details all the way to the end of the project.
Quick question since this game takes advantage of the New 3DS does it drain the battery more than a regular 3DS title? I didn't want to do much thread digging in case of unmarked spoilers so sorry if already answered. I might try and pick this up when I have the funds for it.
How are StreetPasses coming along? I haven't had a single hit from my StreetPass relay.
I was one of those people, but I still wouldn't call it more than amazing. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, just that it's nowhere near "greatest JRPG of all time", which is something I see it labeled quite frequently. It's the best JRPG on consoles since Lost Odyssey sure, but I've played JRPGs on handhelds that I've enjoyed more than Xenoblade since FFVII. Radiant Historia for example.
Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't think of any others not named Radiant Historia. I'm not counting P4 since it was on the PS2 first.
Prison Island. After it sinks into the Bionis and gets all hardcore in the process.
^this interview makes it VERY clear that this was in no way shape or form lazy.
I think you refuted your own argument. I think Xenonlade is "near" the title of G.JRPG.OAT". I mean we could sit here until we all agree how many other JRPGs are greater than or equal to Xenoblade, and the list would be short. This game is definitely on any short list of best of the genre.
Your post however single handily convinced me to buy Radiant from eBay tomorrow. You're the second poster today that mentioned that game as being an example of something that surpasses Xenoblde, and I've never played it. So thank you for mentioning it!
Actually, I think he was talking aboutTephra Cave
fighting Gadolt. Killed one of his defence mechon, sharla levels up and shouts "gadolt, I wish you could see me", gadolt then kills her and then she says " uh...gadolt"
Damn it, Zazadan! How many quests do you have, you Nopon bastard?! D:
It's never ending.
You mean you don't start in the middle, go to the left, then to the right?Can't accept this. You have to be really dense to read it this way. You can't possibly be interested in this game and but this stupid to not know how to read this labeling.
Actually, I think he was talking aboutTephra Cave
Same! I'm getting by fairly decently just by upgrading armor and such.I just finished the marsh and still have not found a use for materials. Is it later on or am I missing something or are they literally only for side quests?
Nope, thats another one where a lot more content opens up, but the context of the area is still the same.
I just finished the marsh and still have not found a use for materials. Is it later on or am I missing something or are they literally only for side quests?
Got this on Friday having not played the original, and I must say it is impressive. First of all, a game of this scale being scaled down to a handheld is impressive as all hell, even though the textures are compressed as all hell. The model quality is still great, and looking at comparisons of this version to the Wii Version, it looks like the only major downgrade is the texture quality. The textures can be pretty damn bad at times. One moment in particular that stuck out for me was the photograph in Dunban's house, every time I saw it in a cut scene I couldn't help but laugh.
The battle system reminds me of a WRPG rather than a JRPG. I think the most notable difference here though is that you can attack while moving. That is a neat change that makes you able to adjust positioning for the position based Arts.
One thing I've never really been clear on, and maybe I just missed this, but what exactly is the thing that constantly prompts you to press the B button?
^this interview makes it VERY clear that this was in no way shape or form lazy.
I just finished the marsh and still have not found a use for materials. Is it later on or am I missing something or are they literally only for side quests?
Is it?space
I just found out that
Party charactrer spoiler
Melia is 88 years old.....
Nah, thats a completely new area. It had no previously established context.
Don't a bunch of the cutsceneswith Alvis take place in space though?
Don't a bunch of the cutsceneswith Alvis take place in space though?
Started this game on Wii way back and it didn't click, gave up on it immediately. Started up on 3DS during some travel, up to the attack on Colony 9.
What's the deal with items in this game? I have that whole list of items that look like they're just vendor junk. Are they vendor junk? Also I have like thirty "crystals" but don't know what they're for: presumably I unlock some gem-slot-in-items mechanic eventually?
Started this game on Wii way back and it didn't click, gave up on it immediately. Started up on 3DS during some travel, up to the attack on Colony 9.
What's the deal with items in this game? I have that whole list of items that look like they're just vendor junk. Are they vendor junk? Also I have like thirty "crystals" but don't know what they're for: presumably I unlock some gem-slot-in-items mechanic eventually?
Well, you got me there, but I mean a change in gameplay context.
Damn shouldnt YOU know that? I'm referencingyour username, which is a bit of a spoiler itself lol
For gems you can socket it into ypur equipment and you can use the little ones ypu find to combine them into new gems. The gemstall is in the central market area, just a bit north.
Started this game on Wii way back and it didn't click, gave up on it immediately. Started up on 3DS during some travel, up to the attack on Colony 9.
What's the deal with items in this game? I have that whole list of items that look like they're just vendor junk. Are they vendor junk? Also I have like thirty "crystals" but don't know what they're for: presumably I unlock some gem-slot-in-items mechanic eventually?
Started this game on Wii way back and it didn't click, gave up on it immediately. Started up on 3DS during some travel, up to the attack on Colony 9.
What's the deal with items in this game? I have that whole list of items that look like they're just vendor junk. Are they vendor junk? Also I have like thirty "crystals" but don't know what they're for: presumably I unlock some gem-slot-in-items mechanic eventually?
Well, you got me there, but I mean a change in gameplay context.
Have you read the Beginner Guide in the OP? Collectopedia.
Late-game spoilers: I assume you meanbecomingAlcamoth. I love that it's heavily hinted at byfilled with high-level enemiesWhat do I win?all the quests there being timed - makes you wonder what's going to happen to it...
Also I forgot thatplays during thethe title themeevent. Man, that was awesome.Prison Island
We should add this image to the OP so that people know if they have not seen this screen in the game, they can know that they are missing something.
Can someone remind me, how do you fully complete a map? Do you have to visit every Landmark (warp point) in an Entire Area or do you also need to visit every "Location"? (which are also Landmarks)
We should add this image to the OP so that people know if they have not seen this screen in the game, they can know that they are missing something.
Exactly, you need to find both types. Like for Colony 9you will only complete it when you go to the last landmark with the Ether Cylinder Storage and explored the rest of the map before.
Read OP, please. There's a guide for materials and a separate one for gem crafting.
Thanks. I remembered I obsessed over completing maps on the Wii version. I forget that big area, with all the water. Yeah, I swam every inch of that area. Shit, I'm going to do it again aren't I? At least I'll be able to do it this time while sitting on the toilet instead of playing at 4 am when my infant newborn would wake me up to play Xenoblade and drink a bottle lol.