So, I was working my way to a pod location and stumbled upon another area... gorgeous.
Thoughts on playing with the gamepad exclusively versus pro controller with the gamepad off to the side?
Ideally I'd like to play mainly with the pro controller and just use the gamepad for map stuff, fast travel, etc. Is this viable or will it really best to use just the gamepad?
4.5hrs from nowSo this unlocks in 3.5 hours or 4.5 hours? Daylight Savings Time is always weird to me.
Awesome, thanks!4.5hrs from now
I love the way they bait you into this areaSo, I was working my way to a pod location and stumbled upon another area... gorgeous.
Yeah the Pro really is a LOT more comfortable (for me) plus the battery life is so much better. Have the cradle close by so I can just leave the gamepad sitting in that.You use all 4 triggers regurally so I prefer pro controller with the pad on the side. I hate the L and R triggers on the pad, too tall compared to the zL and zR.
Yeah the Pro really is a LOT more comfortable (for me) plus the battery life is so much better. Have the cradle close by so I can just leave the gamepad sitting in that.
Any deets on the USB? What size is it? Can you move the songs from the USB and use it as an actual USB drive?
Always assumed japanese voices were included as in Xenoblade before reading this OP. Real shame as it's very rare I can stand anime-like characters speaking english. Even more so when a game is that long. Guess I'll pass.
Hmm..I'm glad you posted the picture.NNID: johntv
If you friend me, say who you are here so I don't skip over it! (I get a lot of random requests since it's the same as my Twitter name)
I'm level 40-something so if you can afford to scout me, by all means HVC-012 would love to help...
Do we have details on the DLC yet?
I've got the data packs, the update data and my save data on my USB drive. I want the save data and the update data on the Wii U, while keeping the data packs on my USB drive. I tried to move them over, but it wanted to move everything over at once. Can I delete the data packs, move over the save and update data, and then redownload the data packs and have it work that way?
Do we have details on the DLC yet?
I've got the data packs, the update data and my save data on my USB drive. I want the save data and the update data on the Wii U, while keeping the data packs on my USB drive. I tried to move them over, but it wanted to move everything over at once. Can I delete the data packs, move over the save and update data, and then redownload the data packs and have it work that way?
Can someone please please please confirm if this has surround 5.1 sound? I'm hearing nothing through my rear speakers for this game and I know everything is set up correctly as games like Mario Kart and Bayonetta 2 all have sound coming from the back when it's supposed to.
In this game I'm in the first area and im shocked because this 3D world looks gorgeous and requires 5.1 so you can hear rain, ambient sounds and creatures yet it's just stereo! that a game as pretty as this has gimped on 5.1 audio in 2015 is ridiculous. It makes no sense!
So many good views, and this is just the first continent!
DLC is free with the NA/EU release and is on the disk from the get go.
Two questions for those more knowledgeable:
1. Is it possible to play with the Wii U Pro controller and have the game map only for the map?
2. What's the point of a light armor skell? I understand the video said mobility/maneuverability but seeing how the combat isn't real time dodging doesn't seem like it's a thing, or is it?
Evasion is a stat
So what does it mean for a light armor/light skell? Do they have more evasion and won't get hit by attacks as much? Is it like a stat that negates damage every once in a while?
The dubbing is above the average of anime or Atlus dub.
You can't use headphone unless you play off-tv.
Yes, that's lame.
There's a doujin for this, huh?
Your Potato avatar gets me every time.
Hmm..I'm glad you posted the picture.
Was wondering what kind of character to create, but was afraid or guys were...younger looking, didn't wanted a Squall or Cloud. That one is more of my tastes...I mean, for character customization...yeah.