Um.. when can my party members use skells?
I mean I can give them the one they gave me, but I lost my last insurance ticket fighting the global nemesisso if I give it to Elma and it gets destroyed, I have to pay the salvage fee.
But I bought another Skell Frame and only I can use it... wtf?
Um.. when can my party members use skells?
I mean I can give them the one they gave me, but I lost my last insurance ticket fighting the global nemesisso if I give it to Elma and it gets destroyed, I have to pay the salvage fee.
But I bought another Skell Frame and only I can use it... wtf?
Are they a high enough level?
From my experience, the frames have a minimum level requirement. The one you have from the exam is a Level 20 Frame. The ones you buy from the shop are Level 30 and up onward. When a character hits Level 30, you can register them to the frame of that minimum level requirement.
I had that same confusion myself.
There are level 30-32 raptors in Primordia. They're easy to take down in your mid 20s.
what level do they need to be? and why can they pilot the first one no problem?
also, sidenote, but is there any rhyme or reason on how you can get map segments updated? I've run around town and nothing pops up, I randomly found a heart to heart for a side character this way.. and I have Gwin's 2nd heart to heart marked but no idea where the first is... :/
Back to dying all the time.
Just can't generate TP fast enough in battle. I'm not sure what the point of all these TP skills are when you're permanently treading water below 1000.
what level do they need to be? and why can they pilot the first one no problem?
also, sidenote, but is there any rhyme or reason on how you can get map segments updated? I've run around town and nothing pops up, I randomly found a heart to heart for a side character this way.. and I have Gwin's 2nd heart to heart marked but no idea where the first is... :/
Thanks!If you pass by people with information, they update your map to show which segment they will be at for the heart-to-heart and at what time. Also shows requirements (ie. you need to have the cat in your Barracks for Heart-to-heart 2 with Elma, and to get it you need to do the affinity mission Nine Lives which is in the northern commercial district).
You don't miss heart-to-hearts, you clear one then the next one is available when conditions like time of day are met.
Ah yeah, I did notice speech bubbles updating segments but mustn't have passed the right people yet for heart to hearts. Still a bit odd that i essentially have to run around hoping to find the right one but it's better than getting my phone out at least
What's the different between yellow speech bubbles and blue? Do only yellow update the segments?
Don't see many weapons with high TP gain, and I don't think I've seen a single TP boosting skill?TP racks up super fast. Get some TP boosting skills and/or weapons with high TP gain and you'll almost never have to worry about it.
Nope. Some do, like the helicopter one. Professor B doesn't tell you shit and, again, this item is a rare drop in the middle of buttfuck nowhere in the ocean on a path that is not useful to go anywhere except a tiny island with a level 80 tyrant. Like, you can't even step foot on land without aggroing him it's so tiny. And this unlocks one of the NLA shops. It's ridiculous. Even if you went out there just for the hell of it, which is imaginable, there's nothing to do, nowhere to go, it's tiny, and the drop can take hours. Who goes to the middle of nowhere and swims in circles for hours? It's unreasonable.
Yellow update segments in the various maps, and blue is just generic talk. Dark Blue is a formally yellow tibit.Thanks!
Ah yeah, I did notice speech bubbles updating segments but mustn't have passed the right people yet for heart to hearts. Still a bit odd that i essentially have to run around hoping to find the right one but it's better than getting my phone out at least
What's the different between yellow speech bubbles and blue? Do only yellow update the segments?
You can name your Skell right?
Don't see many weapons with high TP gain, and I don't think I've seen a single TP boosting skill?
I can increase my max TP, but that does fuck all when the only way I can max it out is by farming weak monsters for 20 minutes.
Don't see many weapons with high TP gain, and I don't think I've seen a single TP boosting skill?
I can increase my max TP, but that does fuck all when the only way I can max it out is by farming weak monsters for 20 minutes.
yes my character is named Arjuna and the skell is Parvati..
Yellow updates the segment map, then turns to blue afterwards after they gave the info for the first time.
It's great when things start making sense. Thanks!Yellow update segments in the various maps, and blue is just generic talk. Dark Blue is a formally yellow tibit.
Galactic Knight.What class are you? Maybe it just happens to be one with slow TP gain.
Awesome. Now to think of a good name...once I get one heh.
How do you use an Assault Rifle and Photon Saber at the same time? Do I need to get further in the game to start mixing classes?Assault Rifle works great for me with Photon Saber as my main damage source.
You don't need to hear any gossip/pass the yellow speech bubbles to complete the particular task in each hex. Since treasure and tyrant hexes my have more than one of each in the marked space whatever you here will just specify which one will mark it as complete and up your survey progress.It's great when things start making sense. Thanks!
So passing by a yellow speech bubble not only marks the map but "activates" that content? Or are they essential hints for already existing content?
How do you use an Assault Rifle and Photon Saber at the same time? Do I need to get further in the game to start mixing classes?
Thanks.Max a line. You learn the weapons permanently.
Great color job man!
Must have been hard to get them to all together in a good shot like that.
Gotta say, I'm rather disappointed that Monolith went the Korean MMO slooty armor approach for female characters as opposed to the more tasteful Dark Souls approach of both genders having the same exact armor models. Or hell, at least color options so that everything that IS tasteful (AKA, not Candid&Credible) doesn't have to be Purple or Pink while the male equivalent has a more professional olive-drab color scheme.
Made a bunch of female characters that I'm never going to use because I'm just not quite into having my character be a T&A fanservice machine. The Waifu Brigade is going to have to sit on the sidelines until I find an armor that's female equivalent doesn't look Idea Factory inspired.
Oh well, at least I have Dunban. And Geralt.
The heavy Grenada and Mereidth & Co armor sets look alright. They do have stupid latex asses though.
I did NOT expect that voice to come out of L
Gotta say, I'm rather disappointed that Monolith went the Korean MMO slooty armor approach for female characters as opposed to the more tasteful Dark Souls approach of both genders having the same exact armor models. Or hell, at least color options so that everything that IS tasteful (AKA, not Candid&Credible) doesn't have to be Purple or Pink while the male equivalent has a more professional olive-drab color scheme.
Made a bunch of female characters that I'm never going to use because I'm just not quite into having my character be a T&A fanservice machine. The Waifu Brigade is going to have to sit on the sidelines until I find an armor that's female equivalent doesn't look Idea Factory inspired.
Oh well, at least I have Dunban. And Geralt.
It's the genre aesthetic. The game is pretty clearly going for that sort of pulpy space anime approach, and realistic female armour has no place in it. It'd cheapen the game as a whole to not have garish boob armour and thongs, sacrificing its heart as a loving homage to make concessions to a very different tradition.
Made a bunch of female characters that I'm never going to use because I'm just not quite into having my character be a T&A fanservice machine. The Waifu Brigade is going to have to sit on the sidelines until I find an armor that's female equivalent doesn't look Idea Factory inspired.
Oh well, at least I have Dunban. And Geralt.