It really pissed me off that they canned Generator Rex, and yanked the episodes of YJ, yet Ben 10 is still airing. Fucking toy sales.
The last show CN burned off was Generator Rex.
I can't fathom how Ben 10 is popular. The character/alien designs are ugly and their powers are lame.
I can't fathom how Ben 10 is popular. The character/alien designs are ugly and their powers are lame.
How?The Ben 10 franchise has grossed over $2 billion in retail sales in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and has sold 100 million toys worldwide.
Fighting criminals, chasing the bad guys,
Saving world, fly through skies,
Half kid, half amazin',
Ok, Static Shock, who you facin',
Yeah, one zip, then you zapped,
Good against evil, get trapped,
In my eyes, I got the power,
Villains run from the static shower
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock. (woo woo)
Criminals, get twisted,
He's superhero gifted,
Bell rings Im back in school,
Nobody know what I do, ok
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock. (woo woo)
One zip, then you zapped,
Good against evil, get trapped,
In my eyes, Ive got the power,
Villains run from the static shower,
Criminals, get twisted,
He's superhero gifted,
Bell rings Im back in school,
Nobody know what I do, ok
Superhero, static shock!
Fighting criminals, chasing the bad guys,
Saving world, fly through skies,
Half kid, half amazin',
Ok, Static Shock, who you facin',
Yeah, one zip, then you zapped,
Good against evil, get trapped,
In my eyes, I got the power,
Villains run from the static shower
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock. (woo woo)
Criminals, get twisted,
He's superhero gifted,
Bell rings I’m back in school,
Nobody know what I do, ok
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock, (woo woo)
Superhero static shock. (woo woo)
One zip, then you zapped,
Good against evil, get trapped,
In my eyes, I’ve got the power,
Villains run from the static shower,
Criminals, get twisted,
He's superhero gifted,
Bell rings I’m back in school,
Nobody know what I do, ok
Superhero, static shock!
Lets all say a prayer for Megas XLR.
Hey the show is good and the animation has changed.
Don't be hating on all the Ben 10 series.
CN not only got the new episode of Young Justice pulled off itunes, but they got the chart rankings for it taken down.
Cass got her psuedo mention in superman. That's enough as far as didio is concerned. I still find it odd that its katana in the new batman series.
after what they did tofuck that show.Pumrya in the end
I still thinkis probably ultimately behind it all.Darkseid
Dude, the dcau did exactly that. How many kids were glued to batman the animated series, gotham knights, or superman? Dc has become retarded as of late, but they weren't always.
CN not only got the new episode of Young Justice pulled off itunes, but they got the chart rankings for it taken down.
CN not only got the new episode of Young Justice pulled off itunes, but they got the chart rankings for it taken down.
really? when?
my mistake, it was justice league
i guess thats as much as theyll allow.
wait, I thought this was a picture from that cancelled batman show?
spolil me!.
Funny this thread should pop up. I just started this series yesterday. Up to S1E8 right now and I read that CN is performing some bullshit shenanigans with a hiatus.
Next episode: Cornered New Sat, Oct 20 10:30 AM
The team end up in a cage match against an alien gladiator.
My cable guide says a new episode of YJ is on Saturday.
I'm pretty sure my guide was updated in the last 2 days.
da fuck
This is from TV Guide
What's really coming on Saturday?
What's really coming on Saturday?
My cable guide says a new episode of YJ is on Saturday.
I'm pretty sure my guide was updated in the last 2 days.
da fuck
This is from TV Guide
What's really coming on Saturday?
it should be up on Amazon though right?
I wonder if it'll be up on iTunes again.
At least there's that hope.
Yeah, I totally forgot about Dawur. Makes sense that they'd combine him.It looks like they combined two Blue Beetle villains for this version of Black Beetle:
Dawur and Black Beetle
So is this weeks episode going to pop back up on iTunes again?
My tv listing still say new episode. Is it still 100% confirmed that CN hasn't regained it's common sense? Can I sleep in tomorrow?
probably not.
So I recorded another hour of bullshit? Fix your junk CN, thanks.
So no new episodes today?
Hope it's getting in iTunes still, then. But the fact they the last one was taken off, I don't expect miracles.
Didn't know that.That wasn't CN fault, that was your satellite/cable providers fault for having an incorrect schedule. My DVR, from Direct TV had the right schedule for instance.
I also don't know why people expected a new show today. They already announced that it's on hiatus until January.