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Young Justice: The Animated Series


can dc please leave CN already.

Where would they go? Disney is worse then CN, just look at how they're treating Tron and Motorcity or what they did to Avengers. Nick is just as bad, if it doesn't get great ratings like Korra or sell a lot of merchandise like TMNT, then the shows will air at random times just like Penguins of Madagascar or Kung Fu Panda. The HUB is no saint either, their only show that doesn't sell merchandise (Dan vs..) is treated poorly with schedule changes, random breaks, etc.


Am I missing something? I get the comic being cancelled is not a good sign, but the TV series isn't cancelled. No need for all the sad images yet.

This. I skimmed through it carefully and saw that the comic tie-in is ending in February. Geez, don't make such a scare yet.

Sorry but I think the dream is dead guys. We have no reason to believe the show will be renewed. CN has dicked around for too long.


Neo Member
I always knew potted plants were running the show at CN. Network is being run into the ground.

CN is better now than its been in a long time. Don't let the cancellation of a albeit well animated but ultimately mediocre comic book cartoon cloud your judgment.


CN is better now than its been in a long time. Don't let the cancellation of a albeit well animated but ultimately mediocre comic book cartoon cloud your judgment.
True... Blood will be spilled though if Green Lantern, an extension of the DCAU and a show that's not well as animated but ultimately a comic book cartoon with sharp writing and fully-developed characters and story arcs suffers a grim fate.
Cartoon Network had its head up its own ass ever since the previous President was forced out following the ATHF movie "bomb scare" (people made shit out of nothing). They tried the reality show thing. It failed spectacularly and they finally started listening to fans and trying some new things.

This got us Adventure Time, Regular Show, Thundercats, Young Justice, GL, etc. Unfortunately, they don't seem to still know how to treat their shows when they have a hit. Adventure Time is clearly their bread winner but how many seasons of that do we have out as collections? Just one. How many times do they release sets of assorted episodes of their shows out of order? Repeatedly. Their previous hits like Foster's have been all but swept under the rug until the last 6 months where we might get a rare appearance of a movie or something. The way they treated Genndy was nothing short of shameful.

I became really concerned for this show and things like Clone Wars when they were shuffled to Saturday morning.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Cartoon Network had its head up its own ass ever since the previous President was forced out following the ATHF movie "bomb scare" (people made shit out of nothing). They tried the reality show thing. It failed spectacularly and they finally started listening to fans and trying some new things.

This got us Adventure Time, Regular Show, Thundercats, Young Justice, GL, etc. Unfortunately, they don't seem to still know how to treat their shows when they have a hit. Adventure Time is clearly their bread winner but how many seasons of that do we have out as collections? Just one. How many times do they release sets of assorted episodes of their shows out of order? Repeatedly. Their previous hits like Foster's have been all but swept under the rug until the last 6 months where we might get a rare appearance of a movie or something. The way they treated Genndy was nothing short of shameful.

I became really concerned for this show and things like Clone Wars when they were shuffled to Saturday morning.

Who would've thought Boston would destroy CN :/


The bomb scare happened during the height of post 9/11 hysteria, where color coded "terror alerts" were announced almost every week. If the incident had happened during any other period, it wouldn't have gotten to such ridiculous levels, and the previous CN leadership may very well still be at the helm.
The bomb scare happened during the height of post 9/11 hysteria, where color coded "terror alerts" were announced almost every week. If the incident had happened during any other period, it wouldn't have gotten to such ridiculous levels, and the previous CN leadership may very well still be at the helm.

2007 was the height of the 9/11 hysteria?? Not trying to be snide (I know it may come across like that over the internet) I just didn't think it was still so strong that many years later to anyone but very select groups.


2007 was the height of the 9/11 hysteria?? Not trying to be snide (I know it may come across like that over the internet) I just didn't think it was still so strong that many years later to anyone but very select groups.

It was 2007? God, I swear I thought happened in 2004 or 2005.
I love GLTAS and YJ, but I'm pretty positive neither of them are long for this world. GL especially. All it's hopes were riding on the film to be a commercial success, and it wasn't. It actually harmed the TV series because stores are still so loaded on GL movie toys, so no one wanted merchandise from the TV version. And that's really what CN wants, something that can sustain itself with toys, comics, clothing, etc even when the show isn't airing.

They are just bumping these shows around so that they can use poor ratings as an excuse to cancel them...


It was a good run guys. Hopefully DC can find a company that treats them right.

doesn't WB own Cartoon Network?
I feel like management at every level of WB is incompetent in every way possible.
I always feel like since i was young that CN had only 4 shows run back to back every night, then they disappear forever, then run the next 4 shows into the ground, rinse repeat. Like at this time they should have stable of shows.
doesn't WB own Cartoon Network?
I feel like management at every level of WB is incompetent in every way possible.
I always feel like since i was young that CN had only 4 shows run back to back every night, then they disappear forever, then run the next 4 shows into the ground, rinse repeat. Like at this time they should have stable of shows.
They don't, but yeah WB really isn't competent enough.


I'm not even upset anymore, just sad.

To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of YJ, but if YJ gets the axe, GL won't be far.

My friend thinks there axing them because they want room for Batman and Teen Titans Go, which would suck because both look kinda terrible.
doesn't WB own Cartoon Network?
I feel like management at every level of WB is incompetent in every way possible.
I always feel like since i was young that CN had only 4 shows run back to back every night, then they disappear forever, then run the next 4 shows into the ground, rinse repeat. Like at this time they should have stable of shows.

Turner broadcasting owns and operates CN.
I'm not even upset anymore, just sad.

To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of YJ, but if YJ gets the axe, GL won't be far.

My friend thinks there axing them because they want room for Batman and Teen Titans Go, which would suck because both look kinda terrible.

I don't see any reason to believe they won't shit all over those, too. They are chomping at the bit to abort the DC Nation experiment.

We already know Beware the Batman has been heavily compromised following the DKR massacre.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
how could this show be canned when YJ toys come with Happy Meals right now :(

dat Robin skateboard

edit: hahahahaha Vortex trollin CN during the breaks
"Justice has a home in the Vortex"

I've never heard that line before today.


how could this show be canned when YJ toys come with Happy Meals right now :(

dat Robin skateboard

edit: hahahahaha Vortex trollin CN during the breaks
"Justice has a home in the Vortex"

I've never heard that line before today.

They had that when Vortex primered months ago.


Put on your tin foil hats ladies and gents. Bring a little salt too.

Stolen from TZ forums:

So, I spoke to one of the former Producers of “Adventure Time” at the Alternative Press Expo this past weekend (won’t name names). Mainly because I knew he worked at Cartoon Network & I wanted to complain to someone about them cancelling “Thundercats”.

He said that whenever comedic cartoons, such as “Adventure Time” are the most popular (like now), CN pulls the plug on their action shows (and vice versa when action shows are more popular).

What they do is pull the show off air for a few months, & then return it to the air without announcing or promoting it. Naturally, the viewers will have dropped off (no one knew it was coming back). CN then uses this rationale to drop the shows completely: “Well, we brought it back, but no one was watching.”

That’s exactly what they did to the new He-Man show back in 2003/2004. That’s exactly what they did to “Thundercats” last year.

I'm unaware of the original source but it supposedly made a few rounds across parts the web. Nothing surprising if true. Just more evidence of CN's dickery.


Junior Member
Fucking ridiculous. I was recording this show every Saturday, and then the show just vanishes. This is after the show vanished midway into its first season, and then had a crazy time jump into season 2 which threw a lot of fans off track.

Real shame. Only thing I'll be watching on 2013 appears to be Korra and Boondocks. CN's recent anime offerings have been abysmal since FMA Brotherhood.
Fucking ridiculous. I was recording this show every Saturday, and then the show just vanishes. This is after the show vanished midway into its first season, and then had a crazy time jump into season 2 which threw a lot of fans off track.

Real shame. Only thing I'll be watching on 2013 appears to be Korra and Boondocks. CN's recent anime offerings have been abysmal since FMA Brotherhood.

Wait, the new season of the Boondocks started? So happy if true.

Yeah, I'm just going to expect the worst.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
They did the same move with the Super Hero Squad. Not even a week after the last episode aired, they sold it to The Hub. I didn't even see the last 3 episodes because they put all the new episodes on at 7am with no commercials promoting that.

And I hate you all for ruining my Vortex conspiracy.


I'm unaware of the original source but it supposedly made a few rounds across parts the web. Nothing surprising if true. Just more evidence of CN's dickery.

The problem I have with this theory is that, barring a few instances like DC Nation, CN doesn't do random breaks. They do mid season and Holiday breaks, but they rarely randomly put a show on hiatus for a few months. Look at what Disney has done with Tron, Motorcity, and Gravity Falls - now that's random month(s) long breaks.

Even with the Thundercats - They had two breaks, a month long break and a holiday break that was extended because CN was in the process of moving it's Friday line up to Saturday. I do agree that their ads for action shows are scarce, outside of Clone Wars and Ben 10

They did the same move with the Super Hero Squad. Not even a week after the last episode aired, they sold it to The Hub. I didn't even see the last 3 episodes because they put all the new episodes on at 7am with no commercials promoting that.

They did that because Disney bought Marvel. Same thing is going to happen with Clone Wars.


Put on your tin foil hats ladies and gents. Bring a little salt too.

Stolen from TZ forums:

I'm unaware of the original source but it supposedly made a few rounds across parts the web. Nothing surprising if true. Just more evidence of CN's dickery.

Damn, that's horrible. :(
Well since there really isn't a DC Nation thread as a whole, I thought I'd post it here. CN has been uploading new TT Shorts to their YT channel saying they're "Too good to wait for January"


And of course comments are disabled. Yeah fuck you too CN.
I really wouldn't be surprised if this replaces either YJ or GL off the bat when DC Nation returns. Remember they never said they were returning, just that DC Nation returns in January with all new episodes!


I really wouldn't be surprised if this replaces either YJ or GL off the bat when DC Nation returns. Remember they never said they were returning, just that DC Nation returns in January with all new episodes!

lol Tumblr would implode then TT fans will start having multiple orgasms.
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