I roled my eyes at that Tigress "Here's what you missed" inner monologue and that Reach commercial. Yummy corny beef!
But yet Aretimis was in on it and she was in on a similar road last season.
Just guess on my part but being the girlfriend to his closest friend and under Aqualad's watchful eye probably ultimately made him decide it was a good idea. It also would technically not reduce their active roster since she was retired.
The only good characters on this show are,
Aqualad and his Dad.
Sportsmaster family, this includes Wally, and clone Roy.
Everyone else is either terrible, or barely passable.
The only good characters on this show are,
Aqualad and his Dad.
Sportsmaster family, this includes Wally, and clone Roy.
Everyone else is either terrible, or barely passable.
Never dug that reasoning though of her being there because of wally cause it seems cheap but hey.
@ bold: but she came back to the team publicly, before that stunt happened. If she went in without that display it could have made things a bit easier to swallow but i guess something else would have had to be done to make Aqualad look like he was full villian.
So this green beetle. Is he like the strongest being on Earth right now? Seems short of a Green Lantern ring to be broken.
Lol'd so hard at the Reach commercial. Amazing that people would be so willing to drink something manufactured by LexCorp and aliens that landed within a month.
thats not Tim, but the Robin before him called Jason Todd.
that character was infamous in the comics since he was killedand DC did it based on a poll where readers will call a number to choose if he should die or not.by Joker
I guess in this version of the timeline he joined during the 5 year skip and died
Huh, wish they would've showed that in the show. Thanks.
I recommend this one also. Great Joker too.Watch Batman: Under the Red Hood. It's on Netflix and is about the Jason Todd death plus the aftermath. It's a great animated film.
Watch Batman: Under the Red Hood. It's on Netflix and is about the Jason Todd death plus the aftermath. It's a great animated film.
Watch Batman: Under the Red Hood. It's on Netflix and is about the Jason Todd death plus the aftermath. It's a great animated film.
Huh, wish they would've showed that in the show. Thanks.
Watch Batman: Under the Red Hood. It's on Netflix and is about the Jason Todd death plus the aftermath. It's a great animated film.
I recommend this one also. Great Joker too.
I third this. Probably the best animated Batman film in recent years.
Best movie DC has put out, including live action.
i should really watch this especially if the joker is cool post Hamill (the YJ one is just sad though i give him some props for kinda trying)
Best movie DC has put out, including live action.
I would say Dark Knight Returns Part 2 will make you rethink that.
John DiMaggio's is one of the better post Hamill Jokers, IMO.
I would say Dark Knight Returns Part 2 will make you rethink that.
DKR 1&2 take the cake. I'm looking forward to Superman: Unloaded
I would say Dark Knight Returns Part 2 will make you rethink that.
Yeah, I never understood why Nightwing kept Superboy and Martian out of their plan.
Because they can't be trusted.
Yeah, I never understood why Nightwing kept Superboy and Martian out of their plan.
White Martian and a clone created by a front company ran by the bad guys.
White Martian and a clone created by a front company ran by the bad guys.
That doesn't make sense though.
The only good characters on this show are,
Aqualad and his Dad.
Sportsmaster family, this includes Wally, and clone Roy.
Everyone else is either terrible, or barely passable.
This show is moving too slowly. They have some idea of the Reach's plan so the main JL's need to get back to earth and make a move.
Also what are Lex and Savage going to get out of this invasion ? Their intentions need to be shown. How many more times are the light going to have meetings saying "its all going according to plan" without viewers even knowing what the plan is ?
I'm not sure if I am being harsh, it's just the show is ending soon right..? I just don't know how they are going to fit it all in.
I want to see more of the boss figures in action rather than talking.
^...but The Reach have already invaded~
I dunno who the Green Scarab is but I'm liking him. The creepy smile cracked me up XD.
Impulse and Blue Beetle are the best bros ever.
Also it would appear that Lex is preparing his own Infinity Inc.~
that's an understatement. they have thirteen episodes left (maybe less) and we're still no closer to knowing more about the invasion outside of what the juice does.
let's get a damn move on.
true, but aren't multiple aliens invading? we know so little about what everyone's plans are, it feels like episodes have a tiny bit of info to advance the plot and the rest is mindless filler.
The only good characters on this show are,
Aqualad and his Dad.
Sportsmaster family, this includes Wally, and clone Roy.
Everyone else is either terrible, or barely passable.
This show is moving too slowly. They have some idea of the Reach's plan so the main JL's need to get back to earth and make a move.
Also what are Lex and Savage going to get out of this invasion ? Their intentions need to be shown. How many more times are the light going to have meetings saying "its all going according to plan" without viewers even knowing what the plan is ?
I'm not sure if I am being harsh, it's just the show is ending soon right..? I just don't know how they are going to fit it all in.
I want to see more of the boss figures in action rather than talking.
Watch Batman: Under the Red Hood. It's on Netflix and is about the Jason Todd death plus the aftermath. It's a great animated film.
Also a big fan. Much better than the comic book explanation of having an alternate universe Superman punch a dimensional barrier really hard.
I would say Dark Knight Returns Part 2 will make you rethink that.
It made sense in the context of Infinite Crisis but is one of those "lol comics" things everyone makes fun of.
Thankfully in the New 52, the Under the Red Hood explanation was made canon.
7 episodes left I believe. At this rate they're going to wrap up the whole thing in the last 1-2 episodes and it's going to feel totally rushed.
Eh the reason was shit even in context.
Not sure why they didn't use the New 52 version in the first fucking place.