He can be both. But seeing him go against Mongul and despero and getting smacked down is just sad as hell
Yeah why is SuperBoy so weak?
And Wondergirl too.
He can be both. But seeing him go against Mongul and despero and getting smacked down is just sad as hell
During the Bronze Age of Comic Books Mongul was written as physically more powerful than Superman and as almost totally invulnerable to harm.[5][6] While the character was defeated only by Superman foiling his schemes, the hero managed once to defeat Mongul in hand-to-hand combat, although fell unconscious immediately after that.[6] In addition, Mongul demonstrated the ability to teleport;[5] limited telepathy;[6] and could project blasts of potent force via his eyes [4] or hands.[5] The character also used technology to shrink his enemies and place them in dimensional-inversion cubes, designed to prevent escape by warping their interior reality and absorbing any power used against them from within.[6]
The Modern Age version of Mongul is significantly reduced in power, having neither the abilities described above nor the cube technology, and can only project energy blasts via an amulet attached to his torso. He is also no longer a physical match for Superman, as Superman was able to defeat him in their first fight despite being weakened by lack of regular yellow sun rays.
That's what I'm saying. The Reach have done everything that Lex would see as a slap to a face.
Yeah why is SuperBoy so weak?
And Wondergirl too.
Eh, Teen Titans wasn't bad as people say, it had it's moments. Plus liked the characters more than the one's in Young Justice. The Teen Titans formula was perfected in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which happens to be better than Young Justice so far. Some of the Teen Titans crew went on to make the new TMNT show. Not sure if the new Teen Titans GO! show will be good though.
Everyone's mongul's bitch he beat wonder woman(wondergirls mentor) and Superman(superboy's daddy) badly in justice league unlimted but he really made super boy his bitch this time.
Young justice S2 >TT >Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles >Young justice S1
lolwut, YJ S1 is leaps better than YJ S2 because it has focus.
The one common thread there is all the different character names you're listing. S2 just falls short on that front. I don't like the BB focus. I don't know who these new people [teammates] are, but they're doing stuff: Stuff I could care less about because they haven't really put much into developing the new people. The group is in shambles. No one seems to have much development outside of BB. Locales are lame. No variety in villains and what we have is a bunch of lame BB clones which they've already faced off against twice!Looks like s2 got to complex for you with multiple plot threads, s1 was a lot more simpler thanks to lower qualilty writing and wraping every episode the same way with the good guys get a bs win with the light going back to there secert meeting declaring victory dispite having done nothing but get there ass kicked.
Seems quite few people have forgoten s1 and some of the dumb writing that took place.
-deus ex machina dr fate helmet it was used 4 fucken times as a dumb free get out of jail free card for the team and the writers
- retarded shit like robin is the one destined to be the leader but aqua lad is temp leader for the mean time,just stupid.
-anti-clamatic main plot getting resolved off screen, the whole main serise plot point with megan being a white martian, hiding it then being black mailed was resolved with superboy saying he already knew(randomly happen offscreen).
-vandel savag the lights leader big plan for the season finale was to make a hybrid ancient alien fused with nanomachines and magic control device to take control of the heroes but that was reversed enginerd in seconds off screen by some random off screen character,what a lame season finaly and plan by the light.
-characters I.q randomly dropping to 0 for plot purposes
Artemis goes all herpa derp and storms out, when she finds out megan and superboy are an item randomly despite having seen them be together for a long time now in front of her face.
When aqua lad keeped the rumour about there being a mole on the team by an untrust worthy source sportsmaster to himself while he tries to figure out if it's ture or not, once the team finds out they throw a bitch fit like idiots towards aqua lad.
All season managed to do is,be more simpler and less ambitious then season 2 by virtue of having poor qualitly writing.
People who find seaons 2 confusing and prefere the dumber writing of season 1 more are the reason why networks hate shows with overarching storys and plot threads and why theres people like joe loeb in high postitons to cancel them like he did avengers earths mightiest heroes infavor of more dumber episodic stuff like ultimater spiderman and new dumber/simpler avengers.
-deus ex machina dr fate helmet it was used 4 fucken times as a dumb free get out of jail free card for the team and the writers
How else is a team of 15-16 year olds supposed to beat some of earths strongest villians ?
Young justice s02e15 "WAR'"
Baahhahahaha this episode was awesome, betrayal-aton someone needs to gif Blue decking impulse on the back of his head.
How else is a team of 15-16 year olds supposed to beat some of earths strongest villians ?
Looks like s2 got to complex for you with multiple plot threads, s1 was a lot more simpler thanks to lower quality writing and wrapping every episode the same way with the good guys getting a BS win with the light going back to there secret meeting declaring victory despite having done nothing but get there asses kicked.
Seems quite few people have forgotten s1 and some of the dumb writing that took place.
-deus ex machina dr fate helmet it was used 4 fucken times as a dumb free get out of jail free card for the team and the writers
- retarded shit like robin is the chosen one destined to be the leader of the team but aqua lad is a temp leader for the mean time,just stupid logic.
-anti-climatic main plot getting resolved off screen, the whole main series plot point with Megan being a white martian, hiding it then being black mailed was resolved with Superboy saying he already knew(randomly happen offscreen).
-Vandel Savage the lights leader big plan for the season finale was to make a hybrid ancient alien fused with nano machines and magic control device to take control of the heroes but that was reversed engineered in seconds off screen by some random off screen character,what a lame season finally and plan that was by the light.
-characters I.Q randomly dropping to near 0 for plot purposes
Artemis goes all herpa derp and storms out, when she finds out megan and superboy are an item randomly despite having seen them be together for a long time now, right in front of her face.
When aqua lad keeping the rumor about there being a mole on the team by an untrustworthy source Sportsmaster to himself while he tries to figure out if it's ture or not, once the team finds out they throw a bitch fit like idiots towards aqua lad.
All season managed to do is,be more simpler and less ambitious then season 2 by virtue of having poor quality writing.
People who find season 2 confusing and prefer the dumber writing of season 1 more are the reason why networks hate shows with overarching story's and multiple plot threads and why there's people like Jeph Loeb in high positions to cancel them like he did avengers earths mightiest heroes in-favor of more dumber episodic stuff like new dumber/simpler avengers and ultimate spiderman.
The one common thread there is all the different character names you're listing. S2 just falls short on that front. I don't like the BB focus. I don't know who these new people [teammates] are, but they're doing stuff: Stuff I could care less about because they haven't really put much into developing the new people. The group is in shambles. No one seems to have much development outside of BB. Locales are lame. No variety in villains and what we have is a bunch of lame BB clones which they've already faced off against twice!
Say what you will about S1, but it explored each of the characters, showed a great deal of interaction between them and had a lot of variety.
Looks like s2 got to complex for you with multiple plot threads, s1 was a lot more simpler thanks to lower quality writing and wrapping every episode the same way with the good guys getting a BS win with the light going back to there secret meeting declaring victory despite having done nothing but get there asses kicked.
Seems quite few people have forgotten s1 and some of the dumb writing that took place.
-deus ex machina dr fate helmet it was used 4 fucken times as a dumb free get out of jail free card for the team and the writers
- retarded shit like robin is the chosen one destined to be the leader of the team but aqua lad is a temp leader for the mean time,just stupid logic.
-anti-climatic main plot getting resolved off screen, the whole main series plot point with Megan being a white martian, hiding it then being black mailed was resolved with Superboy saying he already knew(randomly happen offscreen).
-Vandel Savage the lights leader big plan for the season finale was to make a hybrid ancient alien fused with nano machines and magic control device to take control of the heroes but that was reversed engineered in seconds off screen by some random off screen character,what a lame season finally and plan that was by the light.
-characters I.Q randomly dropping to near 0 for plot purposes
Artemis goes all herpa derp and storms out, when she finds out megan and superboy are an item randomly despite having seen them be together for a long time now, right in front of her face.
When aqua lad keeping the rumor about there being a mole on the team by an untrustworthy source Sportsmaster to himself while he tries to figure out if it's ture or not, once the team finds out they throw a bitch fit like idiots towards aqua lad.
All season managed to do is,be more simpler and less ambitious then season 2 by virtue of having poor quality writing.
People who find season 2 confusing and prefer the dumber writing of season 1 more are the reason why networks hate shows with overarching story's and multiple plot threads and why there's people like Jeph Loeb in high positions to cancel them like he did avengers earths mightiest heroes in-favor of more dumber episodic stuff like new dumber/simpler avengers and ultimate spiderman.
Some characters are just meant to be background or lesser developed characters, like Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Lagoon Boy, Bumblebee, Artemis, Nightwing. Some aren't. Just like in JLU.
The focus characters in S2 are Blue Beetle (for obvious reasons), Impulse (had a whole ep dedicated to him), Beast Boy (coping with his mom's death), Megann (going overkill), and some others. The overarching plot for the whole season is the Reach Apocalypse so obviously Impulse and Blue Beetle will take precedence if you know anything from the comics.
I think a lot of people would change their tune on this season if they marathoned it. It's obviously meant to be watched in sequence, and these large random hiatuses aren't helping.
Young justice s02e15 "WAR'"
Baahhahahaha this episode was awesome, betrayal-aton someone needs to gif Blue decking impulse on the back of his head.
The new characters in S2 are not developed at all. Seriously, i don´t read comics (plenty who watch the show probably don´t) and without proper depth to Lagan i don´t know where he came from, and how he got into a relationship with Megan. Wonder girl is the same thing. I never knew she existed. There´s no background about her in the show or anything. Batgirl, Rocket, the girl who shrinks herself and her boyfriend are all the same as Wonder girl. I don´t know anything about them (except maybe the shrinking girl because of TT show). The lack of depth for so many characters is really disturbing/annoying. Whatever happened to Zatanna, and her getting her dad back from Dr. Fate? How/why did Superboy and Megan broke up? What happened to cloned Red Arrow and his girl and their kid? Why is Kid Flash sidelined just to get the annoying Impulse? Why did Robin became Nightwing? Etc.... There are so many questions and blanks that are not answered in S2, and that´s not good at all.
This!Some characters are just meant to be background or lesser developed characters, like Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Lagoon Boy, Bumblebee, Artemis, Nightwing. Some aren't. Just like in JLU.
The focus characters in S2 are Blue Beetle (for obvious reasons), Impulse (had a whole ep dedicated to him), Beast Boy (coping with his mom's death), Megann (going overkill), and some others. The overarching plot for the whole season is the Reach Apocalypse so obviously Impulse and Blue Beetle will take precedence if you know anything from the comics.
I think a lot of people would change their tune on this season if they marathoned it. It's obviously meant to be watched in sequence, and these large random hiatuses aren't helping.
Looks like s2 got to complex for you with multiple plot threads, s1 was a lot more simpler thanks to lower quality writing and wrapping every episode the same way with the good guys getting a BS win with the light going back to there secret meeting declaring victory despite having done nothing but get there asses kicked.
Seems quite few people have forgotten s1 and some of the dumb writing that took place.
-deus ex machina dr fate helmet it was used 4 fucken times as a dumb free get out of jail free card for the team and the writers
- retarded shit like robin is the chosen one destined to be the leader of the team but aqua lad is a temp leader for the mean time,just stupid logic.
-anti-climatic main plot getting resolved off screen, the whole main series plot point with Megan being a white martian, hiding it then being black mailed was resolved with Superboy saying he already knew(randomly happen offscreen).
-Vandel Savage the lights leader big plan for the season finale was to make a hybrid ancient alien fused with nano machines and magic control device to take control of the heroes but that was reversed engineered in seconds off screen by some random off screen character,what a lame season finally and plan that was by the light.
-characters I.Q randomly dropping to near 0 for plot purposes
Artemis goes all herpa derp and storms out, when she finds out megan and superboy are an item randomly despite having seen them be together for a long time now, right in front of her face.
When aqua lad keeping the rumor about there being a mole on the team by an untrustworthy source Sportsmaster to himself while he tries to figure out if it's ture or not, once the team finds out they throw a bitch fit like idiots towards aqua lad.
All season 1 managed to do is,be more simpler and less ambitious then season 2 by virtue of having poor quality writing.
People who find season 2 confusing and prefer the dumber writing of season 1 more are the reason why networks hate shows with overarching story's and multiple plot threads and why there's people like Jeph Loeb in high positions to cancel them like he did avengers earths mightiest heroes in-favor of more dumber episodic stuff like new dumber/simpler avengers and ultimate spiderman.
The new characters in S2 are not developed at all. Seriously, i don´t read comics (plenty who watch the show probably don´t) and without proper depth to Lagan i don´t know where he came from, and how he got into a relationship with Megan. Wonder girl is the same thing. I never knew she existed. There´s no background about her in the show or anything. Batgirl, Rocket, the girl who shrinks herself and her boyfriend are all the same as Wonder girl. I don´t know anything about them (except maybe the shrinking girl because of TT show). The lack of depth for so many characters is really disturbing/annoying. Whatever happened to Zatanna, and her getting her dad back from Dr. Fate? How/why did Superboy and Megan broke up? What happened to cloned Red Arrow and his girl and their kid? Why is Kid Flash sidelined just to get the annoying Impulse? Why did Robin became Nightwing? Etc.... There are so many questions and blanks that are not answered in S2, and that´s not good at all.
im curious, did you apply this to justice league? because outside of bats and supes, the backstories on the other 4 were far from fleshed out. like at all.
Deathstroke was good. His final match with gar was the highlight of series. Trigon and blood were incredibly forgettable as villains, and blood was a damn joke.
Legion was such a better series its not funny, and damn near no one knows of its existance
He can be both. But seeing him go against Mongul and despero and getting smacked down is just sad as hell
Smacked down like a bitch. Black Zero would be ashamed of him.
I know it exist, it's real to me dammit!
well he has no Tk and we are talking about Mongul and Despero, two planetary level threats.
I would have hoped to see hypertime in Young justice. maybe that's the real reason the show is getting cancelled. since all these characters and stories are pre New 52 reboot, DC/WB maybe want to get rid of them so that the only images in print and media are of the new 52?
He can be both. But seeing him go against Mongul and despero and getting smacked down is just sad as hell
im curious, did you apply this to justice league? because outside of bats and supes, the backstories on the other 4 were far from fleshed out. like at all.
lol Thanks.
holy crap, is this real?
What's the other GIF from?
S2 isn't confusing at all its just some don't like that it didn't spell out certian things for them like the 5 year timeskip. The biggest flaw right now to me is the massive bunch of characters that (as expected) are reduced to lower tier in an effort to deal with specific ones.
Plus all those questions Viking asked where dealt by Cwarrior pretty eloquently lol though the only one you have to really do some mental gymnastics with is Robin turning into Nightwing since thats a popular comic thing that comic fans will get.
You're missing the point. The light nudged mongul to attempt to destroy earth before the reach get too powerful and take over. The light isn't really partnering with anyone. Rather I see it theyare speeding up hhuman evolution to have a army to take the universe. Also using the reach has two advantage. They are better at public relations and the lanterns can't interrupt at all.
This makes sense. The Light brainwashed the League and sent their "big guns" to do some atrocities in outer space, thus taking them out of the picture. They partnered up with the Krolotarians to either get the Reaches attention or help the Reach get to earth. They teamed up with the Reach for the PR, to keep the remaining heroes busy, and to keep the Green Lantern Corp away from earth. They manipulated Mongul to attack earth and thin out the Reaches ranks so they don't get too powerful/expose them as liars who have attack ships on earth.
The Light is up to something big and they are manipulating everyone to do it.
s2 is not confusing. It was just fucking slow as fuck at one point, there's a difference. It's picking up now anyway.
Also Superboy isn't underpowered, he's just up against big players and he did well against Black Adam in s1. It took the whole jlu to take down despero at one time, Mongul isn't a slouch either he finished wonder woman. Fate, Marvel or Cpt. Atom could slump him but this show isn't about them.
It's from Cam'ron the rapper from the group "Diplomats" Movie called "killer Season"
heres the scene in the gif
It's a funny amateur movie by cam'ron which is intended to be serious.
That was still present in Season 1 when it was more the Superboy(daddy issues) Megan(hidden identity) and Artemis(family issues) show with the others playing a lesser role especially kidflash(the yamcha),Zantana,rocket, Aqualad and also robin.
DC giving BB love is the best thing about this season.
Looks like s2 got to complex for you with multiple plot threads, s1 was a lot more simpler thanks to lower quality writing and wrapping every episode the same way with the good guys getting a BS win with the light going back to their secret meeting declaring victory despite having done nothing but get there asses kicked.
Seems quite a few people have forgotten s1 and some of the dumb writing that took place.
People who find season 2 confusing and prefer the dumber writing of season 1 more are the reason why networks hate shows with overarching story's and multiple plot threads and why there's people like Jeph Loeb in high positions to cancel them like he did avengers earths mightiest heroes in-favor of more dumber episodic stuff like new dumber/simpler avengers and ultimate spiderman.
Robin is quick!
Robin is quick!
Kinda gets it from Nightwing and Batman. Did you see him grab the Reach additive?
He is underpowered because when he was using those patches that Lex gave him he was owning people.