Can't believe Lagoon Boy still wants MM.
Who wouldn't ? She's a shape shifter. She can be anything!
Can't believe Lagoon Boy still wants MM.
Who wouldn't ? She's a shape shifter. She can be anything!
Who wouldn't ? She's a shape shifter. She can be anything!
another gif I made
Okay, i loved the latest episode BUT, even if Megan was a Shapeshifted Deathstoke how was she moving like him.
This reminded me of Avatar, loved it.
Okay, i loved the latest episode BUT, even if Megan was a Shapeshifted Deathstoke how was she moving like him.
I was surprised at M'gann Deathstroke. Was that the first time she shifted into a male?
Who wouldn't ? She's a shape shifter. She can be anything!
His future wife in the comics is hotter. And doesn't jerk folks around.
Wonder Girl had a small cameo in a scene with Robin and Impulse, she used her rope on a random Light henchmen and that was it.
I'm pretty sure Black Beetle's host identity is inconsequential since his action are of The Reach and not the free will of the host.
I was a bit surprised they showed Black Beetle killing Ras al Ghul. Of course, we all know where Ubu went to take him. I'm sad that we may not ever see a show done in this same art style and take on the DC universe.
Wonder Girl had a small cameo in a scene with Robin and Impulse, she used her rope on a random Light henchmen and that was it.
I'm pretty sure Black Beetle's host identity is inconsequential since his action are of The Reach and not the free will of the host.
They were the highest bidder and that's pretty much it. They're the biggest toy company in the world, but it seems that they're only that big because they cut every corner that they can and then cut the corners from the freshly cut corners.I wonder why WB/DC has stuck with Mattel for so long?
No, as stated, they just renewed it in 2011 and will continue to hold the license until.... i don't know. 5 years from then? 2016? I don't know, but that sounds rightI've always wondered as well why there always always so few DC character toys compared to other franchises. Is their contract suppose to be up?
They were the highest bidder and that's pretty much it. They're the biggest toy company in the world, but it seems that they're only that big because they cut every corner that they can and then cut the corners from the freshly cut corners.
Before Mattel had the license, Kenner (which Hasbro owned, but Kenner was their "superhero" branch) had the DC license. Kenner was mostly known for it's 5 points of articulation Batman:TAS figures, which Mattel continued the style of with until Justice League Unlimited line.
No, as stated, they just renewed it in 2011 and will continue to hold the license until.... i don't know. 5 years from then? 2016? I don't know, but that sounds right
The only things Mattel couldn't produce were Vertigo and Watchmen toys, but i think that was all smoothed out with the 2011 license extension, which is why they released Swamp Thing and they just showed off the Watchmen figures at Toy Fair last month.
ANYWAY, Mattel had two lines where they released any characters that they wanted to. DC Universe Classics (which was supposed to be older designs) and DC Infinite Heroes (current designs). DCUC wasn't carried by many retailers at first and languished in most stores. They had maybe one row of pegs and it wasn't uncommon to find Cyborg or Power Girl taking up all the spaces for months, which meant that most places never saw the 4 or 6 waves that were made every year. The line was killed last year because of the new 52 thing DC did and the new general DC line is... i don't know where it is. I think it might only be carried by TRU, because my Walmarts and Targets don't carry it.
DCIH was a 3¾" line that was budget as fuck. There were a ton of figures released in the 2 years it was around, but if you're into toys at all, you can see why the line bombed.
wow. that is some he man toy shit. so same basic mould for the bodies, and different heads and paintjobs?
man i wish S.I.C did western hero figures.
and just weeks before some good stuff.
these cost the same or more than Marvel's much higher quality figures.
The DCUC line (which was supposed to be the premium collectors line) is nearly just as bad, except the proportions are much better (nearly everyone has a Superman body though) and there's more that is some he man toy shit. so same basic mould for the bodies, and different heads and paintjobs?
Razgriz-Specter said:worst thing was they cancelled the line right after the line started getting better.Still really bad compared to what Hasbro was making at the time. They still overused the same body, so some figures looked like bobbleheads with that new body.
If Black Beetle didn't have free will, he couldn't mutiny against the Ambassador, or lead the Reach delegation. His scarab doesn't control him because he is a loyal Reach warrior and not an enslaved native of the target world.
I'm pretty sure they would still take any precaution of an alien of the Reach in there presence, they know enough about the scarab tech to defend it this is The Light we are talking about they posses magic and there is evidence they have Apokolips technology. So again they probably have no reason to care about the identity of the Beetles host.Not really. If ever he decided to appear without his armor surrounding him no one would know who he was. He should have removed his mask for the same reasons everyone else needed to. Its the same as if the Reach ambassador were shrouded. How would the Light know one random Reach grunt from the ambassador or in this case Black Beetle? "He's Reach and that's all you need to know" seems like a poor excuse.
I don't want to geek out to much on this but
The "scarab" quoted a legal article of The Reach that allowed him to relieve the Ambassador of his duty. It was not mutiny, mutiny suggest he disobeyed lawful orders and is acting in his own interest, he was still an agent of The Reach and worked for the best interest of The Reach.
If he believes the Ambassador is not capable of leading the delegation he he has the power to relieve him of his command.
Its similar to other articles you might see in similar command structures. For example in the Navy the XO with support of the Chief of the Boat can relieve the Captain of his duties if they feel like his command was compromised, he was giving unlawful orders, or his action are negatively affecting the operation of the ship or mission.
Again Blue Beetle host is just a host and his scarab is calling all the shots as already mentioned plenty of times throughout the show the scarab is designed to take over the host and become an agent of The Reach.
Right, but the Reach-controlled scarabs on Earth were shown to be under direct control of the ambassador. Black Beetle is loyal to the Reach and their cause of his own free will rather than a control mechanism. He's a ranking member of the Reach military using the scarab as a tool rather than a puppet being controlled by it.
Mutiny may not have been the best word choice, as you're right- it is a lawful change of power.
The DCUC line (which was supposed to be the premium collectors line) is nearly just as bad, except the proportions are much better (nearly everyone has a Superman body though) and there's more articulation.
The Young Justice 6" line also featured extensive reused bodied, but they had the "younger" body which was overly-muscled man bodies, just shorter.
The 3¾" line was cartoon accurate, but they had 5 joints: swivel head that only moves side to side, shoulders that move up and down, and hips/legs that move up and down.
Just to compare, this is Hasbro's 1:18 scale line (a little larger than 3¾") which has more joints than Mattel's 6" lines.
31 points of articulation. Head sits on a ball joint and the ball joint is on a hinge (allowing the head to have a greater degree of motion to look up and down). Hips are ball joints. Shoulders and wrists are ball-hinges (basically a ball joint). Ankles are ball-hinges, but designed to allow the feet to remain flat on the ground in most poses. Single hinges on elbows and toes. Double hinged at knees. Swivels at upper thighs and biceps. OH, and ball joint mid-torso.
Hasbro's 6" lines have a little more articulation than this.
This line has major retail support, plus boxsets AND has a sub-line (comic packs: two figures featured in the comic book it comes with, usually painted comic book style), yet isn't attached to any movie or cartoon. It's just characters from the comic books that sell 30-80k a month.
Mattel can't even sell toys for a TV series that regularly had 2 million viewers every week.
Oh, and Toy Biz (bought Marvel in the 90s, but closed their toy branch in 2009) was even better at articulation, sometimes double of what you see on this Beast, if not more. They also had better, more complex paint jobs. So Hasbro is pretty cheapass compared to the Marvel toys we used to get.
Razgriz-Specter said:worst thing was they cancelled the line right after the line started getting better.Still really bad compared to what Hasbro was making at the time. They still overused the same body, so some figures looked like bobbleheads with that new body.
i used to get all sorts of toybiz figures back in the day, and its amazing how more than a decade and a half ago, they were making better figures than that pathetic crap posted above. dc needs to do better.
The Light really needs to learn not to hold summits on Santa Prisca with members of the Team who've expressed interest in turning evil. It never works out for them.
New Weisman interview:
Now I want to cry.
That's pretty ambiguous. So did the plan include Apokolips in a later season or was the introduction of the tech and characters from that side of things just one-off usage of stuff in the DC universe?WF: It seemed like the first season was heading towards an invasion by Apokolips, but was seemingly abandoned in the second season for the Reach. Was Apokolips a red herring to throw fans off, to make the Reach a surprising threat, or did you decide it was a road traveled too often? Or... was it even considered at all?
GW: Nothing was abandoned. We had a plan from day one on this series, and we've stuck with it.
WF: A ‘fill-in-the-blank’ question – Could you reveal who the Team members who joined and left during the five- year gap were (other than the ones already known: Tempest, Aquagirl and Jason Todd)?
GW: Hmmm. Well, the fans have been pretty patient, so here's their reward:
01 – Superman
02 – Batman
03 - Wonder Woman
04 – Flash
05 - Green Lantern
06 – Aquaman
07 - Martian Manhunter
08 - Green Arrow
09 – Hawkman
10 – Hawkwoman
11 – Zatara
12 - Captain Atom
13 - Black Canary
14 - Green Lantern
15 - Captain Marvel
16 - Red Tornado
17 - Doctor Fate
18 – Atom
19 - Plastic Man
20 – Icon
21 - Red Arrow
22 - Blue Beetle
23 - Black Lightning
24 - Green Lantern
25 – Zatanna
26 – Rocket
A01 - Lucas Carr
A02 - Catherine Cobert
A03 - Zatanna Zatara
A04 - John Smith
A05 - Billy Batson
A10 - Malcolm Duncan
A11 - Adam Strange
A12 - Blue Beetle
A13 - Jay Garrick
B01 - Robin/Nightwing
B02 – Aqualad
B03 - Kid Flash
B04 – Superboy
B05 - Miss Martian
B06 - Speedy/Red Arrow
B07 – Artemis
B08 – Zatanna
B09 – Rocket
B10 – Tempest
B11 – Aquagirl
B12 – Troia
B13 – Robin
B14 - Lieutenant Marvel
B15 - Sergeant Marvel
B16 – Batgirl
B17 – Bumblebee
B18 - Lagoon Boy
B19 - Beast Boy
B20 – Robin
B21 - Wonder Girl
B22 - Blue Beetle
B23 – Impulse
B24 – Guardian
B25 – Arsenal
C01 – Sphere
C02 – Wolf
I've been crying for months brah. I would've been all over those season two toys even though they are complete ahit.Lagoon Boy!!!!New Weisman interview:
Now I want to cry.
so 3 Green Lantern's. Hal, then...Guy then John?
3 Blue Beetles in there. Ted Kord on the Justice League, and perhaps the middle one was his spot before entering the league? Last one is the current one.
Troia = Wonder Girl?
so 3 Green Lantern's. Hal, then...Guy then John?
3 Blue Beetles in there. Ted Kord on the Justice League, and perhaps the middle one was his spot before entering the league? Last one is the current one.
Troia = Wonder Girl?
Carr and Cobert are the regular people. I remember Cobert as the PR lady. John Smith is Red Tornado's alias.
Redacted names for the last "B Team spot", and the 2 newest league members. 4 spots in the middle of the A range (what is the A range? Human Civvies and alias's?) 1st 5 were introduced in Season 1, and everyone else came during the break, or into Season 2.
Perhaps those names come about in the finale, at least the B Team and JL names.
the whole Wonder Girl and Donna Troy always confused me. Blame it on my limited knowledge of Wonder Woman plot.
BTW, when thinking of Red Arrow (the clone), whatever happened to him? The last I remember was him in the hospital with Original Roy, before he escaped to go after Luthor.
well, Captain Marvel is the One we've seen (Billy Batson) Not sure about the naming of the other 2. I knew there was a Marvel Family, but they didn't use those "ranking names", did they?
no, thats why its awesome that he gave them ranks.
they were just marvel jr and mary marvel.
Nope, there were also three Lieutenant Marvels. Fat, Hillbilly, and someone else.
the whole Wonder Girl and Donna Troy always confused me. Blame it on my limited knowledge of Wonder Woman plot.
BTW, when thinking of Red Arrow (the clone), whatever happened to him? The last I remember was him in the hospital with Original Roy, before he escaped to go after Luthor.
Mmm know I'm wondering that also. He is related to wally and Artemis now so maybe they all retire together?