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Young Justice: The Animated Series



We'll never get this. :(



Edit: Someone hold me.


Troia, I think, would be Donna Troy. Different character from the blonde Wonder Girl.

Lanterns were Hal, then John, then Guy.

The first Wonder Girl, and Original Member of the Teen Titans!
Dam It sucks I would have love to see her in cartoon form.

Donna Troy is a character who dies, but shifts into a different dimension when it happens. She originally was a amazon like Wonder Women, but then has been change with each new DC reboot. So ya her character is very confusing. Similar but not the same level as PowerGirl or Huntress.


Wow poor black manta,poor man went from finding out his son betrayed him then watching him murdered by his team mate to unravel everything he worked for in death to coming back alive to betray him by going against him.

Can someone gif black beetle discarding supermeat like trash

This gif hurts


Man the power levels fluctuate too much with Black Beetle. BB was taken down by the outsiders but the actual YJ crew always sucks against him.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I just wanted to see empress, lil lobo, and maybe son of Vulcan animated. We'll never get that now
Are wonder girls the daughters of Diana?

Cassie is the daughter of Zeus and a mortal archeologist.

Donna is ... more complicated.

The original Wonder Girl was a flashback series about a young Wonder Woman- just like the original Superboy was a flashback series about a teenage superman. The Silver Age being what it was, there were frequent crossover stories with adult and teenage Diana. Think "All New X-Men" but sixty years ago, and for the purpose of deflecting lesbian/bondage rumors. The writer of the first Teen Titans stories saw these covers and thought Wonder Woman had a sidekick. Comics editorial, being as much a joke then as it is now, didn't catch the error until it saw print. This then left them with the challenge to create a backstory for Wonder Girl.

Donna Troy changes origin, codename, costume, and powers as often as most people change their underwear. I'm just going to copy-paste from wikipedia for this part:

Rescued orphan: Donna Troy was rescued from an orphanage fire by Wonder Woman, who took her to Paradise Island to be raised as an Amazon and little sister of Diana.

Titan Seed: The Titan Rhea had rescued a young Donna from a fire, adding her to a group of 12 orphans from around the universe who had been raised on New Cronus by these Titans as "Titan Seeds", their eventual saviors. The Seeds had been given superhuman powers and named after ancient Greek cities. Called "Troy", Donna (like the others) had eventually been stripped of her memories of her time with the Titans of Myth, and reintroduced into humankind to await her destiny. In this version, Donna was not an Amazon and had no connection to Wonder Woman.[2]

Infinite Lives of Donna Troy: In a revision that incorporated the Titan Seed continuity while reattaching Donna Troy to Wonder Woman, it is revealed that the Amazon sorceress Magala had animated a mirror image of young Princess Diana to create for her a mystical, "identical twin" playmate. This twin is soon mistaken for Diana and kidnapped by Dark Angel. Dark Angel disperses the girl's spirit across the multiverse, condemning her to live multiple lives, each one cut short by the Dark Angel at a moment of tragedy.[3] In at least one of these variant lives, Donna would become a superhero and encounter her grown sister, now Wonder Woman, and their mother Queen Hippolyta, without realizing who she really was or how she was related to them. After that timeline ends with the death of Donna's son, Diana and Hippolyta intervene to find what happened to Donna. Donna finally defeats Dark Angel, destroying the evil entity and regaining her original Amazon powers. She returns to reality to continue her life from that point.[4]

Current version: Wonder Woman (vol. 3) Annual #1 gives Donna a new origin that combines elements of her three variant origins. Donna was born as Princess Diana's mystic twin through the help of Amazon sorceress Magala. Months later, an old enemy of Queen Hippolyta, called Dark Angel, kidnapped Donna thinking she was Diana. Donna was placed in suspended animation by Dark Angel for years but was eventually rescued and returned to the Amazons' home, where she received training from both the Amazons and the Titans of Myth and was raised as Diana's sister and Hippolyta's second daughter. Years later, she followed Diana into the outside world as Wonder Girl and helped form the Teen Titans.[5]

Like I said earlier- no matter how much they retcon and reboot, Hawkman and Donna Troy will never make sense.

Sister? I watched WW cartoon movie and she was made by clay and she became alive. So how can she have a sister.

Same mother/sculptor. Or adopted sister. Again, depends on the origin. Although in the New 52, Wonder Woman was made the old fashioned way, as the product of a one night stand between Hippolyta and Zeus.
Cassie is the daughter of Zeus and a mortal archeologist.

Donna is ... more complicated.

The original Wonder Girl was a flashback series about a young Wonder Woman- just like the original Superboy was a flashback series about a teenage superman. The Silver Age being what it was, there were frequent crossover stories with adult and teenage Diana. Think "All New X-Men" but sixty years ago, and for the purpose of deflecting lesbian/bondage rumors. The writer of the first Teen Titans stories saw these covers and thought Wonder Woman had a sidekick. Comics editorial, being as much a joke then as it is now, didn't catch the error until it saw print. This then left them with the challenge to create a backstory for Wonder Girl.

Donna Troy changes origin, codename, costume, and powers as often as most people change their underwear. I'm just going to copy-paste from wikipedia for this part:


Like I said earlier- no matter how much they retcon and reboot, Hawkman and Donna Troy will never make sense.

Same mother/sculptor. Or adopted sister. Again, depends on the origin. Although in the New 52, Wonder Woman was made the old fashioned way, as the product of a one night stand between Hippolyta and Zeus.
Thanks for this thourough explanation. Comics are such a mess with regards to these things :D
Donna's stuff changes fucking constantly and Diana is no longer under that but now a Half god due to Zeus pushing his dick everywhere. lol
Isn't that incest? Damn. Sick


Membero Americo
Wow poor black manta,poor man went from finding out his son betrayed him then watching him murdered by his team mate to unravel everything he worked for in death to coming back alive to betray him by going against him.

Can someone gif black beetle discarding supermeat like trash

This gif hurts

But Kaldur doesn't actually kill Artermis...

Are you saying CN didn't actually killed YJ!?



The fans should start a petition. I mean toys aren't involved just viewers for DVD's.

Petitions won't help. WB already see YJ as a failed property, so they won't go back to it. Same thing occurred when the Wonder Woman DCAU movie failed to meet sales expectations right out of the gate, so WB quit trying to make DCAU movies and TV shows with a female lead(s).
The fans should start a petition. I mean toys aren't involved just viewers for DVD's.
There's a petition to save Young Justice and Green Lantern. And a facebook page.
There's even a fan movement to save both shows on tumblr. There's a twitter campaign where every Saturday a hashtag that represents both shows is tweeted when the shows come on.
Examples include GreenInvasion and CrashTheMonitor. The last two hashtags were even trending worldwide.
This week's hashtag is #HeroesNeverDie.


Also, recently there has been a toy drive: The Heroes for Heroes Campaign.
Fans donated YJ/GLTAS toys to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.

March 16th is going to be the Mass Messaging Day Campaign. Where every fan is encouraged to contact Cartoon Network,
Warner Brothers, and DC to say that we don't want these shows to be cancelled.
No one wants these shows to end prematurely, not the fans, not the voice actors, and not the creators.
So everyone, let's do what we can to save our shows.


The fans should start a petition. I mean toys aren't involved just viewers for DVD's.

I do say fans should petition for a Justice League Cartoon set in the YJ Universe. There is a JL movie in the works, just like Green Lantern: The Animated Series was brought to life by the more (and ironically, also killed by it), there should be a Justice League Cartoon to tie-in alongside.

Instead of making a whole new universe for the hypothetical cartoon, fan should keep the pressure strong to keep the universe Weissman and his crew built. I think it would be the best way to see the "would be" storylines from the non-existent Season 3.


They were probably saving Dark Seid as the final boss for the series finale if they got a few more years. That's what JLU did.


Superboy is the Worf of YJ. You want to give your villain instant I'm a bad ass status. Send Superboy his way! One Punch Baby!

Much like his mentor during Justice League.

All we need now is for Supergirl and Power Girl to get spots on a team show, and the legacy of the Super Jobbers will be forever secure.
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