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Young Justice: The Animated Series




Looks like they'll be airing new episodes during the summer. Wonder how that do in the TV ratings. Anyways it's better than waiting till Fall for new eps that's for sure.


Weenerz said:
June 3rd is so far away, ugh.

At least we have a date.

Batman: The Brave and The Bold

Friday, June 3rd, 2011 at 6:30pm (ET) - "#58 Time Out for Vengeance!" -- New!
The JLI travel to the past to try and stop a force that wants to wipe out all the incarnations of Batman throughout time (Cave-Batman, Pirate Batman).



Ookami-kun said:

Return of Bruce Wayne reference!
Holy shit, if we get a Jonah Hex and Western Batman team-up, the nerdgasm would be too much for me X3.
Oh and seeing as it involves time travel I guess it'll have
googleplex said:
I would love to see Static as part of the team.

I'm talking about "comic book" Static and not "Static Shock" Static.
Mind saying a bit about the difference for those who didn't read comic Static?


I suppose I should try to continue watching this show?

I stopped after the episode with Bane because I wasn't in the mood for "Helloooo Megan!" and Robin's "whelmed" shit and Kid Flash tripping and Superboy being pissed all day every day.

Do I need to give it more time?


Satchwar said:
I suppose I should try to continue watching this show?

I stopped after the episode with Bane because I wasn't in the mood for "Helloooo Megan!" and Robin's "whelmed" shit and Kid Flash tripping and Superboy being pissed all day every day.

Do I need to give it more time?


I don't find the character shtick particularly annoying considering were only 9 episode in. The show is pretty well written so we should expect some major character development in future episodes. Check out the ask Greg section of the Gargoyles Blog, Greg Weisman answers a lot of fandom questions.


Satchwar said:
I suppose I should try to continue watching this show?

I stopped after the episode with Bane because I wasn't in the mood for "Helloooo Megan!" and Robin's "whelmed" shit and Kid Flash tripping and Superboy being pissed all day every day.

Do I need to give it more time?

I guess I'm more forgiving since I like character development in my shows.

I mean would you want Superboy to be happy go lucky from day 1? I like the subplot they have with his anger and Superman's disapproval of him.

I can understand the Hello Megan thing, but Robin's word games are kind of funny to me.


Penguin said:
I guess I'm more forgiving since I like character development in my shows.

I mean would you want Superboy to be happy go lucky from day 1? I like the subplot they have with his anger and Superman's disapproval of him.

I can understand the Hello Megan thing, but Robin's word games are kind of funny to me.
I like character development too. I'm glad we have that in common! However, I don't like being annoyed by what I'm watching. I have sense enough to change the channel if I don't like something.

I just don't like when characters get caught (or start) in these trope traps.

Mononofu said:

I don't find the character shtick particularly annoying considering were only 9 episode in. The show is pretty well written so we should expect some major character development in future episodes. Check out the ask Greg section of the Gargoyles Blog, Greg Weisman answers a lot of fandom questions.

Thanks for this.

I just made it through the episode with Black Canary and now I'm on Infiltrator. I've liked Aqualad from the beginning and I think I'll start digging Artemis too.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Satchwar said:
I suppose I should try to continue watching this show?

I stopped after the episode with Bane because I wasn't in the mood for "Helloooo Megan!" and Robin's "whelmed" shit and Kid Flash tripping and Superboy being pissed all day every day.

Do I need to give it more time?
Eh... this stuff hasn't gone away. The last episode had M'gann using her retarded catchphrase several times and they brought back Robin's "whelmed". Those and the other tropes you complained about are still a big part of the show.

It's cool seeing all sorts of more obscure DC characters in each episode, but the writing is generally pretty lame. I would tell you that the show hasn't gotten significantly better than when you quit. Whether you keep watching depends on your level of masochism.


DVD out on July 19th



Not feeling the box art but whatever.


Read this about the DVD at comicbookresources.com:
These teenage heroes collectively become the Justice League’s secret weapon against the forces of evil. The young protégés must put their super hero education to the test and band together to covertly fight the evildoers that exist on Earth-16. Utilizing The Cave as their home base, the teen heroes will take on under-the-radar missions that would be impossible for the league’s famous and identifiable elders to handle secretly.
Was this known?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Chairhome said:
Read this about the DVD at comicbookresources.com:

Was this known?

Think so, yeah. Want to say the Bruce Greenwood-voiced Batman is that universe's Batman. So, the Red Hood DTV movie might be in the same universe.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Chairhome said:
Read this about the DVD at comicbookresources.com:

Was this known?

yup. miss martian is an actual green martian now, and the martian war never happened.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
this show is fucking awesome, I'm surprised at the quality of the animation.


From The Dust said:
I haven't been catching up with this show unfortunetly. but I will do so sometime this week

Not much to catch up with. They haven't aired a new episode in two months. The show's got all the momentum of rush hour traffic.


HK-47 said:
So I heard this show is worse than Teen Titans.

That is not possible.

Also, the show is pretty good.

Parallax said:
yup. miss martian is an actual green martian now, and the martian war never happened.

Are we sure about this? I mean, all the info we have indicates this, but I still have suspicions.


Jerk said:
That is not possible.

Also, the show is pretty good.

Are we sure about this? I mean, all the info we have indicates this, but I still have suspicions.

Question received on Sat, February 12, 2011 08:40:45 PM
Derek writes...

Wasn't the whole reason Martian Manhunter came to earth because his species had been wiped out? How can Miss Martian have eight sisters on Mars?
Greg responds...

She doesn't. She has twelve sisters. And seventeen brothers. And something like 300 cousins.

And the Martian race is still alive and well in the Earth-16 Universe. (From my point of view, killing them off wasn't the greatest addition to the Martian Manhunter mythos. It's stealing from Superman's schtick. Superman is the last Kryptonian. Martian Manhunter wasn't the last Martian for years and years, until that notion was added or retconned or whatever you want to call it into J'onn's backstory.)

And that's NOT why Martian Manhunter came to Earth. At least not originally when he first appeared in 1955 and not in our continuity either. He was brought here as a result of a Zeta-Beam accident.

Wow. Revealed way more than I planned to. Oh, well.

Confirmed & more production info from the 12th.

YJ Update

Seems like a good day for an update on production...

Episodes 101-109 have aired.

Episodes 110-111 are in the can, ready to air in June.

Episode 112 is in post-production. We do the Sound Mix tomorrow.

Episode 113 is in post-production. We should be locking the edit later today.

Episodes 114-119 are in Korea being animated.

Episodes 120-124 are in Korea in layout, while final models are being completed here.

Episode 125's storyboard is in checking and track. It's slightly too long. Brandon and I will be cutting slivers out of it before it ships.

Episode 126's storyboard is in revision.

Episode 201 is in script.

Episode 202's outline is waiting for notes that should come in today.

Episode 203's outline is being edited by me this week.

Episodes 204-210 are in outline.

By the way, in case it isn't obvious: NO, WE HAVE NOT DONE OVER TWO HUNDRED EPISODES. The first digit refers to the season. The second two digits refer to the episode number for that season. So, for example: episode 111 is the eleventh episode of the first season and episode 203 is the third episode of the second season.


Bad news, it looks like no new shows in June. Toonzone forums revealed the CN schedule and it'll just be repeats throughout the entire month. I can confirm that next weeks episode will be a repeat, thanks to my DVR.


abundant said:
Bad news, it looks like no new shows in June. Toonzone forums revealed the CN schedule and it'll just be repeats throughout the entire month. I can confirm that next weeks episode will be a repeat, thanks to my DVR.
get the fuck out of here...

abundant said:
Bad news, it looks like no new shows in June. Toonzone forums revealed the CN schedule and it'll just be repeats throughout the entire month. I can confirm that next weeks episode will be a repeat, thanks to my DVR.

:lol My God. I wish they just waited until Fall 2011 to premier this. 9 episodes and then a complete drought since MARCH 11TH is a joke.
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