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Young Justice: The Animated Series

Lol, I just read they showed a "new" episode of Young Justice at Comic-con 2011. Too bad CN leaked it out on their website well before Comic-Con. anyone attending that panel will likely have seen it already.

September 23, 2011 is the new ep huh? Finally.

Is that also when DC Nation launches on the network?


And here's the poster of season 2

Superboy has a cape now? Either way I just hope CN doesn't mess up the airing schedule this time. They completely screwed appeal for the show because it could've been a lot more popular.


I just can't enjoy this show. Sad, because I like some of the people doing the voices but...

I miss Justice League Unlimited...


ChocolateCupcakes said:
Superboy has a cape now? Either way I just hope CN doesn't mess up the airing schedule this time. They completely screwed appeal for the show because it could've been a lot more popular.
In the middle? Thats robin.


New update

Greg said:
101-109 have all aired.
110 was previewed at Comic-Con and will premiere on Cartoon Network on September 16th.
111-119 are also in the can, i.e. totally completed and ready for airing.
120-123 are all in post-production. Today we previewed the music for 120, and spotted the music for 121.
124-126 are still being animated.
201 is shipping to Korea at the end of the week.
202 is in timing.
203 is in storyboard clean-ups.
204 is waiting for board notes.
205-206 are in storyboard.
207 records tomorrow.
208-210 are all in script.
211-220 have been approved into production. Brandon Vietti, Kevin Hopps and myself spent the last week (including Saturday) breaking the last six episodes (one per day). We are pitching the arc of the season to DC, CN and WB this Wednesday. Assuming that goes well, we'll have our first writer's meeting to assign 211-214 on Thursday. I have beatsheets completed on 211-216. Have to write up the beatsheets for 217-220, but I've got all the beats on index cards, so it's just a matter of finding the time to transcribe them into a document.
That's it for now. See you all on the 16th of September!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
This entire season has been one huge clusterfuck. Hopefully they can get their shit together in time for the next season.


Parallax said:
This entire season has been one huge clusterfuck. Hopefully they can get their shit together in time for the next season.

I want to know what the fuck happened with this show. They air like three episodes take a five month break to air like one or some shit. Also I read somewhere that Beast Boy was going to make an appearance, I hope he retains some of his Teen Titans humor.
I thought for a while it was production issues, then it also hit me: the toys just started hitting shelves a couple of weeks ago. So either CN needed some filler room and put it out to test waters and get people interested, or they showed it early by accident and meant to wait until around now to coincide with the toys.


I hope things end up well for the show and story. I don't really care any longer at this point. Interest is pretty much gone. I can usually deal with long waits but the way things have been handled with this show is been crazy. The wait is going to be even longer for DVDs and that's if they even come. Might pick them up if they ever show up but no desire at all to follow this show weekly now whenever it ever starts airing again.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
do you think the show was pushed prematurely to deal with the avengers? it just seems weird that someone would air the finished episodes from an unfinished season.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
krypt0nian said:
LOVE the Avengers but couldn't get through more than one ep of Iron Man.

its pretty good. i like the designs used for the villains, and rhodey is the best character on the show, which is really nothing new.


Jesus i've been looking for new episodes since forever. What a mess. I love the show though.

I wish channel 11 were around (WB) to handle these shows. At least i discovered Ironman and Wolverine (Anime).


Hey, look at that: New episodes start this Friday. I hope they'll be able to run though the rest of season one now without taking a break.
Penguin said:
I take it the show moved time slots as well?

Cartoon Network has just been on the ball! :(
Yep, its 6:30 now. Targets aired so new episodes next week
Here is cam version of a bumper of upcoming episodes http://www.neogaf.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=31030043

And production update
As we fast approach our RE-PREMIERE, thought I'd give another update...
Episodes 101-109 have aired.
Episode 110, which we previewed officially at Comic-Con will finally air on Cartoon Network this Friday, September 16, 2011 at 6:30pm (or check local listings).
Episodes 111-121 are all in the can, ready to air.
Episode 122 is in post. We'll be mixing the sound next week.
Episode 123 is also in post. We'll be editing/locking the footage this Friday while some of you are watching 110.
Episode 124 is finishing up animation in Korea.
Episode 125 just came back from Korea - EARLY!! (That almost never happens.) We will be calling retakes on the footage shortly.
Episode 126 is finishing up animation in Korea.
Episodes 201-202 have both shipped to Korea for animation.
Episode 203 ships this week.
Episode 204 is in storyboard revisions. Brandon and I still need to give notes on the last act.
Episode 205 is waiting on storyboard notes too.
Episodes 206-207 are in storyboard.
Episode 208's script went final today. We'll record it next week.
Episode 209's script is currently being edited by me.
Episode 210 is in script.
Episode 211's outline is waiting to be edited by me.
Episodes 212-214 are in outline.
Episodes 215-217 we'll be handed out today (9/14) to the writers to go to outline.
Episodes 218-220 we'll be handed out next week to the writers. Beatsheets are completed though.
Issues 0-7 plus the Free Comic Book Day issue have all been released.
Issue 8 is finished and should "hit the stands" this month.
Issue 9 is being inked.
Issue 10 is being pencilled. But the cover is done.
Issue 11's script was turned in by me yesterday. The cover is done.
Issue 12's cover has been pencilled and inked. I know the basic story, but I'm going to begin breaking down the story page-by-page tonight.
Issues 13-14's story is also pretty clear in our heads. Kevin and I will discuss it today so Kevin can proceed to break the issues down page-by-page.
With all these episodes, there better be no hiatus, here cn


Penguin said:
I take it the show moved time slots as well?

Cartoon Network has just been on the ball! :(

They moved YJ to that time slot back in July, because of the new Thundercats show.

With all these episodes, there better be no hiatus, here cn
There will be break during December for sure. Every show goes on hiatus that month.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Slayven said:
I wonder if the ep has the Titans wining, but it is secretly negated by the Light really winning.

yknow what? im gonna start calling them the titans too. fuck it

anyway, pretty good episode. they keep namedropping artemis so softcore that i expect that she isnt the traitor. nice seeing wendy and marvin in a non fucked up state, as well as who i assume is bumblebee. and the more snapper the better. its sad that it has to play catchup like this though


Parallax said:
yknow what? im gonna start calling them the titans too. fuck it

anyway, pretty good episode. they keep namedropping artemis so softcore that i expect that she isnt the traitor. nice seeing wendy and marvin in a non fucked up state, as well as who i assume is bumblebee. and the more snapper the better. its sad that it has to play catchup like this though
I originally wrote that accidentally, but then I said fuck it.
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