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Young Justice: The Animated Series

Sho_Nuff82 said:
I love that Robin knows everyone's secret identities, but none of them are bright enough to figure out his. Shades of Justice League.

It was kind of silly that KF, Superboy, and Aqualad could be permanently incapacitated by ice and fire prisons (and as a white Martian, is Meghan even vulnerable to fire?), but it allowed Robin to be badass so I don't really mind.
Miss Martian isn't a white martian in this universe.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
I love that Robin knows everyone's secret identities, but none of them are bright enough to figure out his. Shades of Justice League.

It was kind of silly that KF, Superboy, and Aqualad could be permanently incapacitated by ice and fire prisons (and as a white Martian, is Meghan even vulnerable to fire?), but it allowed Robin to be badass so I don't really mind.
Oh so that was ice? It didn't look like ice. It looked like melted down metal.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
really need to set my DVR to record this. I keep forgetting, and it comes on while I'm at work.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I love that Robin knows everyone's secret identities, but none of them are bright enough to figure out his. Shades of Justice League.

It was kind of silly that KF, Superboy, and Aqualad could be permanently incapacitated by ice and fire prisons (and as a white Martian, is Meghan even vulnerable to fire?), but it allowed Robin to be badass so I don't really mind.
that instantly reminded me of the scene in Justice league where Flash is uncomfortable with revealing himself and Batman just outs all their identities.


so good!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
hearing the titans bitch for a majority of the episode really bothered me. especially since the ward of the fucking batman couldnt figure out why he wasnt told about the traitor. im glad this is the only episode well have to deal with the mistrust(possibly) because this shit makes me lose interest. the only one that came out shining in this was aqualad.


Unconfirmed Member
BTW, loved Rob Lowe's voice as Captain Marvel in this episode. Also loved how they really nailed the fact he's still a kid with how he was acting and saying things were "super cool" and having fun on the mission.


Nice ep.!
The Brain's french accent was sexy and for those that didn't know, he was the Light member who talked to Sportsmaster at the end of Ep. 4, WHEREIN THE KOBRA VENOM WAS INTRODUCED.

Loved Captain Marvel's appearance in this ep. and props to BlAqualad showing who the man is.
Parallax said:
hearing the titans bitch for a majority of the episode really bothered me. especially since the ward of the fucking batman couldnt figure out why he wasnt told about the traitor. im glad this is the only episode well have to deal with the mistrust(possibly) because this shit makes me lose interest. the only one that came out shining in this was aqualad.

Same. Not a terrible episode, but not my favorite. I would have though most of the characters would have the good sense to be more professional while on a case, rather than storming off in a huff before they even heard the mission objectives.


AtomskEater said:
Same. Not a terrible episode, but not my favorite. I would have though most of the characters would have the good sense to be more professional while on a case, rather than storming off in a huff before they even heard the mission objectives.

Well, they are young teenagers, and teenagers are all idiots, so I thought it was quite believable.


You would think they had missed naptime with all that whining and bitching. Personally if I was Aqualad I would have told them to fuck off and went home and banged a mermaid.


Gonaria said:
Well, they are young teenagers, and teenagers are all idiots, so I thought it was quite believable.

This plus they were almost killed in the prior episode. Makes sense that the team would be pissed.


It was alright, I suppose. I like how Aqualad eventually took command and Captain Marvel's boyish foolishness.

Though I still dunno how I feel about Miss M and Superboy's newfoound relationship. I already kind of want them to break up!


Slayven said:
You would think they had missed naptime with all that whining and bitching. Personally if I was Aqualad I would have told them to fuck off and went home and banged a mermaid.
That is so gangsta~


Yeah, not a fan of the Superboy/Miss Martian relationship either. Seems so awkward and annoying.

Good episode though. Love seeing the entire team together, not to mention the continued jokes. Nice to see Aqualad remain leader too, and hopefully a firmer one.


Mononofu said:
This plus they were almost killed in the prior episode. Makes sense that the team would be pissed.
Does anyone die in the comics, it feels so much like JLU again except now we have 10 different story arcs that are left hanging, but are being resolved in a very slow and weird order. At least in Gargoyles there was kind of a point to all the setups. Now it just feels like they want to animate 10 new characters a show.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Gonaria said:
Well, they are young teenagers, and teenagers are all idiots, so I thought it was quite believable.

i dont like the agsnt. young justice wasnt this ridiculous about it, hell neither was any incarnation of the titans. and having hormonal balls of angst like superboy and artemis in the same room tries my patience. i get that they both have daddy issues, but damn cut it down a little, youre supposed to be heroes that the adults can take seriously


I didn't mind the character interaction or the fractious nature of it. They gave my The Brain and Monsieur Mallah, not to mention Rob Lowe being super cheesy as Captain Marvel, so I'm good with it.

I did find it curious that Superboy had problems fighting some wolves, and Captain Marvel got swatted around by an elephant.

It was good to see Uncle Dudley.
besada said:
I didn't mind the character interaction or the fractious nature of it. They gave my The Brain and Monsieur Mallah, not to mention Rob Lowe being super cheesy as Captain Marvel, so I'm good with it.

I did find it curious that Superboy had problems fighting some wolves, and Captain Marvel got swatted around by an elephant.

It was good to see Uncle Dudley.

the animals were injected withe cobra venom.
Kinda confused by this latest Episode.

I mean, they're supposed to be a group ... friends. But none of them had the feeling that maybe there was a reason for AL hiding this info and that maybe they should chill their balls and let him speak.

AL acted ... completely in character. I could see where he is coming from by being passive and not demanding they stfu and hear him out at first.

Seems like the writers just wanted them to all go "LALALALAL FUCK YOU AQUALAD LALALALAL YOU DON'T TRUST US!!!" so that they could have this outcome.

Anyway, I'm getting the feeling MM is gonna die for some reason ... IDK really, she just seems like the most likely of the group right now and they said that some characters aint gonna make it. That relationship aint gonna last and they seem to love throwing the angst on SB.

Oh, and does SB really have that damn wolf as a pet now? How the hell does a pack leader wolf super powered off that roid juice just decide to become a pet dog to the thing that just beat him? Is that wolf now a member of the team?
I felt like, compared to the normal writing of the show, it took them a long time to notice the collars. Should've been the first thing they tried.

Edit: Maybe when they wrote the episode, they didn't realize how much the collars would stand out in the animation.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Black-Wind said:
Kinda confused by this latest Episode.

I mean, they're supposed to be a group ... friends. But none of them had the feeling that maybe there was a reason for AL hiding this info and that maybe they should chill their balls and let him speak.

AL acted ... completely in character. I could see where he is coming from by being passive and not demanding they stfu and hear him out at first.

Seems like the writers just wanted them to all go "LALALALAL FUCK YOU AQUALAD LALALALAL YOU DON'T TRUST US!!!" so that they could have this outcome.

pretty much. it was done badly and droned on for two long. hearing them talk shit annoyed me too. its not like AL wasnt getting his ass kicked with the rest of them or anything

Anyway, I'm getting the feeling MM is gonna die for some reason ... IDK really, she just seems like the most likely of the group right now and they said that some characters aint gonna make it. That relationship aint gonna last and they seem to love throwing the angst on SB.

they also said one of the members of young justice would be a traitor, so unless thats still the gameplan, it could be
red tornado
which to be honest i would prefer, seeing as how its a waste of a character, and the ray would be a better replacement

Oh, and does SB really have that damn wolf as a pet now? How the hell does a pack leader wolf super powered off that roid juice just decide to become a pet dog to the thing that just beat him? Is that wolf now a member of the team?

its a pack thing. dogs take order from the alpha, which superboy now is. and it also shows the similarities between superman and superboy, seeing as how their both collectors of rare creatures.


Am I weird to wonder if the people in the justice league universe need to get super hero/villain insurance due to all the property they totally destroy? I wonder what the premiums are like...


Superboy's and Megan's relationship annoys me :(
Other than that I love these episodes and am glad to be keeping up with the show again :)
I was so annoyed with them not trusting Aqualad. I mean did they really not see how it would be a bad idea to tell the whole group there was a mole among them? Really? It shows that they are still kids and aren't ready to be in the Justice League.

I did like Capt. Marvel's portrayal.
PounchEnvy said:
I feel bad we haven't heard a "Hello, Megan" in quite a while. :/

I'm glad we haven't. I know what it's referencing, but I was afraid from the first episode that it would end up being her catch phrase or something.
Parallax said:
its a pack thing. dogs take order from the alpha, which superboy now is. and it also shows the similarities between superman and superboy, seeing as how their both collectors of rare creatures.
Yeah, but even in the wild when an outsider beats the shit out of the leader the leader LEAVES (and tries to take another pack) and the outsider(s) become the new leader of the pack ... the leader doesn't just start following the outsider. Would make more sense if the pack followed SB but w/e :p

Anyway, interesting episode. I love AL but I was hoping he would stay as AquaFate. Would be a fitting end to his character if he is to leave at some point.

Also are ther like 3-2 GL characters in this? Why do they have the chocolate GL? Are they gonna add Static at some point?


Good episode, felt a little weird in places though.

Artemis had a couple of great lines: "I feel naked and not in the fun way"

Spiner was hit and miss for me. A few of his lines came across as neither humorous or threatening enough for The Joker. Hamill set the bar much too high for it to really matter anyway.

WTH moment:
Aqualad donning the Fate helmet seemed OOC. He took a huge risk in being stuck as Dr Fate, which then again wouldn't have be so bad....Maybe?
Mononofu said:
WTH moment:
Aqualad donning the Fate helmet seemed OOC. He took a huge risk in being stuck as Dr Fate, which then again wouldn't have be so bad....Maybe?
It wasn't a risk IMO. It seemed to me that he was fully willing to stay hand over his body to Fate if it meant stopping the enemy. But the guy inside the helmet was able to talk things out.

That's why it was "Plan B".
Rafa=FedKilla said:
They need some fresh blood, Static would be chill. Loved the Plastic Man sighting.
I would also like Static ... but I know that he won't get on unless AL leaves. They're not gonna have 2 electric power using chocolate dudes on the team at the same time.


Getting kind of tired of nearly every episode ending with a "just as planned" moment for the bad guys. Admittedly I've missed more than a few episodes but everyone I have seen has ended like this.


Slayven said:
Yes and I believe Rocket saved the people.

Wow... how did i not piece together that it was Rocket with Icon? Now i feel dumb. Damn good cameos by those two since they are not even remotely mainstream.
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