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Young Justice: The Animated Series

2th said:
Wow... how did i not piece together that it was Rocket with Icon? Now i feel dumb. Damn good cameos by those two since they are not even remotely mainstream.
There was talk at one point of having a young Rocket apart of the team.


Full Metal Jacket said:
The Joker was awful.
Agreed, this is the worst Joker I've seen yet =/
An overall good ep. IMO, but I was surprised and pleased with the appearance if Icon (gotta read his series someday), Plasticman and GUY FRIGGIN' GARDNER!

Who was the guy with the scars at the end though?
Easily the worst Joker in any DC animated production ever. His jokes were terrible and he was barely menacing. I cringed at the multiple personality line. :/

That being said, this was probably my favorite episode. Lots of great cameos, good use of powers, and the story is finally progressing. Funny callback by Artemis "There's no way I'm almost drowning 3 missions in a row!"


That Joker was beyond horrible. Wally's "Leave her alone!" was pointless, I enjoyed Artemis' I feel naked and not in the fun way line though. I hated how Black Adam could have probably destroyed everybody there but was given such a bullshit limited role.


I don't who wrote last night's episode but the writing on this is well below Wiseman's last animated work, Spectacular Spider-man. For some reason, it doesn't work for me, both for characters and this overarching light plot.


Full Metal Jacket said:
Does it bother anyone that the team couldn't even get to the Injustice League's hq without even being detected?
Not really. They were trying to sneak up on a master of mystic powers, backed by the real Injustice League, which includes Luthor and Vandal Savage. I'm more bothered that they didn't all get killed. Black Adam alone should be able to take out that entire team.

The only thing that gave them a chance to stay alive was Fate's helmet, which they now need to lose, otherwise it's going to be a constant deus ex machina.

Also, I enjoyed the Joker trying to cut Robin. Spiner could have done better readings of the lines and the writers could have written better stuff, but I like my Joker a little darker than most.

I did like seeing Blue Devil and a host of other less known characters.


I had a couple of problems with the show. You have 55 million members of the league and you send the kids? Black Adam, Joker, Wotan, and Count Vertigo agree to be fall guys? The real Black Adam would have broken the neck of the guy who dared suggest something like that.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Slayven said:
I had a couple of problems with the show. You have 55 million members of the league and you send the kids? Black Adam, Joker, Wotan, and Count Vertigo agree to be fall guys? The real Black Adam would have broken the neck of the guy who dared suggest something like that.

its even funnier that batman would think a bunch of kids would be good enough to take out black adam. really bats?


Honestly someone else should have worn Fate's helmet. Aqualad is way too vital to the team. I hate to say it because I love speedsters but Wally probably should have worn the helmet. He screws up way too much. lol
Parallax said:
its even funnier that batman would think a bunch of kids would be good enough to take out black adam. really bats?
What's funny is that none of the kids ever come close to hurting him. He smacks Superboy around a few times and then meekly surrendered at the end despite taking no real damage. Batman's plan easily could have gotten them all killed. In the comics/animated series, he would never send Robin against the Joker without him, so that's a pretty big gaffe as well.


Wiseblade said:
Worst Joker ever? Even The Batman's was more entertaining from what I remember. They should've just hired Mark Hamill again.

Isn't Hamill retiring from the role of The Joker? I swear I heard somewhere Arkham City will be the last time he will play the Joker.


I know they had previously established Dr. Fate and magic users of his type to use pseudo-Latin incantations, but I'm kind of nerd-upset they used the same method for Zatara. Both he and his daughter use the goofy yet endearing "say this shit backwards" incantation method. It's an insignificant but disappointing change.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
karobit said:
I know they had previously established Dr. Fate and magic users of his type to use pseudo-Latin incantations, but I'm kind of nerd-upset they used the same method for Zatara. Both he and his daughter use the goofy yet endearing "say this shit backwards" incantation method. It's an insignificant but disappointing change.

they probably added that change with the m'gann not being a white martian thing.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
What's funny is that none of the kids ever come close to hurting him. He smacks Superboy around a few times and then meekly surrendered at the end despite taking no real damage. Batman's plan easily could have gotten them all killed. In the comics/animated series, he would never send Robin against the Joker without him, so that's a pretty big gaffe as well.
To be fair, their mission wasn't "Beat up and capture these guys that are you of your league", it was "sneak in, kill the tree and get the hell out". Since they've been doing nothing but stealth and recon missions up to now, I can see Batman thinking they're capable of such a task.

Averon said:
Isn't Hamill retiring from the role of The Joker? I swear I heard somewhere Arkham City will be the last time he will play the Joker.

Now I have to buy Arkham City just for old times' sake.


Membero Americo
PounchEnvy said:
Honestly someone else should have worn Fate's helmet. Aqualad is way too vital to the team. I hate to say it because I love speedsters but Wally probably should have worn the helmet. He screws up way too much. lol

But Wally knew what would happen if he wore the helmet, so he would just refuse to do so.


ep12 Homefrom

-good episode, robin’s cool as always
-super boy was already annoying alone but now his become a more annoying couple
I was hoping Aqualad would have the helmet stuck on for another episode or two just to change it up. This season has been pretty fantastic so far though.


Junior Member
I really like the art direction in this show compared to Teen Titans and Justice League. Every episode looks very slick and polished.

Good episode, though I felt the Joker's voice was terrible. That was Brent Spiner? I expected better.

Ready to see Wondergirl on the team. It would be nice to see a female brawler on the team since I think they're lacking in the super-strength department.



-Aqualad shows them who's boss
-The brain is so suave
-rest of the team turn into whiny babys


- Nothing could of got me ready for how terrible the joker is, cringe worthy stuff there.
-I wish for super boy's death every epsiode

Good show but this no Teen Titan


Obsidian said:
That Joker was the worst Joker i have ever seen. Damn.

yeah I was not impressed with Spider's performance. I did however like the character design. Suave but still bat shit crazy.
How this team survived those powerhouse opponents was a bit of a stretch. I'm glad at least they didn't go so far as to say they'd win against them. Joker was not good, Adam was cool to see but I wish they had Cap Marvel come with so we can really see a throwdown. Still one of the strongest episodes of the show.

So the Light is Lex, Ras, Randall Savage, Klarion, the Brian. Am I missing anyone?
Still hate Artemis... her voice irritates me. Superboy is getting on my nerves; kill him off please. It really was the worst Joker i've ever seen, but also the best joker design i've seen as well. Hated that Speedy is forgotten and appeared to have reconciled with Green Arrow as they were both seen fighting at each others side. I'm a sucker for any Injustice League/Light stories and i hope they continue.


krypt0nian said:
You're right. This is leagues better than that.

Teen Titans had Beast Boy, automatically makes it better. Also does Aqualad have the same voice as Cyborg? Or is it just me?


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Ezalc said:
Teen Titans had Beast Boy, automatically makes it better. Also does Aqualad have the same voice as Cyborg? Or is it just me?

Yeah, it's Khary Payton.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Superboy is the worst of the group.

"I hate monkeys" ughhhhh

KF is such a joke, too. He always fucks up bad in fights.

I watched a sneek preview of the green lantern animated show and CGI aside, looks more like my type of superhero show.
Ezalc said:
Teen Titans had Beast Boy, automatically makes it better. Also does Aqualad have the same voice as Cyborg? Or is it just me?

Beast Boy did nothing for me on that show. Perhaps if they did they actual Titans instead of anime wannabees.
I am a broken record, but they need new young heroes that are cool. Offspring or a yonu Booster Gold would make this show unbelieveable. Aqualad is incredibly dull, did not think that was possible. Artemis is a waste, bring back speedy.


krypt0nian said:
Beast Boy did nothing for me on that show. Perhaps if they did they actual Titans instead of anime wannabees.

Beast Boy was awesome, I agree that the whole pseudo-anime thing was stupid in some episodes but the Beast Boy and Cyborg jokes were pretty good, imo.

I like the new Aqualad, his powers are really interesting and he's just chill. He's not like the others who get all whiny when the littlest shit happens. I agree about Artemis though.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
I am a broken record, but they need new young heroes that are cool. Offspring or a yonu Booster Gold would make this show unbelieveable. Aqualad is incredibly dull, did not think that was possible. Artemis is a waste, bring back speedy.

THIS. I liked Aqualad when he was introduced. He's becoming a dull/pussy leader. I'm fine with Robin, Martian Girl, and Kid Flash, but Aqualad needs to grow some balls and kick some ass.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So Wolf is Superboy's answer to Krypto.

The last ep was nice, seeing the leaguers do some action. And no wonder - I was expecting the big villains to be in the Injustice League, didn't expect them to be
the Light

Thinking about it, why are people thinking Supes was being a dick to Conner? It's a pretty normal reaction - he just realized he has a clone, and suddenly responsibilities and such come into him.


Heart Attack said:
Still hate Artemis... her voice irritates me. Superboy is getting on my nerves; kill him off please. It really was the worst Joker i've ever seen, but also the best joker design i've seen as well. Hated that Speedy is forgotten and appeared to have reconciled with Green Arrow as they were both seen fighting at each others side. I'm a sucker for any Injustice League/Light stories and i hope they continue.

Three character's I don't like in the show Artemis, Superboy and M'gann. Don't like this incarnation of Superboy. He's always "grr Hulk smash!" or "boo hoo I won't Superman see me as he's son". So far this Wally/Kid Flash hasn't done much of anything than screw up and be useless. Teen Titans had more likeable characters. The only one I like in the group is Robin and to a lesser extend Aqualad. Really hope they add another character that doesn't suck.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
ZoddGutts said:
Three character's I don't like in the show Artemis, Superboy and M'gann. Don't like this incarnation of Superboy. He's always "grr Hulk smash!" or "boo hoo I won't Superman see me as he's son". So far this Wally/Kid Flash hasn't done much of anything than screw up and be useless. Teen Titans had more likeable characters. The only one I like in the group is Robin and to a lesser extend Aqualad. Really hope they add another character that doesn't suck.

I didn't know Cyborg = many. I guess you'll like them if you like anime stereotypes.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Terrible Episode. So many thing didn't make sense.

1. The JL KNEW where the base was. So instead of sending a reliable team to the source they send the B team?

2. THEY SENT THE B-TEAM. Black Adam is not someone to mess with. He'll rip you in half if hes having a bad day. Yet they are sent to deal with him and 6 other heavy hitters.. Dear god its amazing no one died.

3. No one died? So the IJL knocks out 4 of the members and takes them prisoner...why? So they can escape later and foil your plans? "Kill them all" NOPE, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE.

4. Joker. He's got none of the charm his past incarnations had. Down right embarrasing

This by far has been my least favorite episode.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Ezalc said:
Teen Titans had Beast Boy, automatically makes it better. Also does Aqualad have the same voice as Cyborg? Or is it just me?

beast boy was the best thing about teen titans next to slade and cyborgs design. the best moment of the series for me was terra's heel turn and when beast boy handed slade his ass on the ferris wheel. that was the peak until kid flash shows up. the rest is just grating.

Heart Attack said:
THIS. I liked Aqualad when he was introduced. He's becoming a dull/pussy leader. I'm fine with Robin, Martian Girl, and Kid Flash, but Aqualad needs to grow some balls and kick some ass.

hes the only member of the team that acts like he should be respected. he doesnt throw a bitchfit when things go bad, and hes willing to put his life on the line to protect those ingrates.

Ookami-kun said:
Thinking about it, why are people thinking Supes was being a dick to Conner? It's a pretty normal reaction - he just realized he has a clone, and suddenly responsibilities and such come into him.

while this is true, connor isnt really asking for much. just a mentor. superman should realize that its better to have a trained superboy than one that doesnt know what hes doing. and hes being a baby about the whole deal. with the way hes acting about it, he might as well be on young justice with the rest of the children. this is the lamest version of supes ive seen yet.


Just saw the episode. Gonna have to agree with everyone's thoughts on the Joker. The voice just doesn't feel true to the type of character he is. It's a shame too, the character design is fantastic. It's a perfect mix between the Heath Ledger joker and design we've seen from BTAS. Hopefully they can get a better VO for him.

Speaking of voices, was anyone else disappointed with Hugo Strange as well? He just sounds so...young. He doesn't have an accent either.


Parallax said:
beast boy was the best thing about teen titans next to slade and cyborgs design. the best moment of the series for me was terra's heel turn and when beast boy handed slade his ass on the ferris wheel. that was the peak until kid flash shows up. the rest is just grating.

Slade was cool until they did the whole zombie thing with him, then it just got stupid. Also that fight was awesome it was one of the few times where we see Beast Boy kick serious ass instead of just being relegated to comedic relief.
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