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Young Justice: The Animated Series


I am Korean.
Dali said:
So I think I'm caught up on the new episodes. I like the series in general but the whole leader in waiting thing they keep bringing up with robin is sort of annoying. Aqualad keeps deferring to robin and it's a little embarassing. They can't just have a minority leader and leave it at that? Like robin's blessing on aqualad's decision to keep the team in the dark about the mole seemed to really make aqualad proud. He's the leader. Who cares what robin thinks?
He's the leader. The team needs the members working in accord or else there's no team.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
The twist to the episode will be that those events really happen.

I hope so.

It was such a good ep, I was thinking, it needs to be a 2-parter, and then such a cop-out ending I felt.


I'm usually not a fan of
"lol, it was a dream!"
situations, but that was handled very well. Besides, this was probably some serious forshadowing to the Invasion thing next season.

A little disappointed that we didn't get to see
the other young heroes
actually do anything though.


Pretty obvious this was a dream episode when none of the YJ worn over the deaths of the JL team. Overall decent ep, the premise was already done to death by other shows though.



It was clear the moment jlu got beat so easily and their reaction to what they saw, that it was a dream.
Episode was mostly shitty with a premise that’s been done to death but done far better by other shows, the only good part being the last 5 mins when eerie music played as martian manhunter did his best to save this episode with his smooth voice as he gave us an explanation of what happened.


krypt0nian said:
Bizarre to see such negative replies to this action packed and characterful episode.

Oh well.
I think maybe because it seemed a little too farfetched at the very beginning anyway. >__>

I kind of like how everyone was inception'd though. Haha.
In a way, it became more of a REAL training mission for the team because all of their emotions became real too. They held up well considering the circumstances, I suppose.

On the other hand.. M'gann => Jean. :C
I liked it. Debating on whether they were being teleported somewhere or not was something I was not expecting. That's always more of a viewer question. The twist didn't even bother me because it was well done. I just want to see more of the JLA now. I love when they're sprinkled throughout episodes.


Newest episode was pretty meh. KF's reactions are still absurd. THOSE DAMN DIRTY ALIENS really bro? Episode had a lot of melodrama which didn't help sell the situation before the twist, I didn't enjoy the twist either but I'm glad that it seems to be foreshadowing something, which I hope is something awesome. Still waiting for Beast Boy to show up and kick ass though.
Once again Aqua Lad shows that he is the best character in this show. I am concerned that the animators might kill him for Robin to become the leader. I am not liking Superboy at all.
Slayven said:
YJ tonight was ok, but already well treaded ground. That and it followed a wowser of a Generator Rex ep.

Generator Rex was amazing this week. Holly shit at the ending twist.
This was probably my least favorite episode thus far. I still enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as normally do.

I can get into a "What If?" scenario pretty easily if it's established up front that that's what we're watching, but "it was all a dream!" was utterly lame and felt cheap. I thought they were going someplace interesting with the whole thing when they temporarily believed the JL etc. were teleported, not disintegrated, but they backed out of it almost immediately, at which point it became obvious it was a deus ex machina situation. It wasn't hard to make the leap from there to "dream/training sequence." Bleh! There were so many cool and interesting directions they could have gone with this story if they'd stretched it to a 2-parter. Ah well.

A few of the JL deaths were stupid and out of character, too...I know, it's a training sequence, which excuses all of this sloppy writing/action in a way, but it was still frustrating to watch them all go down so easily.

I did enjoy a lot of the characterization. Watching YJ grieve for their fallen teammates had real impact, particularly the death of Artemis. It helped solidify our perception of the team as a unified unit who really care about each other at this point. It was fun watching Robin go all grim and "Batman up" to get the job done (I dug that they didn't even touch on Robin grieving for Batman, because that's exactly how Batman would have trained him to act), and I'm looking forward to whatever they decide to do with Ms. Martian's unnerving power. Finally, it was nice to see Connor not act like a huge jackass for an entire episode for a change. He seems to be growing into a much more tolerable character.

It was nice to take a little break from The Light/League of Shadows, too. Overall, though, this was a weak one (imho).

I hope you guys are wrong about the Jean Grey parallel. I would hate that. I'm all for big character deaths but for fuck's sake, make it original.
Ok, irrespective of how weak i thought the episode was, can we get an ID on all the cameos made in the latest episode, who was the heroine with Red Arrow, the Atlanteans and Zatanna (who looked like she had been aged) in the cave. Who was the blonde with Barbara and Alfred (Huzzah: cracked up at that moment)
The girl with Red Arrow, etc was Rocket, Icon's partner. It was cool to hear him get a mention too.

Not sure what blonde you're talking about. I'll have to rematch it. No big sacrifice, as it's my fave episode so far. :)


I am Korean.
VGChampion said:
I liked it. Debating on whether they were being teleported somewhere or not was something I was not expecting. That's always more of a viewer question. The twist didn't even bother me because it was well done. I just want to see more of the JLA now. I love when they're sprinkled throughout episodes.
The whole attack didn't make much sense.

The aliens plow the entire Justice Leauge, but an inexperienced reserve unit seems to have no real trouble. (I was also wondering how Red Tornado got better.) Why did the Justice League lose? Eh. It was so nonsensical that I figured it had to be a dream episode of some sort.
ZoddGutts said:

I remember in the commentary for this episode they were talking about how the script originally had the shot of Barb hitting the car done from a distance, then that was deemed to be too graphic.
So instead they had it animated with the perspective inside the car and it somehow ended up 5 times more brutal but for whatever reason that was allowed.

Good episode of YJ. I can't really say I'm upset about it being all a dream when it was clear that would be the case from the start, so I actually liked the little twist they put on it. Also, this is the first time ever that I think Robin has been the standout best character of the episode. So that's good.


That was shocking, but it was totally going to be a dream or something. How often do they murder a major character onscreen in a cartoon, which is not the season finale.
Slayven said:
YJ tonight was ok, but already well treaded ground. That and it followed a wowser of a Generator Rex ep.
Offtopic, i Like that episode aswell and, howcome GR doesn't have its own thread :(
Aquald is a awesome and Superboy had some cool moments too
Also from this episode Robin and Kid Flash going out like bosses

Random Hello Wally just because


Unconfirmed Member
This is a really nit picky thing, but does anyone else besides me wish that M'gann would just wear her black/red "stealth" uniform full time? I think it looks waaaay cooler and more practical than her regular outfit. Plus, it matches J'onns.
krypt0nian said:
The girl with Red Arrow, etc was Rocket, Icon's partner. It was cool to hear him get a mention too.

Not sure what blonde you're talking about. I'll have to rematch it. No big sacrifice, as it's my fave episode so far. :)
If they ever have an episode featuring The Rocket, I hope they keep her as a teenage single mom. Having a super hero whos 15 and pregnant was such a ballsy move and it made her such an interesting character.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
googleplex said:
If they ever have an episode featuring The Rocket, I hope they keep her as a teenage single mom. Having a super hero whos 15 and pregnant was such a ballsy move and it made her such an interesting character.
Yeah, I think batwoman has a much better chance of showing up on young justice than rocket being a teen mom does.
According to interviews/rumors a while ago a new member should be joining soon, I hope it someone that will actually add an interesting dynamic to the team.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
According to interviews/rumors a while ago a new member should be joining soon, I hope it someone that will actually add an interesting dynamic to the team.

I wonder who it might be. Some minds off the top of my head include...

Zatanna - The episode she was in with everybody was a ton of fun and overall a big tease. It'd be nice to have them go through with it.

Kyle Rayner - The only Green Lantern to not have made an appearance in the YJ universe. Would be awesome to have a GL on the team, which I'd feel legitimizes them more.

Wonder Girl - The most obvious choice. Strange she wasn't in the cast to begin with.

Spoiler - Steph would bring a fun dynamic to the team with her perky attitude along with her general klutsy nature.
I wish by adding new members that aren't as prominent to garner more interest in lesser characters. I really feel DC dropped the ball with the new 52's by not using their synergy to build the younger heroes brand of Blue Beetle and Static.
Phoenixazure said:
Kyle Rayner - The only Green Lantern to not have made an appearance in the YJ universe. Would be awesome to have a GL on the team, which I'd feel legitimizes them more.

He would have to be a teen though. I could have sworn he was shown on an ep though. I know it.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
According to interviews/rumors a while ago a new member should be joining soon, I hope it someone that will actually add an interesting dynamic to the team.

Time for some Beast Boy.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Slayven said:
Is it too much to hope for a Milestone character?
Thinking back, there aren't many teen aged characters in milestone. Unless they de age them. Holocaust or tech 9 would be nice potential additions.


Parallax said:
Thinking back, there aren't many teen aged characters in milestone. Unless they de age them. Holocaust or tech 9 would be nice potential additions.
I was thinking maybe Aqua Marie but she overlaps with Aqualad's power. Starlight would be interesting and they wouldn't have to de-age her much, and the team needs a blaster.
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