Well by the looks of thing Dick is older now so Wally is probably in the JLA along with Aqualad.
Are we using the same thread for the new season?
Feel like it makes sense.. since the seasons are just rolling into one another.
But if others feel differently.
Yeah, I'm all for using this one. I was just wondering in case I missed something.Why not just use this one? There are like 10 people that post regularly.
I gave up on this show after 5 episodes. I never fucking knew when a new episode was coming out.
I'll wait for a disc release.
I gave up on this show after 5 episodes. I never fucking knew when a new episode was coming out.
I'll wait for a disc release.
Finale was great, and holy shit S2 is already starting without break!
Do we at least know will s2 be more consistent in its airing than s1?
Also, is it me or the team in s2 looks older?
How did they swing this show to get a second season when only like half of the first had aired? They must have known there was a high chance of it getting cancelled and somehow swung it with WB to get another season in before that.
How did they swing this show to get a second season when only like half of the first had aired? They must have known there was a high chance of it getting cancelled and somehow swung it with WB to get another season in before that.
I feel like the second season was green lit after the sneak peak.
It was fairly early in the life of the show.
And I guess they wanted a jump on the planning.
I mean seems like the show had a rushed development, hence the terrible airing schedule.
We have aired episodes 101-109 (i.e. Season One, episodes 1-9).
(Yes, episode 110 accidentally was posted on Cartoon Network's website, but I'm going to pretend that never happened.)
Episodes 110-115 are in the can, i.e. they are completed and ready to air.
Episode 116 awaits only the final on-line, i.e. the final review of the episode. This has been delayed ONLY because I've been out sick this week.
Episode 117 will have it's sound mix on Friday. (I hope to be back at work by then.)
Episode 118 has been edited and work progresses on scoring and sound effects.
Episode 119 is ready to begin post-production.
Episodes 120-123 are being animated in Korea.
Episodes 124-126 are in layout in Korea, while we finish the final color models here in the States.
Episodes 201-202 (i.e. Season Two, Episodes one and two) - Are fully recorded and are in storyboard. (201 was written by me. 202 by Nicole Dubuc.)
Episode 203, written by Kevin Hopps, is almost fully recorded. We have one actor left to pick up, who has been out of town. It is also in storyboard.
Episode 204, written by me, will record this week. It is also in storyboard.
Episode 205 - Brandon Vietti, has turned in his draft of the script. I have to read and edit it.
Episode 206 - The outline, written by Peter David and edited by me, went out Monday for notes, which are due tomorrow.
Episode 207 - Kevin Hopps turned in his outline, which I need to read and edit.
Episode 208 - I'm writing this one. I'll start the outline, after I've edited the outline to 207.
Episode 209 - Jon Weisman turned in his outline, which I need to read and edit.
Episode 210 - Kevin Hopps is working on his outline.
We do NOT yet have a pick-up beyond episode 210, but our bosses have told us to start blocking out episodes 211-220 in anticipation of one.
Episode 211 - We've broken this story. I still need to find time to write up the Beat Outline, though I have it all on index cards.
Episode 212 - We've got the basics of this one down, but we (i.e. myself, Brandon and Kevin) still need to finish breaking the story.
Episodes 213-220 - We've got a very clear sense of the arc and what things need to happen, but we haven't started on these yet.
Think you posted this last year.
So the 1st 9 episodes had aired, 5 more were completely finished, another 4 or 5 were in the final rounds of wrapping up, and the final 6 were in process of being animated. And writing and planning for most of season "2" was underway. March of 2011 :lol
It's been a bit of a while, so I thought I'd post a production update on Young Justice:
101-125 have all aired.
126 airs this coming Saturday and Sunday on Cartoon Network. (Check local listings and cable guides.) It's our big finale. You REALLY don't want to miss it.
201-206 are all in the can, and currently scheduled to begin airing one week after our Season One Finale. (Which makes me happy.)
207 - We previewed the music score today and we're mixing it on Thursday. If all goes well, it should be in the can by Tuesday at the latest.
208 - We spotted the music today. And should be in the can one week after 207.
209 comes back from overseas tomorrow for retakes and editing.
210-211 should arrive on the heals of 209. We still need to pick up one actor (who was unavailable at the time of the original recording) for these two shows in ADR, but that'll take about an hour or two for both episodes. It won't cause any delays.
212-216 are all overseas being animated.
217 ships today.
218 is in storyboard revision.
219 is waiting for Brandon and I to give notes on the storyboard.
220 - The board is being cleaned up now for notes.
Issues 0-14 have all hit the stands and are available at stores or on-line.
Issue 15 concludes our Atlantis two-parter hits the stands this week.
Issue 16 is at the printers.
Issue 17 is being pencilled.
Issue 18 is scripted and waiting its turn.
Issue 19 is plotted and is being scripted now.
Issues 20-22 have been pretty much locked down story-wise, i.e. I know exactly what stories we're telling in these issues.
Issues 23 and Beyond - I've already got a fairly clear idea of where we're going and what stories we're going to tell. Not locked in, but I'm pretty clear.
Finale was great, and holy shit S2 is already starting without break!
Do we at least know will s2 be more consistent in its airing than s1?
Also, is it me or the team in s2 looks older?
is that for real?
if so, wtf?
is that for real?
if so, wtf?
That's reall, shown in action in new tv spot today.
Pretty sure it is BB as a chimp.
You don't like?
from this game of the CN websiteWhere are you people getting these pics?
Beast boy.
Beast boy.
Lemonz left out this one:
Was Beast Boy going to end up being the kid from the Megan centric episode, with the TV Idol turned Naturalist out in Africa? The whole Alien DNA, from a shapeshifter, made me think about it.
Was Beast Boy going to end up being the kid from the Megan centric episode, with the TV Idol turned Naturalist out in Africa? The whole Alien DNA, from a shapeshifter, made me think about it.
Lemonz left out this one:
Have you people seen this image yet?:
It appears like Aqualad is wearing the Black Manta armor, interesting.
Complete with post having a similar statement to yours
Or maybe he is getting into the family business.I hope having Blue Beetle means we're also getting Booster Gold.
A lot of people assumed betrayal but I can see Kaldur going under cover.