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Young Justice: The Animated Series

Why are they on suicide watch?
page after page of tears
and stuff like


Membero Americo
I was scared at first because of the time-skip, but that was actually another great episode. I just miss Aqualad, Artemis and Kid Flash. Sad

Oh and... Superboy and Miss Martian, why!? :(

It's pretty obvious Megan is the one who broke up and Superboy still isn't over it. But why!?
Watched the ep and seeing Lagoon Boy and MM intermingling while Superboy is around was arkward as fuck. :O I guess its alright they still seem professional regardless.

So Zatana and Rocket finally made it to the big leagues while Nightwing SuperBoy and Miss Martian basically have a reserved spot but they don't want to. I guess the League is cool with the age weirdness (SuperBoy) now or he proved himselves regardless. Plus i see Robin did take over leadership :p

The new team is pretty interesting as i can see traces of the original guys and it was great seeing the team that normally gets the easy stuff lucked out big time. And that news reporter is pretty awesome

On a bad note:

Where is Kid Flash, Artemis, AQUALAD :( :(

so many questions, so many questions


Unconfirmed Member
The fact that people are not talking about the Main Man shows how lackluster this incarnation was.
I actually kinda forgot he was even in this episode. I'd figure they'd want to actually have him be the villain for the entire show, not the 5 minute intro fodder. Kinda strange.

But yes, I do own this standee of Lobo and a bunch of his comics from the 90's so I am a fan.

Hey guys, I'm a bit behind everyone else but I just wanted to share my thoughts on Episode 17 from Season 1, Discorded.
Can I just say that I do enjoy this show and rate it fairly highly however I did not enjoy this episode as much.
In this episode the team is talking to Black Canary with regards to what happened in the previous episode, ie: Megan highjacking the training simulation and everyone dying. Superboy then decides to up and leave them and decides to help some random people he met to beat up other random people he just met.
The action is interspersed with the Black Canary sessions.
I think this episode just had too much action, I personally would have preferred it if instead of the focus being on Superboy beating up stuff it focused more on the team coping with what they just went through. Right now it seems they talked to Black Canary for a minute each and by the next episode they are all fine and dandy again.

But other than that I am enjoying the show so far, next up Misplaced!
its funny actually, and the crying that its going to get cancelled because kids won't understand is equally hilarious.

My fucking soon to be four year is smart than those fuckers.

But he shouldn't count. Kid was asking if Jason would be shown.

Edit: where are you getting this no speedforce thing? If he was a writer don't believe anything they say.


It felt weird. Too many characters. It's probably just to set up the premise and the players of this season. I don't doubt that this season will be terrific.
My problem with this show has always been that it seemed to move too fast (that and the Light). The timeskip only continues that trend. Don't get me wrong - it's still a good show, and I love that we have Nightwing and Tim Drake Robin now, but there was no build-up for this. It was just too fast.
My problem with this show has always been that it seemed to move too fast (that and the Light). The timeskip only continues that trend. Don't get me wrong - it's still a good show, and I love that we have Nightwing and Tim Drake Robin now, but there was no build-up for this. It was just too fast.

I think what makes it really jarring for some people is the same thing people thought would have been an advantage: the scheduling of Invasion starting just as season 1 ended.

Maybe if it had some time to breathe scheduling wise it wouldn't have been so bad but with the fuckup from before i dont think CN could have afforded that breathing room.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, it doesn't have that sensible pacing and reasoning JL -> JLU did. In JL they actually have reasons to expand their group and you have characters like Green Arrow commenting about their growth. Here it seems just abrupt.
The great thing about the jump though is we get alot of new characters and it didn't have to waste time adding them a few at a time.
Though I do want flashbacks.

also allowed them to fix the most complained about issue character wise of the first season.
(Dick as Robin and the youngest character)


I think in those 5 years, JT probably died or went renegade or something. XD

I think this episode was a lot better than last season's finale. That was too easy and too much dumb packed into one episode, I think.
On the other hand, too many new characters and changes. :l I don't know if I will be able to wrap my mind around it all properly, but I like that Tim's in as Robin now and Dick's Nightwing. I guess that means Superboy's available for Wondergirl to hook up with...but still.. I wish they didn't have to make EVERYONE hook up with someone.
Late, but I liked alot of it

Do miss Aqualad, KF, Artemis.
Don't recall who this "Mal" guy is.
Don't like Lagoon Boy. Maybe the dialogue is fine, but the design of the character is too "blah"
Like Beetle and his "Talking to the Suit/Crazy" dialogue.
Hope that Nightwing stays in as the main character of the series, even though I like Comic Book Tim.
I take it Batgirl/Barbara is in the Young Justice crew?
LOL @ Tim Curry voicing the Fox News-ish ancor.

G. Gpordon Godfrey is one of Darkseid's emmisaries

and why didn't I make the connection before? the name invasion has shown up before in DC comics. invasion came out in 1989 when the controllers, Khunds, Daxamites, Coluans and a bunch of other races invade earth because they want to wipe out the metagene. this is also when we get introduced to Vril Dox (the asshole and awesome leader of L.e.g.i.o.n Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network ) oh goodness this season is going so awesome!


oh god if we got some Vril Dox in this, it would be the best show ever, since Vril is freaking awesome. Man, why did that last series have to end :(
5 years time skip?
I don´t like Lagoon Boy.
Blue Beatles ´s first impression on me was not as good as the hype was for him.
Where the fuck is Aqua Lad?
Lobo is just so great. More Lobo or GTFO.
Why did Megan and Super Boy break up?
Night wing is cool.
Does Blue Beatle only have one power?
Why the hell would they introduce so many new characters without any introduction?
Where the fuck is Aqua Lad?

Does anyone fear the sheer amount of super heroes would make the quality of the show go down, since there would be no focus on core characters?
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