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Young Justice: The Animated Series

I read that they are doing a YJ-verse comic coming up.

But yeah you're right it could be off-putting at first, but I think kids adapt quicker than that.

Good content triumphs over all in the end, and I think with the character access that they have with this show, and the quality of the writing so far, this could be JLUnilimited excellence.
mjc said:
I'm always amazed at the difference in quality between DC and Marvel animated shows. (For the most part) DC seems to make more of an effort to have quality animation. Pretty cool.

Thats because DC's cartoons are made by WB, Marvel's are made by . . . Marvel's animation studio. :/

Their best animated cartoon (at least imo) was Spectacular Spiderman . . . but thats because it was made by Sony.

They REALLY need to get Disney on their stuff now.
Black-Wind said:
Thats because DC's cartoons are made by WB, Marvel's are made by . . . Marvel's animation studio. :/

Their best animated cartoon (at least imo) was Spectacular Spiderman . . . but thats because it was made by Sony.

They REALLY need to get Disney on their stuff now.

I find it hilarious that Spectacular Spider-man actually has a reason like that for why it was good :lol

I saw the pilot of Young Justice and it was pretty good. Will watch it when it airs.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Jedeye Sniv said:
Yeah, but isn't one of the ideas of these shows that they're a 'gateway drug' into comics? When I was young I used to watch Batman TAS and the very first comic I bought was an issue of the Batman Adventures so it certainly worked that way for me.

I definitely get the idea that a kid picking up Teen Titans now would be a bit confused if all they knew was the cartoon. Dick is Batman? Who're Bart and Damian? etc. Also, IMO Bart Allen is a better Kid Flash than Wally at least for a cartoon. Bart is way more fun and has the capacity to be sweet as well as entirely silly in a TT Beast Boy way. And if you have Bart then they could have done a cool episode with the whole Flash family. Same with Tim or even Damian as Robin, you could have Nightwing, allude to Jason even, so much more story potential.

When I was a kid I wasn't put off at all by characters having history I didn't know. If anything it made me read and watch more stuff so I could know all these histories.

sadly, seeing as how young justice is pretty much forgotten outside this series, it wont be much of a problem for kids trying to jump into comics. they could say that wally and dick grew up and that miss martian is kinda ageless. i do hope that they jump into using actual young justice characters(empress and lagoon boy are due, damnit!) and try to keep is as fun as the comic was. seeing static would be nice too.


I was really impressed by the pilot; outside of Speedy coming off as one of the most unlikable douchebags in the history of the DCAU. Probably the most impressed I've been with a DC show since JLU. The animation and voice-acting were both excellent (which, at this point, is something I just expect from DC's animated shows).

Really hope the rest of the series lives up to it :) It showing a lot of promise.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oblivion said:
Tactile teleki....the hell?

Tactile telekinesis is essentially allowing an object to be moved regardless of weight, density, etc. through touching via telekinesis. In fact, it's essentially a way to make physics "more believable" for super-strength, etc. type of powers.


Slayven said:
Won't be a true YJ until they face the Mighty Endowed.

I searched this chick up on google. And I don't get it. I haven't been able to find a picture that even remotely shows that she has big boobs. Wat. They should just bring powergirl into this and make it that much more awesome.


I hate that the first 2 weeks is something they showed months ago. What was the point? Just air an hour long special and get on with it.


avatar299 said:
I hate that the first 2 weeks is something they showed months ago. What was the point? Just air an hour long special and get on with it.

I mean, I'm with you, but at the same hand, would you have rather done without the sneak peek and them just have the premiere in Jan?
Penguin said:
I mean, I'm with you, but at the same hand, would you have rather done without the sneak peek and them just have the premiere in Jan?

Actually, yeah. The wait felt way longer because we got a taste of it then nothing new for like 2 months.


Well, Avenger's chopped up the first five episodes and showed them as sliver previews and then premiered with episode 6 and 7 as an hour special, Young Justice could have done something similar. Yet another example of Marvel > DC
Milabrega said:
Well, Avenger's chopped up the first five episodes and showed them as sliver previews and then premiered with episode 6 and 7 as an hour special, Young Justice could have done something similar. Yet another example of Marvel > DC

This is not hyperbole or exaggeration, but Marvel animation is rich, creamy shit compared to DC animation.

All of it. Throughout time.


krypt0nian said:
This is not hyperbole or exaggeration, but Marvel animation is rich, creamy shit compared to DC animation.

All of it. Throughout time.
Spectacular Spiderman and Wolverine+X-Men want a word with you


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
krypt0nian said:
This is not hyperbole or exaggeration, but Marvel animation is rich, creamy shit compared to DC animation.

All of it. Throughout time.

dont act as though dc doesnt have some turds on its record either. i mean nothing the likes of iron man or 90's spider man, but its no flawless record
Parallax said:
dont act as though dc doesnt have some turds on its record either. i mean nothing the likes of iron man or 90's spider man, but its no flawless record

All I said was in comparison, which in undeniable.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
krypt0nian said:
All I said was in comparison, which in undeniable.

point taken. not to be combative but id be interested to see your take on the various series pumped out by both companies.


krypt0nian said:
Neither have shit to say. Good shows but Marvel animation cannot stack up. It's a given.

I would say that Spec Spiderman is up there with DC shows. It animates nicely and looks nice.

Also think a high quality show.

But yeah, DC in general runs circles around Marvel's output, which I think will be remedied with Disney's backing.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
CaptYamato said:
He didn't seem very Dick like. Why couldn't it be Damien?


he acts like damian and jason with tims analytical mind. which is kinda wierd.
Parallax said:
point taken. not to be combative but id be interested to see your take on the various series pumped out by both companies.

In recent decades, there have been a few great Marvel shows, and a few DC clunkers. And I totally agree that Disney's influence will completely change the game.

I look forward to more direct to DVD/BRay from Marvel, as well as some creative weekly efforts. IMO Power Pack is the untapped goldmine. That or Young Avengers.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
krypt0nian said:
In recent decades, there have been a few great Marvel shows, and a few DC clunkers. And I totally agree that Disney's influence will completely change the game.

I look forward to more direct to DVD/BRay from Marvel, as well as some creative weekly efforts. IMO Power Pack is the untapped goldmine. That or Young Avengers.

theres potential young avengers. keep iron lad, and it would be awesome
CaptYamato said:
I was going to say he was like Tim mixed with Jason.

At first, I thought this Robin was Tim. The leet haxor tendency was Tim-like, and Tim's my favorite Robin. I haven't read anything on Damien so I've no idea how that character is. Fuck Dick Grayson, though. =(

Ah, well. I can't wait until next week!
spindashing said:
At first, I thought this Robin was Tim. The leet haxor tendency was Tim-like, and Tim's my favorite Robin. I haven't read anything on Damien so I've no idea how that character is. Fuck Dick Grayson, though. =(

Ah, well. I can't wait until next week!

Oh, spindashing. Dick Grayson is the heart of the DCU. I will admit though that Tim more than filled the shoes of Robin. He was born for the role. :)
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