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Young Justice: The Animated Series


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Jeeze why did it turn into cartoon wars in here? All I did was make a comparison. I didn't say Korra was not as good or better than YJ, I just meant, relative to their genres their genres they're the best. That's all I meant.

Now there's all this arguing...

I don't think MI is all that great looking.

It's OK to be wrong sometimes.


ITT: People who made threads for shows think that show is the best in its category on TV.

That said, Korra > *. Young Justice and Mystery incorporated are great shows, but they just can't compare.

EDIT: The cartoon war was bound to happen eventually, Andy. We reached critical mass.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
ITT: People who made threads for shows think that show is the best in its category on TV.

That said, Korra > *. Young Justice and Mystery incorporated are great shows, but they just can't compare.

EDIT: The cartoon war was bound to happen eventually, Andy. We reached critical mass.

animation wise, sure, korra looks fantastic. but content? no. its not there yet.


animation wise, sure, korra looks fantastic. but content? no. its not there yet.

I'm talking purely in terms of animation.

A show is more than just animation.

I LOVE Korra but pretty much EVERYTHING other than Lin and a few snippets of Korra are working on my nerves. The the drama, the fighting ... they all seem to be more "realistic/ srs bsns!" and are missing the feel of wonder the last show had which was so appealing. The bending is just soo boring in Korra and the Drama doesn't make me feel any better with this fast pacing. :/

I wouldn't place it any higher than YJ or EMH tbh.
You're either with us or against us Black-Wind. Choose or perish.

Ok ... for now I'm on the YJ side.

Far more episodes as of now and AL has done WAY more awesome stuff with water bending than Korra so far :p

Also like watching a series where the characters arnt afraid to do kick ass things with their powers and the writers arnt afraid to just confirm romantic relationships no matter how shitty they may be. (none of this "WILL THEY GET TOGETHER!?!?!" Koko Kolin Komi bs)

Could change if Lin does some more cool stuff or if my thoughts on who Amon is are confirmed before the next season.
(I say Amon is actually Asami! No ... I'm not joking. Got a pic but I will save that for the Avatar thread)


Ok ... for now I'm on the YJ side.

Far more episodes as of now and AL has done WAY more awesome stuff with water bending than Korra so far :p

Also like watching a series where the characters arnt afraid to do kick ass things with their powers and the writers arnt afraid to just confirm romantic relationships no matter how shitty they may be. (none of this "WILL THEY GET TOGETHER!?!?!" Koko Kolin Komi bs)

Could change if Lin does some more cool stuff or if my thoughts on who Amon is are confirmed before the next season.
(I say Amon is actually Asami! No ... I'm not joking. Got a pic but I will save that for the Avatar thread)
Can you post the LoK stuff int he appropriate thread?
Has Warner Bros. or DC made an announcement as to a release of the first season on BRD? I love this show but the DVD releases don't do it justice with just a handful of episodes per volume. I'd love to see a BRD release of the same quality as their animated movies.
Gl > EMH > YJ > Korra > Motorcity >X50 USM X1000000 Thundercats.

Really should get around to watching MI.

You got USM over Thundercats, I know it was disappointing but it wasn't that bad.

Shows that are talked about here make me wish I had a blu ray player. If MI gets a release, I might just bite.


I don't like Superboy's stupid wolf. :|

How many times has it sustained injury? It's been smacked into things dozens of times and not a single broken rib.

I also hate his ball thing that turns into a really ugly flying motorcycle. I wish both of them died off screen during the timeskip.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
You got USM over Thundercats, I know it was disappointing but it wasn't that bad.

Shows that are talked about here make me wish I had a blu ray player. If MI gets a release, I might just bite.

Spider man doesn't have relationship drama, so it wins by default.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
We don't need a console cartoon war. :( It's a great time to be a fan of western animation for everyone.

The only reason to come to GAF is to get into meaningless quibbles over personal taste to distract from the ever fleeting amount of time we remain on this Earth.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I also hate his ball thing that turns into a really ugly flying motorcycle. I wish both of them died off screen during the timeskip.
I didn't want to mention Sphere cause I thought I was going to get flak over the wolf. But yes I hate Sphere too.
I don't like Superboy's stupid wolf. :|

How many times has it sustained injury? It's been smacked into things dozens of times and not a single broken rib.

to be fair it was injected with that upgraded venom thing but yea it hasn't done much since. Sphere as well since we found out its a girl and can transform.


Cool stuff from ask Greg

Anonymous writes...
1. After "Misplaced" does Zatanna still zeta-beam to go to school in Manhattan, or did she transfer schools to Happy Harbor?
2. Who becomes Zatanna's legal guardian (since she's still a minor) after "Misplaced"?
3. What responsibilities did Batman take on when he gave Zatara his word that he'd take care of Zatanna?
Greg responds...
1. She finishes the semester in Manhattan but decides to transfer to Happy Harbor High School in December.
2. Batman offered - even offered to reveal his secret identity and have her move in with him and Robin - but Zatanna insisted that Zatara remain her legal guardian and elected to move into the Cave rather than Batman's home. Batman agreed on the condition that she agree to view Batman, John Smith and Dinah Lance as her surrogate parents until Zatara could be recovered.
3. Parental, shared with Tornado and Canary.

Question received on Sat, March 17, 2012 08:28:09 PM
Anonymous writes...
Do Green and Red Martians 'true/natural' form look like Miss Martians?
Greg responds...
Pretty much. I don't want to say all Martians look alike, but frankly to a human they probably would. Even distinguishing males from females would be tough to the untrained human eye. (Then again to the untrained Martian eye, I'm sure all humans tend to look alike too.) If you saw J'onn's true form, the obvious main differences between him and M'gann are that J'onn's green and bigger.
The only real difference between Green, White and Red Martians is skin color - which is a pretty superficial difference, of course, genetically, but a significant difference historically and culturally on Mars.
Of course, on Mars-16, the White Martians aren't a separate species - and they're only a different "race" if you are using the word "race" the way we Earthlings do to distinguish Caucasians from Africans from Asians. And certainly, the White Martians are not monolithically evil.
Oh, and for the record: M'gann IS J'onn's niece. She didn't lie about that. M'gann's mom (i.e. J'onn's sister) is green. Her dad is white. Most of M'gann's siblings are also green, though she has one white brother.
Wow, why did I suddenly give all that away?
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