SBFF are the best shorts.
"Batman himself is out of the picture." What did Simon mean by that?
"Batman himself is out of the picture." What did Simon mean by that?
SBFF are the best shorts.
"Batman himself is out of the picture." What did Simon mean by that?
The JL are out trying to clear their name for what happened during the missing 16 hours.Also,
"Batman himself is out of the picture." What did Simon mean by that?
He is off the planet and is on trial for what happened during those missing 18 hours on another planet.
I did enjoy Khaji Da constantly assessing everything as a threat. "Activating Plasma Cannon" was probably the most used line of the episode!Superfriend reinvention huh
Glad to see Jaime getting more screen time
Khaji da is awesome, love how he goes straight for the violence. Hopefully he gets an arc like in the comics and mellows out.
Superfriend reinvention huh
Glad to see Jaime getting more screen time
Khaji da is awesome, love how he goes straight for the violence. Hopefully he gets an arc like in the comics and mellows out.
Couldn't disagree more. The only CG I find even close to tolerable is Clone Wars. It doesn't even have anything to do with writing. I just can't take the CG look. I LOVE GL, but I can't bring myself to watch the damn show. I try. I just hate the CG so much.
I'd say it's an age thing, but I'm only 25 and I'd guess there are a number of people older than me here that feel differently. Personal taste is really all it is I guess....
The Light reeks of David Xanathos levels of being successful which irks me a lot.
The Light reeks of David Xanathos levels of being successful which irks me a lot.
The kids are doing all the work while the JL is sitting around having meetings and shit."" was a bit of a "come the fuck on" moment for me. I know if you got a bunch of genius supervillains together, they could plan out redundancies, but it seems like every episode ends with "ALL WELL WE STILL SUCCEEDED WITH PLAN B." I'm glad they're trying to build up the villains as being an actual challenge for the heroes, but there's a point where they're just being handed victories to downplay every single time the heroes accomplish something.It's a good thing we had a back-up shipment ready
Please with this ep, for a bit I was worried we weren't going to get anymore "character-focused" eps. It also helps I dig the Blue Beetle.
Yeah, the whole "Mwahaha we won even though we lost" thing is getting old... well, it was old halfway through last season, but more so now. Really dug the team's interactions in this last ep too. Was cool to see Batgirl doing some Batgirl-ing, although I think we're all expecting that if the show does get a third season, she'll become Oracle for it. Which would be awesome.
Man, the potential a third season has... hopefully CN doesn't "Spectacular" this show.
So Jaime's friend Ty- Apache Chief?
It's all about the execution. I Gargoyles it worked because Xanatos' ture goal was something the heroes could never have interfered with, and the plot of the episode was a bonus he didn't really care about. That, or the gargoyles winning actually furthered Xanatos' goals.
Yeah, the Light is probably the thing I hate the most about the show. It really irked me at the end of season 1 where what is believed to be the Light's ultimate goal ends up falling apart thanks to the efforts of a bunch of kids, yet they aren't even phased because part 2 of their plan is already in action.
Essentially, no matter the great feats the team pulls off, the sense that they are always one step behind and don't have a single clue is what really pisses me off. Also the Justice League is entirely useless in this show it's laughable.
Sounds like the writers are Bleach fans.
Also the Justice League is entirely useless in this show it's laughable.
Sounds like the writers are Bleach fans.
Not like they were doing much when they were around. And they didn't all leave. The rest of them are still in the Watchtower....having meetings.They arent in the planet right now :|
This didn't bother me as much last season cause I was like "okay. Setting the kids up. Obviously can't have the League be too beastly, since they're not the stars." But now, it's like "WTF does the JLA even do?" YJ is doing all the heavy lifting and most of the time, you're left with the impression that the League is just sitting around on their asses. Last season, they were around just to bark orders at YJ, but now Dick does that. So what do we even need the Justice League for? The way the JLA is presented in this show, no wonder Superboy, Ms. M, and Nightwing decided to just stay with YJ.
Nightwing: Join the League? Lol. If I did that, who would keep the world safe while Bruce and his superfriends have meetings?
It's mostly the second season having that problem. In the first season we know they do stuff, usually mentioned by Red Tornado or any other Leaguer. In season two it's like they're just having lunch breaks.
Young Justice a covert team?
I know they are meant to be with Batman constantly reminding them that "THIS IS A COVERT OPERATION! DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY!" but then they just go in and smash everything up.
Young Justice a covert team?
I know they are meant to be with Batman constantly reminding them that "THIS IS A COVERT OPERATION! DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY!" but then they just go in and smash everything up.
Man, the Outsiders or Task Force X/Suicide Squad are a black ops team. Young Justice is a superhero clearing house.
So i just caught up with the last few episodes. Not sure how i feel about invasion. Blue beetle is cool.
Maybe one year, they'll get to the "Invasion" part of Invasion.
Link gave me a malware warning...
Shouldn't the show be taking a break soon? I feel like they've already burned through half of season 2.
I think we get one after this called 'Depths' then it goes on break and returns with the final episodes to match up with GL season 2.Shouldn't the show be taking a break soon? I feel like they've already burned through half of season 2.
which one?I clicked a spoiler on accident and now I am madthat's would have been a great surprise.
which one?