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Young Justice: The Animated Series


Whoa, didn't know that the show would take a break after the next two episodes. Does anyone know when it will be back on air?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Don't know why this is a shock to some of you. CN always takes a summer break for their action shows. Has been like this for about 5 years now.

When I was a kid, I didn't pay attention to breaks or debuts. As a teen, I didn't watch much CN. :p


Honestly, who brings a baby to a crime fight? Even Batman couldn't swing that kind of escort handicap.


This episode was pretty cool. Bart's one of my favorites and it was great to finally see an animated incarnation of him. Hope there's an episode later that has him, Tim Drake, and Superboy working together. Wonder Girl in this group would also be acceptable.


As predictable as the horrible future was, they handled it well.

I heard that there are some mindbending spoilers out there, and am trying to avoid them. Just wanted to chime in in say that I'm enjoying this show like the others. Today's been a great day for cartoons.


Super Member
is it just me or did they not age up KF at all?
Wally looks like an adult but then in costume he loses height and everything.

boring Barry is fine when you have Wally around imo.
It's weird they didn't update his costume

and Barry was using Wally's goggles better than Wally could. The obvious question becomes why don't other Flashes have goggles if they're so good with them? >.>


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
so I'm guessing the invasion is from some future beings. Should be interesting to see how this goes down now.

also, with bart appearing, I wonder if max mercury or the thawnes will appear.


(Yesterday, 09:28 PM)


Fun episode. This gives me hope that Brandon/Greg can tell a satisfying time travel story in YJ

Time travel is all theoretical. I could have chosen any rule I wanted. I could have chosen no rules. Why did I chose this rigid approach? Basically, cuz I thought it was MORE fun. I hate feeling cheated at the end of stories. Time travel stories are easily subject to this abuse. So many great Star Trek episodes full of time travel, wind up wimping out in the end. Cheating. Using non-working paradoxes or breaking any semblence of rules they've already established. I always felt ripped off. I didn't want that for Gargoyles. Also it presents our characters with a greater challenge. Griff vanished in WWII. Goliath goes back in time to change it. AND HE CAN'T!!!!!! So he has to find another way to solve the problem. It also explains why our guys just don't go back and fix things so that the Wyvern Massacre never happened. Once you open a a can of worms, you're stuck with a lot of worms (or worse, you pretend they aren't there). That seemed lousy to me, so I made it clear that once an event is absolutely known, you can't dodge it. Only work within it's frame. It's all a matter of opinion, but that seemed like MORE fun to me

As predictable as the horrible future was, they handled it well.

I heard that there are some mindbending spoilers out there, and am trying to avoid them. Just wanted to chime in in say that I'm enjoying this show like the others. Today's been a great day for cartoons.

Where did you hear about them?


Now we just need The Ray, Slobo, and Empress.

Poor forgotten/replaced Arrowette. :( Will probably never get an appearance on this show despite being an original member after the boys.

Very fun episode with the speedsters even though Impulse wasn't as funny as in the Young Justice comics. Smarter too. YJ comics Impulse wouldn't have the attention span to pull off that act. The cartoon version seems older though.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Poor forgotten/replaced Arrowette. :( Will probably never get an appearance on this show despite being an original member after the boys.

Very fun episode with the speedsters even though Impulse wasn't as funny as in the Young Justice comics. Smarter too. YJ comics Impulse wouldn't have the attention span to pull off that act. The cartoon version seems older though.

The series bart comes from a more fucked future. I wonder if being showed up in todays episode motivates wally to be a hero again.


Poor forgotten/replaced Arrowette. :( Will probably never get an appearance on this show despite being an original member after the boys.

Very fun episode with the speedsters even though Impulse wasn't as funny as in the Young Justice comics. Smarter too. YJ comics Impulse wouldn't have the attention span to pull off that act. The cartoon version seems older though.


Great episode. I loved that they got the whole flash family involved. I must say I am loving season 2 so much more. They quietly tuned the show into the JLU style format and it rocks!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Great episode. I loved that they got the whole flash family involved. I must say I am loving season 2 so much more. They quietly tuned the show into the JLU style format and it rocks!

not all of the flash family. max mercury and jesse quick are still missing.
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