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Young Justice: The Animated Series

In the process of catching up, and i have to say, blue beetle is the greatest character of all time. That dude cracks me up

Easily my favorite character right now.

Fucking loved this week. I kinda wish it hadn't been a twist just because it was such a huge punch to the gut. Incredibly effective scene.

Time for another long break! Woooo. :(


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
That stab scene was fricking BRUTAL not knowing it was fake, I was like "wow CN let this on TV?" But then I kinda remembered a lot of other things the show had done (like out of wedlock Cheshire baby, etc.)

I totally did think they killed her too, considering how swiftly Artemis met her end in DCnU

I think there's a shot at the very least. CN seems pretty committed to the DC Nation concept and Young Justice is the closest thing they have to a "core" show for the block.

Basically my thoughts too. They want DC Nation to get mad nerd cred and Young Justice is basically the tentpole for the entire fricking block (and will remain so until Beware the Batman, at least.)

But CN has made some rash decisions before, so who knows. At least we can allow ourselves to hope, unlike with Marvel where it's pretty much inevitable if the show's good it'll be cancelled after two seasons.


I want a tag give me a tag
That stab scene was fricking BRUTAL not knowing it was fake, I was like "wow CN let this on TV?" But then I kinda remembered a lot of other things the show had done (like out of wedlock Cheshire baby, etc.)

I totally did think they killed her too, considering how swiftly Artemis met her end in DCnU

Basically my thoughts too. They want DC Nation to get mad nerd cred and Young Justice is basically the tentpole for the entire fricking block (and will remain so until Beware the Batman, at least.)

But CN has made some rash decisions before, so who knows. At least we can allow ourselves to hope, unlike with Marvel where it's pretty much inevitable if the show's good it'll be cancelled after two seasons.

wut. that's big stuff?


Actually, Cheshire and Clone Roy are married. Legally, anyway. That was the gist of the conversation when she turned up in S2.

I can't get to YouTube from work IJ but I assume that's the Symbionic Titan ass-shaking montage.
Actually, Cheshire and Clone Roy are married. Legally, anyway. That was the gist of the conversation when she turned up in S2.

I got that as well when she said she was "legally obligated" so i guess they didn't divorce. Plus given how obsessed Roy was i could see him not giving a shit about that at the time.

I can't get to YouTube from work IJ but I assume that's the Symbionic Titan ass-shaking montage.


Best troll scene ever


She just ran out on him because he was all obsessy I think.

MAN I wonder how the legislation deals with clones. Technically that duder is like 7 years old!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I believe so. Greg Weisman has said there will be another time skip before next season (though no indication of how long that would be), so that would imply a third season is happening.

That was in the context of him being asked what he'd do if he was given a third season, I believe. So nothing is in stone yet. Might be entirely dependent on how the last half of Invasion goes.


Huge update, nice comic info

We're going into hiatus for the time being, and since it's been a bit of a while since my last update...
SEASON ONE of YOUNG JUSTICE has all aired, but starting this Saturday and Sunday we'll be airing some reruns, including 119, "Misplaced" as part of Cartoon Network's DC Nation block. Check local listings or cable guides for times. If you jumped aboard with Invasion, and haven't seen these Season One episodes, you'll want to check them out. It's good stuff, I promise.
*Episodes 201-207 have all aired. (How was "Depths" for a pre-hiatus cliffhanger? Not too shabby, huh?)
*Episodes 208-210 are in the can.
*Episode 211 has been edited and spotted for music and sound effects.
*Episode 212 is being edited.
*Episodes 213-218 are all overseas being animated.
*Episodes 219-220 are also overseas being animated, but we have a few more color models here in Burbank left to complete and approve.
*Issues 0-16 are all on the stands, available at comic book stores or online.
*Issue 17 is done. I've already received my comp copies, and if you want a sneak peak this weekend, stop by my signing at Denver Comic Con. (More on this below.)
*Issue 18 is being inked.
*Issue 19 is being pencilled.
*THEN, starting with Issue 20, the book changes titles to YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION.
*Issues 20-25 are a big story: a six issue mini-series within the series. About 95% of the content is split between December 1st of Season One and five years later on December 1st, JUST before the start of Season Two.
*Issue 20 is scripted and ready for pencilling.
*Issue 21 is being scripted now.
*Issue 22-25 are all loosely plotted.
[All this has required some adjustments. The original plan was to finish all the stories set DURING Season One before rebranding the book. But TPTB at DC understandably decided that since the television show has already been rebranded, we shouldn't wait that long to rebrand the comic. And given that, I wanted to launch the rebranding with a BIG story that featured all - or nearly all - of the Team. So the Green Arrow, Black Canary, Artemis, Red Arrow story (set after episode 114), I originally had planned as a two-parter for issues 20-21 will have to wait. Given enough issues (keep buying those books people!), we'll get to everything eventually - including that Arrow-Family story. The new structure will use our timestamps to allow us to bounce back and forth (even within a single issue) from Season One to Season Two to the gap between seasons and BEYOND...]
Frankly, I think it's going to be VERY exciting. And given that the show is currently in reruns, there's just no better way for a hardcore YJ fan to get his or her new canon YJ fix. So if you don't have it already, go grab issue 16 (available now), which features THREE TALES in one book: mentor/protegee stuff that I think really shows a contrast between the styles of Green Arrow, Flash and Batman, not to mention Artemis, Kid Flash and Robin - while as always filling in a gap between episodes. All canon. All in continuity with the show. 16 ends with a cliffhanger, featuring Mammoth, Shimmer AND KOBRA! So that should lead your right into issue 17 (available very soon) which concludes that two-parter.
I'm leaving (ridiculously early) Friday morning for Denver to attend the first annual Denver Comic Con. This thing has a TON of great, amazing guests. (Check it all out here: http://www.denvercomiccon.com/ .) I'm probably the least interesting guy there. But I am going to be quite busy moderating a bunch of panels Saturday and Sunday...
*11:30 MDT - Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles Cartoon Development
*13:30 MDT - Cartoon Voices, w/Khary ("Kaldur'ahm") Payton, Mark Ryan, Tom Kane and Billy West
*16:00 MDT - Greg Weisman Spotlight
*17:00 MDT - Greg Weisman signing
*18:30 MDT - Adapting Licensed Properties to Comics & Animation w/Matt McLean, Karl Krumpholz and Terry Schayes
*10:00 MDT - Character Design and Drawing w/Greg Guler
*11:00 MDT - Creating for Disney and Cartoon Network w/Greg Guler, Steven Seagle and Chris Oatley
*13:00 MDT - Adapting Comics to Television and Vice Versa w/Steven Seagle
*14:00 MDT - Young Justice w/Khary ("Aqualad") Payton
*Since the show has gone into hiatus - and since I'm over 1200 questions behind here - we will shortly be putting the ASK GREG asking question function on its own hiatus for a while. We may open it BRIEFLY every time a new issue of the comic comes out this summer and/or around San Diego ComicCon. But for the most part, we'll be closed to new questions and comments until the series comes back with new episodes. (And, no, I don't yet know when that will be. That's up to Cartoon Network.)
*I know I haven't answered much recently, but we've just been swamped with post-production and all the fast reworking of the comic book that we had to do. (Plus I've been freelancing a few scripts for some friends over at... well, better not say just yet.)
*Also, I'm more or less going straight from Denver to Ashland, Oregon to enjoy the Oregon Shakespeare Festival with my family. And I'm NOT bringing a computer. (And I don't own a smartphone.) So don't expect any new answers from me for another couple weeks. But I will get to your questions and comments eventually. I always do.
Whew. I think that covers everything!


Well there goes my saturday mornings. Not sure i'm going to wake up just for Thundercats. I'm sure that and Legend of Korra are probably close to going on hiatus themselves. They really need some more shows for a 2-hour DC Nation block. i would tune in to watch reruns of Justice League and/or Teen Titans.
Well, I just picked up YJ Vol. 1 on Amazon. I hope I can share these with my kid as easily as the show. Finding new comics we can enjoy together is typically a depressing and discouraging experience.

Is GL on hiatus? I've been meaning to get into it.

The first season is over, yeah. It's done for awhile.
Funny thing is, if they are the only 4 that know it, that means conner really believes he is bad. (and really got his ass handed to him)

The latter half of that isn't surprising. Him and Nightwing are probably on par, which means most of the other members would get run.


So with YJ/GL and Korra soon on hiatus, had an idea for a thread/project and wanted some thought/assistance.

Was thinking of doing a list of GAF's All-Time favorite Animated Series, it would be like the GoTY voting on the Gaming side.

Where folks can name up to 10 shows, and each placement would have a different value.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So with YJ/GL and Korra soon on hiatus, had an idea for a thread/project and wanted some thought/assistance.

Was thinking of doing a list of GAF's All-Time favorite Animated Series, it would be like the GoTY voting on the Gaming side.

Where folks can name up to 10 shows, and each placement would have a different value.

Sounds like a cool idea, I was just thinking of doing a Cartoon Wars thread but that might be better. Will be hard to keep track of things though...

Maybe use Google Docs forms in order to keep track, but that might be difficult too since you'd need to either let people enter their own answers or list like every cartoon ever...
So with YJ/GL and Korra soon on hiatus, had an idea for a thread/project and wanted some thought/assistance.

Was thinking of doing a list of GAF's All-Time favorite Animated Series, it would be like the GoTY voting on the Gaming side.

Where folks can name up to 10 shows, and each placement would have a different value.

Yeah, please do this, it sounds great! I always enjoy your 'toon threads :)

Link it in here if you do, please, so we don't miss it!


Sounds like a cool idea, I was just thinking of doing a Cartoon Wars thread but that might be better. Will be hard to keep track of things though...

Maybe use Google Docs forms in order to keep track, but that might be difficult too since you'd need to either let people enter their own answers or list like every cartoon ever...

Hmm, the problem with Google Docs.. is people like to abuse it.

Add/remove stuff at will. And not worth the headache.

I mean if I simply just add shows as people mention them then tally points.

Maybe ask gaming side, who's in charge of the GoTY stuff?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Post here or PM me if you need help, I've set up forms/surveys before and it's a bit intimidating at first but quite easy when you get the hang of it.


Yeah, please do this, it sounds great! I always enjoy your 'toon threads :)

Link it in here if you do, please, so we don't miss it!
Thank you
Its always nice to see people actually read em.

Post here or PM me if you need help, I've set up forms/surveys before and it's a bit intimidating at first but quite easy when you get the hang of it.

Sweet deal.
Will do once, figure out just exactly what I want this to be.
That scene was worth it for Octus' reaction.

R.I.P. Sym-Bionic Titan. T'was too soon.

or his lack of reaction during it because of what he is LOL

His look during it and that "no" was pretty hilarious. Other from the WTFness of that particular scene (due to the viewer aim, etc) the entire episode (and the whole series imo) was pretty great.

Apparently it was canned since it wasnt doing well ratings wise and couldn't sell merchandise right? oh well :/

So we have no idea when this and GL will return hm? :(

Nope, its all up to CN...
Don't worry I was already planing on doing this, the only problem I have is that I don't know when it will premiere.

Yeah that's been frustrating. Hasn't it been bumped back to July?

I'm sure Andrex is recommending the first season which already aired and is available to newbies, but I wish they would nail down a damn date already >.<


So with YJ/GL and Korra soon on hiatus, had an idea for a thread/project and wanted some thought/assistance.

Was thinking of doing a list of GAF's All-Time favorite Animated Series, it would be like the GoTY voting on the Gaming side.

Where folks can name up to 10 shows, and each placement would have a different value.

General shows or specific episodes? Once you have tallied the votes do we do a group watch?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah that's been frustrating. Hasn't it been bumped back to July?

I'm sure Andrex is recommending the first season which already aired and is available to newbies, but I wish they would nail down a damn date already >.<

OP has the date. July 10th.
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