best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
eleven? shes more than old enough to know her stuff. but good on her.
Probably fake, Nightwing does not wear that suit.
Actually that's his first version of the Nightwing costume which was a ode to his father who wore something similar.
Given that 5 years already went by and a lot of shit seems to have happened in that time frame, this could be plausible.
We'll see though
I know that's one of his suits in the comics, but as I said before the way it looks does not not match the aesthetics of show.
maybe butThat's his first costume(or second?). So possibly flashback if true.
Look what one of the animators posted on his Tumblr:
Not sure if Starfire or dressed up Miss Martian. Though considering Starfire was always known for her busty figure, it's probably her. The lighting just makes her skin look green.
I'd imagine he's re-purposing show assets and mixing them with fan art as a troll (or fan service, depending on intent)
I am the exact opposite.
I am the opposite of your opposite.
DC has always been more appealing to me. I can't put my finger on why but maybe I just a more mature vibe from the comics/cartoons over the years.
Marvel comics are tailor-made for teen angst.
"Why are things so HARD for me!"
blah blah blah
There's a reason more Marvel characters are highschool age. In DC characters that age are typically only around to get mentored.
you joking? dc has had more teens die than marvel has had teen teams.
The world isn't really built around them though. Look at the tentpole franchises. X-Men and Spiderman vs. Batman and Superman. The teen drama angle just isn't as heavily emphasized in DC.
Yep. Bestostero over on Comic Vine put this one to bed. In other news a fan run YJ Facebook page is reporting Sept 29th is the date the show will return from hiatus.
For DY:
I am the opposite of your opposite.
DC has always been more appealing to me. I can't put my finger on why but maybe I just a more mature vibe from the comics/cartoons over the years.
Marvel comics are tailor-made for teen angst.
"Why are things so HARD for me!"
blah blah blah
There's a reason more Marvel characters are highschool age. In DC characters that age are typically only around to get mentored.
Marvel's universe is way more depressing than DC's, I find.
dumb statement. The fact that Marvel differentiates itself by concentrating on the human aspect of their characters doesn't make it teen angst. As far as the legacy, sidekick bullshit and multiple people with the same alias DC can have all that nonsense. One of the reasons Marvel is more appealing.
Huh really? Could you elaborate? I guess I can see what you mean, but then there's Kingdom Come and The Dark Knight Returns... although I guess those aren't in the DC universe proper.
In other news a fan run YJ Facebook page is reporting Sept 29th is the date the show will return from hiatus.
In marvel the citizens are dumb and mean in contrast to DC or hell, other fiction. People argue it's "realistic", but I thought it's just being cynical.
Marvel's universe is way more depressing than DC's, I find.
Both sides have done seedy stuff and used it as a catalyst sometimes.
what's going on in that pic?
aside from getting eaten
Jeph loeb is a fucking hack and killed off a majority of the ultimate marvel U in horrific ways.
i'm intrigued
but i don't even know what that is in the pic
The blob is eating the wasp.
Jeph loeb is a fucking hack and killed off a majority of the ultimate marvel U in horrific ways.
Was Loeb's writing always like this, or did his son's death push him over the edge?
For DY:
Thanks - sry, I'm completely ignorant outside of TV/Movie adaptations.
I'd love to get up to date on some stuff but I don't really know the best way to go about these things digitally.
Haha Marvel never did a major crossover based on rape, DC has.
Haha Marvel never did a major crossover based on rape, DC has.
Both sides have done seedy stuff and used it as a catalyst sometimes.
Look what one of the animators posted on his Tumblr:
Not sure if Starfire or dressed up Miss Martian. Though considering Starfire was always known for her busty figure, it's probably her. The lighting just makes her skin look green.
Why the hell did you have to remind me of that, Andrex? Jerk.
Having read quite a bit of both Marvel and DC since getting into comics, I can honestly say I don't see much difference between the two quality wise (in comics at least). I suppose there are some nuances that make people choose one over the other, but overall, they're about on par as far as I'm concerned.
Although maybe Alan Moore's stuff should be ignored...
Although I do agree, especially Morrison's writing -- it seems to inspire hope and confidence in the idea of superheroes instead of just tearing it down constantly.
Oh right, what ever happened to the other school friends of Megann and Conner? Three of them became superheroes and one is a superhero in the comic, but what about the rest?
Oh right, what ever happened to the other school friends of Megann and Conner? Three of them became superheroes and one is a superhero in the comic, but what about the rest?