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Young Justice: The Animated Series


Super Member
I don't think any version argues this, but Superman grows to maturity just like any other human at the same pace.

He finishes high school in the same amount of time, college, travels the world, arrives in Metropolis; he'd look the same as anyone else his age. he does look really young in Action Comics

In the comics Superboy stops aging
as a defect from being a clone and almost dies


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm really glad that
Jason Todd being in this universe
has been confirmed. That leaves the door open.

I will forever love love love this show for that. IMO now YJ > JL/U.

If they work Red Hood into s3, it will be amazing.

I think or at least hope we get an episode that really focuses on Robin. When they were in the hall of fallen heroes, while Jamie and Bart were talking, the entire time he was just
staring at Jason's image
. They focus on him a number of times but he has no dialogue. I really hope they cover what is going on in his head.

Tim needs to play a bigger part in this show.

This, so much.

When they cut to Gotham City: Cemetary I was really hoping we'd get that. :(

Something has to happen with Tim (and I'm liking the sound of True Colors from its description.)


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Do you peeps think Batman Beyond would appear in a later episode?

Seems unlikely since it's more related to the Diniverse than comics continuity, and also they've already shown the future and it seems... incompatible with BB, to say the least.


I have to chuckle at Sportsmaster because Black Manta is higher up on the villian scale than he is. Even in comics BM killed Aquaman's kid, all Sportsmaster did is chuck baseballs at Alan Scott.

With that said, this incarnation of Sportsmaster is fantastic.


With that said, this incarnation of Sportsmaster is fantastic.

Unfortunately, his terrible villain name ensures I cannot take him seriously.

Every time someone says "Sportsmaster" he just loses all credibility.


The master of sports. How threatening.

Also, this is the part where I express my appreciation for the fight in the parking garage:
It was really, really good.


Ah, so Mal is the Herald/Horn Blower. Dude was also featured in Teen Titans show (the one with the blue robe that uses a magical horn to open up portals to different dimensions). I was wondering who he was since the show never had him wearing the costume in Young Justice. He's apparently going to
get a super hero identity sometime in season 2.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The future can be changed.



Unfortunately, his terrible villain name ensures I cannot take him seriously.

Every time someone says "Sportsmaster" he just loses all credibility.


The master of sports. How threatening.

Also, this is the part where I express my appreciation for the fight in the parking garage:
It was really, really good.

They ought to take a cut from TT and just refer to him by whatever his real name is.

Slade was so much more threatening than Deathstroke

The future can be changed.

Not if you've already read it


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
They ought to take a cut from TT and just refer to him by whatever his real name is.

Slade was so much more threatening than Deathstroke

Deathstroke the terminator sounds like someone you don't want to fuck with.


Not if you've already read it



She's been booted in - she's like Harley Quinn, she turned up first in Superman The Animated Series

I can't recall if she's been a cyborg before though

I don't believe Mercy has been, but Luthor has definitely had robot assistants. The creepiest was a year or two before the recent reboot, where Lex made himself an android assistant/bodyguard who looked and acted exactly like Lois Lane, except completely loyal to Lex. Not to fool anyone or replace her or anything - just because he wanted it to look/talk like Lois. It was creepy as fuck.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I don't believe Mercy has been, but Luthor has definitely had robot assistants. The creepiest was a year or two before the recent reboot, where Lex made himself an android assistant/bodyguard who looked and acted exactly like Lois Lane, except completely loyal to Lex. Not to fool anyone or replace her or anything - just because he wanted it to look/talk like Lois. It was creepy as fuck.

if you wanna piss off superman, thats the way.
Jeez, did they do something to Roy's brain when he was still in stasis?
He's not suspicious at all about that arm?
Oh well, least it's not china cat.

Also, feels weird to see clone-Roy acting relatively down-to-earth and supportive.


Unfortunately, his terrible villain name ensures I cannot take him seriously.

Every time someone says "Sportsmaster" he just loses all credibility.


The master of sports. How threatening.

Also, this is the part where I express my appreciation for the fight in the parking garage:
It was really, really good.

Every time I hear his name I can't help but think of this Justice League episode.

Jeez, did they do something to Roy's brain when he was still in stasis?
He's not suspicious at all about that arm?
Oh well, least it's not china cat.

Also, feels weird to see clone-Roy acting relatively down-to-earth and supportive.

Yeah it's dumb. I'm getting sick of this thing where people accept things without thinking about the risks. Superboy did the SAME THING!
Unfortunately, his terrible villain name ensures I cannot take him seriously.

Every time someone says "Sportsmaster" he just loses all credibility.


The master of sports. How threatening.

Also, this is the part where I express my appreciation for the fight in the parking garage:
It was really, really good.

it's sport as in HUNTING for sport.
I found Roy's choice at the end of the episode more hilarious than I probably should:
Luthor "You could get ironic revenge for eight stolen years, a forcibly amputated limb, and your life taken over by a clone, or you could have this totally bitching robot arm!

Roy "Man, that is a really cool arm..."

Also, do you think its awkward for Zatana to be a part of the Justice League along side the Fate-possesed body of her father? Like, have there ever been any awkward moments in the watchtower break room where they run into each other while getting a cup of coffee?


Yeah. I found Roy's decision to accept Luthor's gift stupid. The guy amputated your arm, put you on ice for 8 years, and had a clone steal the life you might have lived. Roy putting aside his revenge and accepting what is likely a tainted gift (not doubt Luthor installed some nasty surprised in there) so easily?


First thought upon seeing the arm: "Please Nightwing or somebody takes a look at that thing before Roy puts it on. Shit is probably bugged to high heaven."


I like a lot about YJ but sometimes the animation doesn't feel entirely natural and the heroes are very often stupid as all fuck.

Also the Light always wins, even when they lose. Those bastards.


Yeah. I found Roy's decision to accept Luthor's gift stupid. The guy amputated your arm, put you on ice for 8 years, and had a clone steal the life you might have lived. Roy putting aside his revenge and accepting what is likely a tainted gift (not doubt Luthor installed some nasty surprised in there) so easily?

Luthor's guards would have killed him in any other senairo. Paying the ultimate price for revenge vs getting a nice new toy to wreak holy havoc another day? I'd choose the latter :p


I'm really impressed that he did it all with one arm and that he hadn't even really been in therapy for it or anything. It must throw off your balance something fierce.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Really good episode but why's Rocket getting married? Not too keen on her comic appearances.

Also why is Robin 1 in the memorial? If Robin 2 goes Red Robin will he get a memorial too? Unless of course that is Jason Todd.

Luthor's guards would have killed him in any other senairo. Paying the ultimate price for revenge vs getting a nice new toy to wreak holy havoc another day? I'd choose the latter :p

Probably rigged tho


Really good episode but why's Rocket getting married? Not too keen on her comic appearances.

Also why is Robin 1 in the memorial? If Robin 2 goes Red Robin will he get a memorial too? Unless of course that is Jason Todd.

Probably rigged tho
Comic Rocket would slap the toon version. Raising a kid AND told the most powerful man on earth to stop being a bitch.
Plus she cures time traveling crackheads.


Flash villains always screwup bigtime.

Trying to remember another occasion where someone commits a dastardly crime right in front of heroes who are just out shopping or whatever...


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I wish we had gotten more of this scene

Cool reveal though


The moment I saw cold on the roof I entered black man in a movie theater mode. And did this scene seem pointless?(like the superboy one) it just seemed oddly thrown in


The moment I saw cold on the roof I entered black man in a movie theater mode. And did this scene seem pointless?(like the superboy one) it just seemed oddly thrown in

A lot of scenes seemed pointless to the episode, but I didn't mind since it seems like they were dealing with the fallout of the first half of the season while setting plots in motion for the second half.

Like most of this was..we found Roy and he's screwed up

Or Artemis is gone and this sucks.. but life goes on.


Membero Americo
Looks like Artemis and the others ended pissing off more people than they thought.

Sportmaster and Cheshire are not going to make this easy.

And Lex is such a boss.
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