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Your GOTY so far....


Before October 12:

After October 12:

So Far.


Have a hard time picking a GOTY because Half-life 2 is just around the corner, so I'll list my favourite games thus far:

-Doom 3
-Ninja Gaiden
-Monster Hunter
-WoW stress test



SMT: Nocturne til now, but it will be MGS3 I'm almost sure after having played the demo.

Other mentions:
Sly 2


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I haven't really loved any of the 2004 games I've played. If I had to choose, I'd go with Mario vs Donkey Kong.

But for any game I first played this year, I think I'll give that to Beyond Good & Evil, which I'm playing now. Really kicks ass. I want more games like this.


Junior Member
Project Midway said:
I found the handling waaaayyy too slippery to be realistic. I mean come on, rally cars dont slide on gravel like they would on ice. There was something wrong about the braking and sliding. Too slippery to be realistic. Otherwise OK rally game. IMO ofcourse. :)

Its called locking the brakes and your car will be uncontrolable if you do that, most games wont let you lock your brakes and most games will give you more than natural grip to make the game easier. RBR is the best at simulating what is like to drive on gravel. You just have been spoiled by all the driving aids on other games.
Gek54 said:
Its called locking the brakes and your car will be uncontrolable if you do that, most games wont let you lock your brakes and most games will give you more than natural grip to make the game easier. RBR is the best at simulating what is like to drive on gravel. You just have been spoiled by all the driving aids on other games.
Well....how about no? Rally cars dont slide on gravel like on ice even when the brakes are locked. Period. In RBR you are sliding all over the place. I have been sitting on passenger side of a A class rally car and if needed they can be stopped amazingly quickly.

I'm not alone with this opinion, all my Xbox owning friends also complained about this same "feature". It feels like just a "gimmick" to make the game harder and feel more "sim like". Hard doesnt always equal as realistic.

And since I live in Finland, I have been driving on shitty gravels roads all my life,heh. ;)


Pikmin 2.

No real runner-ups.

I think KOTOR 2, Paper Mario 2, and especially Up Your Arsenal will have a chance to knock Pikmin 2 out of the way.


Junior Member
Project Midway said:
Well....how about no? Rally cars dont slide on gravel like on ice even when the brakes are locked. Period.

Oh...well there is your problem. I cant play the game without a TFF wheel either. With the wheel set at 540 degrees the car behaves beautifully. None of this so called ice sliding.


I'm going with Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on the console front, and Pokemon Leaf Green on the handheld front.


Street Fighter : Anniversary Collection (Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike)

I know, it's not really a "new" game, but it rocks so much.


hyperbolically metafictive
hm...probably gradius v. ninja gaiden, advance guardian heroes, astro boy, katamari, and espgaluda are up there too.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Bookworm -- GBA version.

Okay, it sounds nuts... but it's seriously reaching near-Tetris gaming levels in my GBA.
Zelda Four Swords for multiplayer game of the year.

Single Player...hmmmm, the MGS3 demo? ;) I haven't played that many new single player games this year that have really seemed GOTY quality yet (havent played enough or the ones frequently mentioned in this thread).....oh, Metroid Zero Mission came out this year? Then that. Or Knights of the Old Republic PC (did that come out this year? I know I bought it this year....). Or Front Mission 4.....

I need to play Katamari Damacy =(
So far, the following are my goty:

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GCN)
Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) - Because of Frag-Ops, Alien Swarm, Air Bucaneers, and Red Orchestra.
Battlefield: Vietnam (PC) - One of 3 games (other two being Battlefield 1942 and SOE's MMOFPS) that really captures the sense of war
Madden 2005 (PS2)

This could also change once I play the following:
Donkey Konga (GCN)
Pikmin 2 (GCN)
Paper Mario 2 (GCN)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN)
Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to LightSpeed (PC)
World of Warcraft (PC)
Half-Life 2 (PC) - Most likely my goty, since its the sequel to the best FPS released so far.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andres (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
My GotY will likely be one of the following:

Pikmin 2
Tales of Symphonia
Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within (Hey, the only problems I had with the first were the boring combat and the length, and both are issues that are getting addressed in the sequel).
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Paper Mario 2


Super Mario 64 DS.


X-Men Legends easily. Its the only game Ive played this year where ive enjoyed every minute of it I was playing.


I really haven't played a lot of games so far. But i have enjoyed Fable and Riddick. But I know my GOTY is going to be Half Life 2. Right behind that is MGS3


So far -- Thief: Deadly Shadows

Also great -- Ninja Gaiden, MGS: Twin Snakes, Astro Boy GBA, Metroid: Zero Mission


Metroid Zero Mission. But then, I think I've only played two games that were actually released this year (the other one being Twin Snakes, which was good but hardly great).
Halo fuckin' 2. Yes, I haven't played it and yes, it is my GOTY over katamari, SF:Anniversary, Front Mission 4, Samurai Warriors, etc.

Otherwise, Front Mission 4.

Futhermore, I don't like anyone who chose ninja gaiden. What an overhyped peice of good-looking shit.
So far, probably Pikmin 2, but I'm almost certain my eventual GOTY will be Metroid Prime 2 or Paper Mario. Looking forward to Half-Life 2 quite a bit, more so for CS: Source, so that might end up taking it.
My picks thus far are Ninja Gaiden, Pikmin 2, and Chronicles of Riddick.
Pandora Tomorrow(xbox) was impressive too. I expect Halo 2 to make the final cut. San Andreas will be one popular sentiment along with MGS3 but I'd like to wait and see on those two. Metroid Echoes likely won't be earth shatteringly different but high quality and thus undere consideration.
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