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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's

Mana Sin

Larson Conway said:
OK that DOES deserve more views. Good job man!

I think it's interesting that the name in the video shares the same last name as your user name. Daniel Conway, Larson Conway. Funny world.
If we're plugging our own ridiculous videos, shall I plug this little animation I made?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_a-DzEmK5w (Make sure to sit through the credits if you can stomach it, there's a stinger at the end)

I'd post it in the GAF animator's thread but, search being disabled and all...

PS - the Cinnabon rap totally got me at the end.
:lol :lol
Alex Anderson said:
Bravo! :)

I liked that
Yay! Thanks!

I've got another one in the works that's got actual animation in it, but I just found out I have tendinitis in my right thumb so holding a pen/drawing is painful and impossible right now. :(

Hopefully it'll be done by mid-late April.
BobbyRobby said:
found these guys a few months ago. worst game reviewers ever

This one ends hilarious,


sorry to quote myself, but came across this pic about this vid that's perfect
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