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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's


I don't know if this has been posted or if people have seen it, but here's this.

Yup, that is my YouTube account. But I did not create that video, I merely took it from nicovideo to show to one person--didn't even change the name to English, and it got a little popular. But anyway, that's not the point of this post.

I've been in sporadic contact with the creator of that video, and he contacted me today to tell me that he just released another version of it that was filmed in Cambodia.

I still feel kind of bad for stealing his original video and it getting so popular, but I'm glad it got that kind of exposure. I hope his new video gets just as much love, and he gets it directly.


Did Youtube put the 15min upload limit back? On one of my accounts I was able to upload videos over 15min, but it looks like the restriction was put back in place. :S


elseanio said:
Thanks for posting. Really enjoy shorts :)

Have you seen INSiDE?


Thanks for sharing. In case you're interested, search Jaume Balaguero's (the director of REC) two short movies, Dias Sin luz (Days Without Light) and Alicia. I'd post links, but I think that would get me banned. =) So, google them if you're interested. They're both marvellous, but somewhat disturbing.
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