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Zack Snyder's Justice League |OT| Tell Me...Do You Still Bleed?


Yeah whatever person who said this was literally the same movie with a few minutes of new footage is a fucking idiot.

This is waaaay better than the garbage Whedon made, and that idiot who was running damage control trying to downplay how different it would be should go eat a shoe.


Man, what a ride that was, absolutely incredible. This is what we should have got 4 years ago, all 4 hours of it, on the big screen, with an intermission.
I don't remember much about the 2017 film but everything connecting together really well and flowed greatly. The action scenes were amazing, again I can't remember the 2017 version and whether they are the exact same or not. Maybe the music was better or maybe it's the fact that we spend more time with the characters and so they just mean more.

Cyborg did not feel like the "heart" of the story for more, Barry did more so for me, not sure why. My wife and I unfortunately laughed at the scene where Cyborg was talking in the car with his mum and he started crying, didn't work for us. So a couple of stumbles for me but really impressed overall.

Damn audio from the HBO Max rip I watched was incredible so can't wait for the UHD release even more so.

Literally the only thing that disappointed me was Zach Snyder hyping up the omega beams and they are in just 1 shot.
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Gold Member
Got around to seeing this today. It certainly did what it said it was going to do and turned a garbage film into something good. I was a cynic but I guess I didn’t realize how much cut material they had to work with. I now understand why Cyborg’s actor was so pissed.

While it’s far from ranking as the best superhero films, it provides sensible transitions and motivations for characters as well as fixes the bad cg.

A theatrical version of this film would have definitely gotten a sequel green lit as opposed to the Whedon cut where you just don’t care anymore.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I am blown away tbh. I have been waiting for this movie for almost 4 years now, but I never expected it to be this good. This is by far the best DCEU movie. It's Snyder's best film since the Watchmen, and it's one of the best comic book movies ever made. I would put it behind TDK and Avengers.

The finale works so well now that there is no russian family to save. no dumb pink filter. no quips and dumb shots of batman. its all action storytelling. the flash sequence was magnificent. one of the most visually arresting comic book sequences ever put on film. In fact, Flash to me was the highlight of the movie even though i hated his dumb face in the original. there is more of him here acting the same way but for some reason it works in this movie. maybe because we get to see him interact with his dad. Billy Curdup once again nails his cameo. What a great underrated actor.

That final scene with the Joker blew me away. What a way to end the movie. Like holy shit. Where was this Leto in suicide squad? Affleck killed it too. Another underrated actor. I am so pissed we will never get to see the sequel. This is by far the most bittersweet feeling ive had watching a movie. I got all the scenes i saw in the original trailers and the leaked storyboard and incomplete vfx shots, but I had no idea that there was a great movie in there as well.

I noticed two very interesting things. The line "Lets go get that son of a bitch" which was used in End Game two years after this movie came out. And Flash reversing time to bring back everyone. I wonder if this version of the movie had come out, they wouldve probably changed the final two avengers movies.

I have on idea how this has a 75% fresh rating. are they really saying its on par with iron man 2? this is a phenomenal movie. What more do these critics want? Maybe if the RT rating was higher, WB wouldve given Zach another chance, but i just dont see it with a 75% RT score. this would actually work really well as a tv show tbh. but again, $300 million for 4 hours is way too expensive when game of thrones was basically $80 for 10 episodes.

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Unconfirmed Member
Cyborg did not feel like the "heart" of the story for more, Barry did more so for me, not sure why. My wife and I unfortunately laughed at the scene where Cyborg was talking in the car with his mum and he started crying, didn't work for us. So a couple of stumbles for me but really impressed overall.
It's an origin movie for both Cyborg and Flash. It wasn't meant to be seen as a competition or comparison between them. They shared the heart of the movie, both had decent character arcs, and this cut redeemed both characters equally.

The only individual's scenes I would have cut from this movie is the person who appears at the very end of the film(won't spoil his name). It makes him look like an asshole who didn't care to help during the very world ending/important fight since now that we know he was around this whole time.


Loved this movie, very much

And yeah, anyone saying "it's the same movie" is talking shit. It's completely different.

Probably my favorite Snyder movie since Watchmen. He put his heart and soul into this thing, it is palpable.

And I'm glad that we won't have a JL 2. His ideas for the sequel are ... exquisite, to say the least.

Also, there's no way that Snyder would have this much budget again, full creative control + 4h again to present the story. Not with Warner Bros.

That's why I'm so glad that this movie exists. It was a lighting in a bottle situation.

I just hope that they let him film a "Death of Robin" movie or miniseries like he wants to

I need to see this storyline with Affleck's Batman and Leto's Joker.
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For those of you with the time and inclination, rewatch the Whedon cut. Considering he was added to lighten the tone and add jokes, he did a pretty shit job.
I was surprised to see how much of the jokes were Snyder.
Watched it again last night, still love it.
WB still adamant Whedon's is canon.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
For those of you with the time and inclination, rewatch the Whedon cut.
I enjoyed this Snyder'esque machismo infused action ride. Tone and characters felt way more consistent and the story actually made sense. It only goes to show how watered down Whedon's version really was. They should have stuck with Snyder's vision instead of trying to imitate the Marvel movies. It would have become it's own thing. I would have loved me some uncompromising grimdark superhero action flicks.

Personally, I've grown tired of Marvel-type comedic superhero movies, but this felt like a bit of fresh air. It's still silly, but the over the top testosterone-fueled badass characters were more reminiscent of 80s and 90s action flicks, which are a guilty pleasure of mine. How the heroes are presented in thick strokes reminded me very much of Snyder's other movies like 300 and Watchmen. Larger than life personae and none of that diluted crap.

The villain was one of the greatest problems in the Whedon version, but Snyder actually turned Steppenwolf into an intimidating force with believable intentions. The way he kneeled and stripped away his space razor blade armor in order to make himself vulnerable for his master reminded me more of an animal predator showing submission to a stronger predator. Also the way he gesticulates, talks and fights are all pretty cool.

The action was also really good, but I didn't like the overabundant use of slowmo. The movies also had some very heartfelt moments, but some scenes were a bit too cringe. Some characters still didn't work for me, leave the teen-angst to the YA movies and give me the movie equivalent of the glistening, epic handshake from Predator. It's still a silly movie by all means, but at least one can admire the passion behind it and its coherent undiluted vision.

It demonstrates how Whedon butchered that vision and what a wet towel he really is.

P.S.: Great rendition of Cohen's "Hallelujah" at the end.
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The movie 9/10 for me

after Jared Leto the movie is 4/10, whoever gave Leto the role is a complete idiot, thanks to Zack for blurring the whole scene until the idiot is off
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I was surprised to see how much of the jokes were Snyder.

People who were on the set during the Snyder shoot (the media set visits were the day that they were filming the rooftop scene with Gordon) tried to warn people about that since people claimed all the jokes were Whedon and Snyder had no jokes. Snyder told them at the set visit that he was trying to make it lighter.

after Jared Leto the movie is 4/10, whoever gave Leto the role is a complete idiot, thanks to Zack for blurring the whole scene until the idiot is off

That would be Snyder. Joker was originally going to be in BvS (with Riddler). Ayer added the tattoos for Suicide Squad.

I really liked it.
wtf at that ending tho? So confused

The original ending (credit stinger) was Bruce being woken up by Killowog and Tomar-Re. They reshot it to be Martian Manhunter (which is why Affleck was skinny in the scene).
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So, just to say, I can easily see parts that could've been cut down to get this thing around 3 hours instead.

BUT, DAMN, this thing has an actual plot now! Cyborg has a plot! Steppenwolf has a plot! The entire thing just makes much more sense compared to the crap we got in 2017! And as much as I usually don't like the grim dark desaturated look, at least here the scenes feel naturally to their environment, unlike 2017 where the final battle takes place covered in red dye.


So, just to say, I can easily see parts that could've been cut down to get this thing around 3 hours instead.

If you cut down 90% of the Atlantis stuff it could still be canon as that's the only major things that clash with the other movies and what Wan did.


With how central Cyborg was to this story, one has to wonder wtf Jos was thinking when he cut almost all of it out.

He cut out Cyborg and Aquaman's decisions to join the team, making them as trivial as Flash's. Flash being an aloof character made explaining his motivations easy, but Aquaman and Cyborg needed the explanations we finally got. Wonder Woman at least had BvS and her own movie, as did Superman. But 2 of the heroes, and Steppenwolf were essentially reduced to doing it for reasons.

He cut so much, while still finding the time to add a janky opening fight, that added nothing to the story. The Russian family and Supes-Flash rescue challenge also added nothing positive to the 2017 film.

It's simply baffling how badly the SC shits all over the Whedon hack job. It's not even fucking close. Yet WB had to be dragged kicking and screaming to release what is universally recognized as the far superior version. There needs to be some serious internal review at WB about how they handled this project, because this was supposed to be a billion dollar franchise, and it's totally the studio's fault for bungling this. Left to his own devices, Zack has made one of it not the best DC film.

I wonder now if Nolan was forced to compromise on his vision of his own trilogy, or if the studio was hands-off for those. WB can't get it of it's own way. They don't deserve the DC catalog.
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Gold Member
I don't get the Leto hate, he was an edgy asshole in Suicide Squad but did a pretty good job here imo. He was the right kind of fucked in the head for a Joker if you ask me.

I thought the epilogue dialogue between Batman and Joker was wild. Very tense and the constantly focus-shifting camera gave it all a fever dream-ish quality [which was the point of course]. Leto's Joker seemed great in that context, right on the edge of madness. Also really liked how he riled up Bruce, and Bruce in return fucked with Joker.

Bruce's "and make no mistake, I WILL fucking kill you.." definately was an "o shit dude" moment.
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Affleck Batman is pretty lame. He is just a fat ass in a rubber suit. He probably can't even clip own his toenails. I think Henry Cavill would have made a great Batman, even better than a Superman. Also, Jesse Eisenberg is the worst Lex Luthor ever, I can't imagine a more annoying depiction of the character. Maybe WB got paid to include him because he brought nothing good to the DCEU films he was in. That said, I enjoyed this film a whole lot more than the original. Should be declared canon.


I know it was two different reviewers, but it's funny to see Gamespot give WW84 a 9/10 and ZSJL at 3/10. Big yikes.

Airbus Jr

No. That timeline won't happen.

Well, it will happen, but Flash will go back in time in order to change it.
Another question is

What is Anti Life Equation? How does it work?

Darkseid didnt really describe it for me

At first hes all about motherbox but then hes like meh lets go all put for anti life equation
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Affleck Batman is pretty lame. He is just a fat ass in a rubber suit. He probably can't even clip own his toenails. I think Henry Cavill would have made a great Batman, even better than a Superman. Also, Jesse Eisenberg is the worst Lex Luthor ever, I can't imagine a more annoying depiction of the character. Maybe WB got paid to include him because he brought nothing good to the DCEU films he was in. That said, I enjoyed this film a whole lot more than the original. Should be declared canon.
He's fat? He jacked as hell in BvS.


Another question is

What is Anti Life Equation? How does it work?

Darkseid didnt really describe it for me

At first hes all about motherbox but then hes like meh lets go all put for anti life equation

I could tell you what it is in the comics, dunno what it would be in the movies.
Better than the theatrical version, even if its an epic sit of 4 hours. I split it into two days of watching.

I am not sure how you break up or format something this long. They put it into "parts" that don't naturally segment.

edit: My main criticism outside of the time/format is that they should have just cut the entire epilogue. It's nothing but fanservice and Martian Hunter at the end is totally goofy. You get the gist of it earlier on in Victor's vision. You're just retreading now. Plus, Amber Heard unexplainably surviving while her man gets toasted is a little too on the nose.
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It is pretty much the same style over substance surface level Comic Book movie as the first two Snyder movies were.

Dumb, pretentious n badly written n performed.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Problem with Justice League (and the DC Universe) is they never built up to the big team movie like Marvel did. In the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor all had their own movies (plural) before The Avengers came out and Black Widow was in Iron Man 2. Only Hulk and Hawkeye made their first appearances in The Avengers.

They built up to it, which made it an even and then built upon that with more Avengers movies and solo movies.

JLA was a mess. They saw the success of The Avengers and wanted to recreate that success. I mean they have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. (personally I only remember Cyborg from New Teen Titans but anyway....)
They shoehorned everyone in: Batman (last solo movie was 5 years earlier with a different Batman), Superman, Wonder Woman (just had her first solo movie only months earlier, Flash (no solo movie), Aquaman (no solo movie), Cyborg (no solo movie).

If they only waited 5 more years and produced a solo Batman movie along with Aquaman, Flash and maybe a Cyborg movie then they could have had a cohesive and exciting movie.

Looking forward to seeing the new cut though. Even though Batman is still in limbo and still no Flash or Cyborg movies (I want a New Teen Titans movie!), and only one Aquaman movie.


Even though Batman is still in limbo and still no Flash or Cyborg movies (I want a New Teen Titans movie!), and only one Aquaman movie.

They begin filming The Flash in about two weeks or so and that'll have both Affleck and Keaton in it as Batman (more Keaton though), Aquaman 2 films later this year. Although it's set in a different universe, The Batman finished filming last week and comes out in one year.

We were going to get Cyborg in The Flash AND a Cyborg movie, but Ray Fisher nuked his career from orbit.


I actually think WB are going to change stances and do a sequel to this. Either a theatrical movie or a mini series.
I doubt it. I think most of the parties involved would rather go their separate ways at this point. It doesn't seem like WB is particularly happy about ZSJL getting a release.
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Wtf was that horrible quality on hbo max though? I'm happy I supported the movie but it felt like it was running on a base ps4.


Better than the theatrical version, even if its an epic sit of 4 hours. I split it into two days of watching.

I am not sure how you break up or format something this long. They put it into "parts" that don't naturally segment.

edit: My main criticism outside of the time/format is that they should have just cut the entire epilogue. It's nothing but fanservice and Martian Hunter at the end is totally goofy. You get the gist of it earlier on in Victor's vision. You're just retreading now. Plus, Amber Heard unexplainably surviving while her man gets toasted is a little too on the nose.

I watched it as sort of a mini series.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just found out we're actually stuck with 720p with Crave Canada.... Wow.
i watched the first 3 parts on the ps5 which does not support 4k hdr. i was like why does this movie look like this? and the damn app doesnt tell you.

LG CX doesnt even have a native app so had to find my roku + stick and finally watch this thing in 4k.

if you have a tv with android tv or apple tv then it should run this movie in 4k.,


i watched the first 3 parts on the ps5 which does not support 4k hdr. i was like why does this movie look like this? and the damn app doesnt tell you.

LG CX doesnt even have a native app so had to find my roku + stick and finally watch this thing in 4k.

if you have a tv with android tv or apple tv then it should run this movie in 4k.,
PS5 doesn't support 4K HDR? That doesn't sound right.


Neo Member
PS5 doesn't support 4K HDR? That doesn't sound right.
The HBO Max app on PS5 doesn't support 4K. I think as of now the only platforms that have HBO max in 4k is Apple TV, Fire sticks and some Samsung TVs. I saw it on my fire stick and it still didn't seem like true 4K resolution to me.


The HBO Max app on PS5 doesn't support 4K. I think as of now the only platforms that have HBO max in 4k is Apple TV, Fire sticks and some Samsung TVs. I saw it on my fire stick and it still didn't seem like true 4K resolution to me.
I got glorious 4K Dolby Vision + Dolby Atmos on my Shield.


Just finished getting through ZSJL.

That was pretty good much better than Whedons turd we got served up a fews year ago. This was the JL I wanted perhaps a few little cuts here and there and 😩👌

ZS cut defo did WW, Flash and Cyborg more justice than they got in the original JL the scenes with Darkseid were great I wasn’t expecting him in this , I knew Darkseid was to play an important role in turning Superman but we’ll never get to see that vision of JL which is bittersweet who the fuck at DC that fucked up this project they deserve to be cleaning the toilets.

Wish we could have gotten a Knightmare JL like Snyder was planning.

Overall 8/10 good JL movie probably one of the best we’ll get.

Oh and Joker and Batman teaming up in the Knightmare future is a nice touch 👍



Okay, so these guys are doing this series of videos on the history of the Snyder Cut. You absolutely must watch these 2 parts, if not the others. Warner Bros can go fuck themselves.
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