Tears of Nintendo

About the game now and what's next. I think they're in big, BIG trouble when it comes to keeping people's interest (I mean those who still playing the game) cuz of a few things.
1) They're super effin' stingy with rewards and so people won't be able to unlock more characters fast even if they're still playing the game and not playing anything - clearly it was designed with ton of MTX sales in mind
2) Getting new characters in a game like this is CRUCIAL, just like in any Persona game, but if in Persona you can't get all the roster via Story progression, here and in ZZZ it's tied to super stingy rewards and you'll never have enough to unlock all characters and even then it's not a guarantee that you'll like them, but there's more
3) We don't know yet what are their plans look like when it comes to new story content and such, but if they're going to work on it for months and will only rely on small events and releasing new characters which you can't even unlock at all depending on your luck, it's going to kill the game
4) Even if most of the hard and endgame content is far better than the story missions and 90% of the side stuff, it's one way ride cuz when you complete them, it's all over cuz you got all the rewards and honestly, how many people will even get to that part?
5) They lost a lot of people cuz they weren't expecting extremely slow paced, very compact and restricted Persona-like game, which is vastly different than Genshin and HSR with open world, way more freedom and other stuff, so, these people are never going to come back, it's just a fact
6) They need to tone down the TV stuff significantly and I'm talking about exploration missions and just regular side quest here cuz they're all horrible and boring, where as rogue-like stuff and especially other stuff with lite puzzles and much more alive levels later on is THE SHIT and the best contend in the game!
7) They need to totaly get rid of the explorations TV stuff in side quest and make a complete overhaul, add more varied rogue-like stuff to absolutely every exploration mission and the rest of the side quest, add more puzzles there, hidden stuff to find in the levels (not TV), mix all of this shit together with cool and well directed cutscenes and exciting stuff to see, cuz otherwise and what they're doing with side quests in the game will also kill it, I'll even go as far as to say that even people like us who still playing the game will be questioning what they're doing with their time if miHoYo won't do what needs to be done
8) Super stingyness must stop with the release of Zhu, unless they're complete and total idiots, cuz no amount of promo codes with BS 50/60 or even 100 polys will do anything good for the game
9) They should completely rework how channels work, they need to add SIGNIFICANTLY more rewards from drops which is not only characters and stupid ass garbage engines nobody ever using and dismanteling right away. I mean, WTF? Who though that it was a good idea to have only characters there which are super hard to unlock cuz of BS % drops and stupid and BS stuff nobody even uses? Sure, there's multiple battle passes, but... some people are paying for this shit, how on earth can you so not care about the people who give you money and only reward them with characters they can't even unlock and BS stuff they don't even need? Why are regulare tapes are so fuckin' rare as well? Why are you only get them via battle passes and stuff and not even close to the same amount as exlusive tapes? This is serioursly fucked up and also has very strong potential to kill the game
10) I think they shot themselves in the foot by making a game with this kind of design - extremely slow paces Persona-like game, cuz even though I and some of you guys like it, they just can't do much with this kind of game cuz it's very restrictive in terms of design and what they can do going forward. Let me explain. The world of the game is extremely small and at first and when you only start playing, you can see all this locked stuff one the map (all get to it) and it fools you into thinking that the world of the game is huge and there's probably so much more stuff to unlock, but no, it's the complete opposite. So there's only 2 hubs in the game, the first being the one you start the game in and then more open city area will unlock... and that's pretty much it. Sure, there's the outpost, construction site etc. but c'mon.
11) They need to add WAY more open areas and significantly expand the city and where you can go. They also need to get rid of the current and idiotic map menu with icons and design the actual and way better city map with districts and such you can select with a drop menu where you can choose locations with previews and such. I can't believe they launched the game with such a terrible map menu. I mean, how hard it is to draw a cool city map? Right now you can't even tell how the whole city looks like visualy and where you even are on it, it's just a bunch of stupid icons with more icons below.
I just can't see how this game will survive the next couple of months if they're not going to adress everything I've mentione above and FAST! Like, next week they need to start making vast changes already with Zhu's launch. But whay to you guys thing about any of this or maybe you have something to add to what I've said and whant something else to see in the game and for miHoYo to change etc.?