Bradley Shoemaker doubling down on a dumb argument for the sake of being a contrarian? Surely, you jest.
I come into this thread to show my pleasure at the warehouse quick look, and now I'm crying thanks to this post. Where's the video these gifs were from?It looks alright but Street Cleaning Simulator clearly is the superior product
The vicarious pleasure I got through Jeff calling BS on Brad's double standards regarding the PvZ/Titanfall debate was great.
It simply came down to brad enjoying a shooter type game that was not dressed up in the normal way (ie military dudes with guns, etc) but then he tried to make up some bull about it not being a shooter to justify it, just to be a contrarian.
Bradley Shoemaker doubling down on a dumb argument for the sake of being a contrarian? Surely, you jest.
Even in TF2's horde mode, each class has a specific role, and everyone needs to do their part as a team, rather than just gunning down whatever, to pass the harder waves.You can't play it COD style.I don't agree at all. Brad's point was that in games like TF2 and horde modes there's more to do than lone wolf lt rt, which I agree with 100%.
Think I saw a tweet from the gb twitter today saying theres something wrong with iOS access to the videosAll the giant bomb videos are saying I need an html5 browser on my iPhone/iPad.
But I'm in an html5 browser. Anyone else have the same problem? What gives?
The comment Jeff was kind of making at 13:35 of that Warehouse Simulator QL along with some of the comments he made in the podcast following Ryan's passing really make you wonder how much longer he may continue doing this. But who knows. Could be reading too much into it all.
Found the tweet thanks!Think I saw a tweet from the gb twitter today saying theres something wrong with iOS access to the videos
Some of them have dave and they talk about fast food.
I come into this thread to show my pleasure at the warehouse quick look, and now I'm crying thanks to this post. Where's the video these gifs were from?
I'm trying not to laugh loudly but it's so painful not to. Thank you so much ahhahahahaha
I come into this thread to show my pleasure at the warehouse quick look, and now I'm crying thanks to this post. Where's the video these gifs were from?
despite brad's insistence that the black phantoms aren't entertaining and just waste everyone times I think its hilarious, even more so because of how salty he gets.
the poison/breaky cloud/scrapey guy was delicious
I especially enjoy how in his quest to move on and provide actual entertainment he runs around an NPC for 10 minutes asking if he should talk to him or maybe attack him but I shouldn't attack him but ask the chat but if I do maybe he kills me but maybe he drops something but maybe it locks me out of something later but maybe the other thing that unlocks only unlocks after you kill him but maybe he shows up later I remember reading things on the internet and I would hate to miss three more pieces of some stone I'll never-ever use ever.
So they had both versions of Thief and still did the QL on the worst version? For shame.
So they had both versions of Thief and still did the QL on the worst version? For shame.
So after several episodes of yelling together with Brad at the scraping spear bastards I was suddenly wondering. Why is using the scraping spear all OMG WTF YOU CHEAP PIECE OF NO-LIFE FUCK-worthy, but Brad's super sword that kills most things in one hit is totally fine?
Destroying Brad's weapon seems like a completely valid strategy when fighting against him. Also I call bullshit on "But then you have to repair it" being a real issue, because you're talking about a game that makes you run through the entire level again if you die. Having to press three extra buttons before you can get back into the level is nothing.
So after several episodes of yelling together with Brad at the scraping spear bastards I was suddenly wondering. Why is using the scraping spear all OMG WTF YOU CHEAP PIECE OF NO-LIFE FUCK-worthy, but Brad's super sword that kills most things in one hit is totally fine?
Destroying Brad's weapon seems like a completely valid strategy when fighting against him. Also I call bullshit on "But then you have to repair it" being a real issue, because you're talking about a game that makes you run through the entire level again if you die. Having to press three extra buttons before you can get back into the level is nothing.
So after several episodes of yelling together with Brad at the scraping spear bastards I was suddenly wondering. Why is using the scraping spear all OMG WTF YOU CHEAP PIECE OF NO-LIFE FUCK-worthy, but Brad's super sword that kills most things in one hit is totally fine?
So after several episodes of yelling together with Brad at the scraping spear bastards I was suddenly wondering. Why is using the scraping spear all OMG WTF YOU CHEAP PIECE OF NO-LIFE FUCK-worthy, but Brad's super sword that kills most things in one hit is totally fine?
Destroying Brad's weapon seems like a completely valid strategy when fighting against him. Also I call bullshit on "But then you have to repair it" being a real issue, because you're talking about a game that makes you run through the entire level again if you die. Having to press three extra buttons before you can get back into the level is nothing.
Because this is not exactly a competitive game. I
So after several episodes of yelling together with Brad at the scraping spear bastards I was suddenly wondering. Why is using the scraping spear all OMG WTF YOU CHEAP PIECE OF NO-LIFE FUCK-worthy, but Brad's super sword that kills most things in one hit is totally fine?
Destroying Brad's weapon seems like a completely valid strategy when fighting against him. Also I call bullshit on "But then you have to repair it" being a real issue, because you're talking about a game that makes you run through the entire level again if you die. Having to press three extra buttons before you can get back into the level is nothing.
Ugh the constant seeking reassurance and indecisiveness really kills this series for me, I love the Souls games despite never having played them properly, I want to experience the game and the lore but watching Brad play is tough.
I hope any DS2 content GB do that Vinny is in the driving seat.
It is. A lot of streamers just choose not to play it that way for some reason. Jeff Green, Brad, Vinny, etc.
So is not a obligatory gameplay mechanic.
I've always wondered, with all the 'we must have multiplayer'/'always online'/'please don't trade this game in' tactics publishers have tried, why haven't more developers tried implementing the multiplayer gameplay seen in Souls series (instead of just shoehorning TDM)?
It extends the life of the SP campaign, gives people something to do afterwards, creates tension etc etc. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't think of a single other game that's tried it.
Bradley Shoemaker doubling down on a dumb argument for the sake of being a contrarian? Surely, you jest.
The comment Jeff was kind of making at 13:35 of that Warehouse Simulator QL along with some of the comments he made in the podcast following Ryan's passing really make you wonder how much longer he may continue doing this. But who knows. Could be reading too much into it all.
You've answered half of your own question by taking on board a comment someone made almost immediately after his best friend had prematurely passed away.The comment Jeff was kind of making at 13:35 of that Warehouse Simulator QL along with some of the comments he made in the podcast following Ryan's passing really make you wonder how much longer he may continue doing this. But who knows. Could be reading too much into it all.
There seems to be a lot of barely repressed hostility between Brad and Jeff, I seem to notice this more and more every podcast.
Feels like they are one step away from blows half the time, what on earth is going on between those two?