Well, the hardcore community loves Persona, don't they?That's as anime as it gets.
Not if you ask a certain subset of the fanbase, haha.
Well, the hardcore community loves Persona, don't they?That's as anime as it gets.
Because everyone likes the same thing, thats why all the threads on here are full of people endlessly agreeing with one another.
This thread smells strongly of the 'every anime art style looks the same' bullshit.
Not if you ask a certain subset of the fanbase, haha.
I take anime games pretty seriously. I beat Tales of Xillia long ago but there was something about it that was particularly disgusting.
The Jude-Leia relationship. Leia is truly the only one for Jude, and yet Jude ignores her and is instead slavishly devoted to Milla. Milla's perception of Jude graduates from pet to some snoozefest thing about respect for a dude that teaches her about humanity. There is no love here, it's painful. How could Jude do this? This is what he's missing out on:
+a great complement to his personality
+someone who knows him well
+genuine concern for personal well-being (a bit fucked up to cite this when the person already likes you, but whatever, she is genuinely concerned for him, and in a non-abusive/equal level unlike Milla or Elise)
-someone with weird ideas about how girls and guys write
What a scumbag. He's worse than Luke. Plus there's that abominable scene on Jude's side whereAnd throughout cutscenes and skits prior, he doesn't really take her seriously. What sort of world do we live in where waifus are treated so terribly?the loss of Milla and her guidance so severely incapacitates him that he can't bring himself to come to Leia's aid as she's fighting for both his and her lives against Alvin. Plus his delayed reaction to her getting shot. Plus his sudden decision to confess his love for Alvin and abandon Leia. Plus his being cold to her while in whatever the hell that town was that Elise was locked up in.
That's when I realized. There is no justice. Only hate.
Crunchyroll aren't fansubs, it's a legitimate streaming service with a large number of subscribers and it's growing all the time. The profits they make from subscribers is definitely nothing to scoff at. At this point, it's the Steam of anime in the west, even if it hasn't quite reached that size.
Nier is pretty anime too.
I never understand such mindset.
It's like they categorically reject the notion of "Persona = Anime" since maybe they consider "Anime" is something that is beneath Persona or it's a travesty that they can enjoy things that are linked with "Anime"
I also don't understand why some are so upset when the dating elements of Persona games are touted by some, but that's another story.
That's because most people mistakenly believe anime to be a genre or style. It's not. It's a medium. There are various subgenres and styles within anime and manga.
They did start off by illegal streaming content which was not theirs. They just got lucky with investors who saw the big amount of viewers they had landing them a bunch of cash and not having been sued into the ground.
Regardless of that though, they sure got the whole business management part down hella good considering all the different areas where their service can be found and used including XBL and PSN
Actually that couldn't be more untrue. Anime is not a medium. ANIMATION is a medium, Anime or Japanese Animation is just a part of it. I highly recommend investigating what a medium actually is.
This is like if I said "Bollywood movies are a medium!" because I didn't want it to be associated with western film production.
That's just rubbish.
This thread smells strongly of the 'every anime art style looks the same' bullshit.
Well, the hardcore community loves Persona, don't they?That's as anime as it gets.
While you're technically right, anime is generally seen as its own thing due to the variety it exhibits compared to animation from other countries. In the west, you'd be hard pressed to find a cartoon that isn't either aimed at children or a comedy, with the former rarely venturing outside the latter. Anime on the other hand encompasses pretty much every genre you would find in live action and more.
The Bollywood comparison doesn't really work. It's more like saying Hollywood is to live action film as anime is to animation. Had countries beside Japan (and other Asian countries to a lesser extent) decided to branch out with animation as well, there would likely be less of an argument over labels.
Technically anime is just short for animation. In Japan the Simpsons would be called anime since the term will encompass all animation. It's just that we've decided to use the term to pigeon hole japanese animation. So yes it is a medium.
There is plenty of animation in the west that's not necessarily aimed at children (You're not hard pressed to do that) that's not really a reason to consider anime its own thing. Anime is just a subset of regular animation
I take anime games pretty seriously. I beat Tales of Xillia long ago but there was something about it that was particularly disgusting.
The Jude-Leia relationship. Leia is truly the only one for Jude, and yet Jude ignores her and is instead slavishly devoted to Milla. Milla's perception of Jude graduates from pet to some snoozefest thing about respect for a dude that teaches her about humanity. There is no love here, it's painful. How could Jude do this? This is what he's missing out on:
+a great complement to his personality
+someone who knows him well
+genuine concern for personal well-being (a bit fucked up to cite this when the person already likes you, but whatever, she is genuinely concerned for him, and in a non-abusive/equal level unlike Milla or Elise)
-someone with weird ideas about how girls and guys write
What a scumbag. He's worse than Luke. Plus there's that abominable scene on Jude's side whereAnd throughout cutscenes and skits prior, he doesn't really take her seriously. What sort of world do we live in where waifus are treated so terribly?the loss of Milla and her guidance so severely incapacitates him that he can't bring himself to come to Leia's aid as she's fighting for both his and her lives against Alvin. Plus his delayed reaction to her getting shot. Plus his sudden decision to confess his love for Alvin and abandon Leia. Plus his being cold to her while in whatever the hell that town was that Elise was locked up in.
That's when I realized. There is no justice. Only hate.
I said aimed at children or a comedy. The only one I can think of that doesn't fall under either of those is Aeon Flux, which was inspired by anime. You're welcome to name more if you know of any.
damn, they are beating the shit out of her. got dayum.
man, Ive only seen the first season of the boondocks.
Anime seems kind of like the reverse of the yankee aphorism: the closer you get to the source the broader it gets, rather than narrowing in definition until you're left with Vermonters that eat pie for breakfast.Technically anime is just short for animation. In Japan the Simpsons would be called anime since the term will encompass all animation. It's just that we've decided to use the term to pigeon hole japanese animation. So yes it is a medium.
Yeah the "Persona isn't anime" argument is kind of a running joke at this point. It's a shame because they get to have their cake and eat it too.I never understand such mindset.
It's like they categorically reject the notion of "Persona = Anime" since maybe they consider "Anime" is something that is beneath Persona or it's a travesty that they can enjoy things that are linked with "Anime"
I also don't understand why some are so upset when the dating elements of Persona games are touted by some, but that's another story.
DudeI never liked Persona's shift away from non-anime style of the ps1 original to what eventually became a very typical-generic anime look for the series. That's something that happened, please revisit the first game. That sorta shit will turn off people who may not like anime aesthetics. Anime turns a lot of people off.
Persona at it's core has always been about a bunch of unique teenagers relying on friendship and effort to achieve victory. It's been subverted or gone about in a different in ways for some of the titles (P2:EP/P3) but it's more or less consistent on that front.
I'm not anti-anime, though I'm not a fan of it. I will make SOME exceptions for games with anime art style (Valkria Chronicles, Ni No Kuni, Drakengard 3)... but for the most part I feel like anime character design are uninspired/unremarkable.
Who is quantifying how many people are reading/watching anime online? I'm assuming you mean online scanlations and fansub streaming? I'm not a fan of depriving companies of revenue, so if you support that, you are giving companies the false impression that there is no demand for anime since revenue is dying (which has been the trend for a few years now)
Which cons are getting bigger? Any sources? I only bring up NY Anime Festival because it was big news when they decided to shut down in a huge market like NYC, due to dwindling interest.
Agreed. I clicked on the Ys thread and the last page was mostly people arguing about different female characters and waifus. It is really off putting and a bit gross.
I take anime games pretty seriously. I beat Tales of Xillia long ago but there was something about it that was particularly disgusting.
The Jude-Leia relationship. Leia is truly the only one for Jude, and yet Jude ignores her and is instead slavishly devoted to Milla. Milla's perception of Jude graduates from pet to some snoozefest thing about respect for a dude that teaches her about humanity. There is no love here, it's painful. How could Jude do this? This is what he's missing out on:
+a great complement to his personality
+someone who knows him well
+genuine concern for personal well-being (a bit fucked up to cite this when the person already likes you, but whatever, she is genuinely concerned for him, and in a non-abusive/equal level unlike Milla or Elise)
-someone with weird ideas about how girls and guys write
What a scumbag. He's worse than Luke. Plus there's that abominable scene on Jude's side whereAnd throughout cutscenes and skits prior, he doesn't really take her seriously. What sort of world do we live in where waifus are treated so terribly?the loss of Milla and her guidance so severely incapacitates him that he can't bring himself to come to Leia's aid as she's fighting for both his and her lives against Alvin. Plus his delayed reaction to her getting shot. Plus his sudden decision to confess his love for Alvin and abandon Leia. Plus his being cold to her while in whatever the hell that town was that Elise was locked up in.
That's when I realized. There is no justice. Only hate.
Wow, is that a new Slam Dunk?
With Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on PS3 and Ni No Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn on DS (Japan only) going on to sell a combined 1.4 million units worldwide; does that make a case for anime based games to be taken more seriously? It seems like many anime games are usually just bare-bones fighters or phoned in beat-em-ups or hack and slash games. Is Ni No Kuni evidence that more original and deeper anime games have a market on consoles?
EDIT: for clarification i will use this wiki definition as to what I'm referring to when i say "anime", or games based on a Japanese art-syle. I realize Ni No Kuni is not based on an existing manga or show, I'm using anime to encompass games such as Ni No Kuni which are done in the vein of the anime style. So my question applies to games based on anime shows, manga or the style of Japanese anime.
It's a medium.
it's a cartoon that's japanese in origin
I never understand such mindset.
It's like they categorically reject the notion of "Persona = Anime" since maybe they consider "Anime" is something that is beneath Persona or it's a travesty that they can enjoy things that are linked with "Anime"
I also don't understand why some are so upset when the dating elements of Persona games are touted by some, but that's another story.
Hahahaha, true true. Milla is not a bad character, but Leia is *just* such a sweetheart. It breaks my heart how she is so accepting the fact that Milla is the one thatthat idiotJude choose.
soap opera RPG? wtf
Again, honest question here. So if I move to Japan tomorrow, and draw a cartoon or make a short animated film in the style I currently draw in (which is not anime), it's all of a sudden considered anime?
What the hell?
Guys, girls, Gaffers, anime is not a medium. It's a genre. It's like saying horror movies are a medium. They're a genre of the film medium.
But I see that this argument is going in circles in this thread, so I'm assuming there's no talking sense into you...
What the hell?
Guys, girls, Gaffers, anime is not a medium. It's a genre. It's like saying horror movies are a medium. They're a genre of the film medium.
But I see that this argument is going in circles in this thread, so I'm assuming there's no talking sense into you...
In Japan? Yes, since they use that term for any animation. It's like how here in the west, most animated shows are referred to as cartoons, even though stuff like South Park, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Looney Tunes shorts, etc all differ widely in art style and content.
Anime has a different meaning outside of Japan though for many, which is why so many people have different views when they hear the term.
Did I somehow confuse you?
I...I...no words here, just wow. I'm not sure if you're intentionally trolling or what, but anime in it's traditional definition is a medium.
Definitely Platinum, they've already got the right idea going with Vanquish then again Respawn could do good work with the Titans.Attack on Titan made by Respawn.
or Platinum
What the hell?
Guys, girls, Gaffers, anime is not a medium. It's a genre. It's like saying horror movies are a medium. They're a genre of the film medium.
But I see that this argument is going in circles in this thread, so I'm assuming there's no talking sense into you...
It's definitely not a medium. I will argue that to the grave. It's clearly a genre filled with sub genres of entertainment, television, and art if you want to call that really primitive form art.
Kuroko no Basket
It's great, you should watch it.
It's definitely not a medium. I will argue that to the grave. It's clearly a genre filled with sub genres of entertainment, television, and art if you want to call that really primitive form art.
There should've been an x-ray shot showing them literally breaking their ankles.
Here's what I'm trying to say.
Cartoons/animation is the medium.
Things like anime, comedy cartoons(Family Guy etc.), and children's cartoons are all genres of the animation medium.
What it seems like some of you are saying is equivalent to saying the First Person Shooter is a medium. I'm saying it's a genre of the medium of games.
You get what I mean?
Clearly, some misunderstanding took place.
It's definitely not a medium. I will argue that to the grave. It's clearly a genre filled with sub genres of entertainment, television, and art if you want to call that really primitive form art.
In Japan? Yes, since they use that term for any animation. It's like how here in the west, most animated shows are referred to as cartoons, even though stuff like South Park, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Looney Tunes shorts, etc all differ widely in art style and content.
Anime has a different meaning outside of Japan though, which is why so many people have different views when they hear the term. Some use the term for any animation produced from Japan regardless of artstyle, others apply it for only specific kinds of Japanese animation styles.
Here's what I'm trying to say.
Cartoons/animation is the medium.
Things like anime, comedy cartoons(Family Guy etc.), and children's cartoons are all genres of the animation medium.
Anime is a medium. This is really cut and dry.
Here's what I'm trying to say.
Cartoons/animation is the medium.
Things like anime, comedy cartoons(Family Guy etc.), and children's cartoons are all genres of the animation medium.
What it seems like some of you are saying is equivalent to saying the First Person Shooter is a medium. I'm saying it's a genre of the medium of games.
You get what I mean?
Clearly, some misunderstanding took place.