don't toy with my heart, woman!
Available: April 24th, 2014
This game will unlock in approximately 2 days and 21 hours

don't toy with my heart, woman!
Available: April 24th, 2014
This game will unlock in approximately 2 days and 21 hours
Cancelled my Dark Souls 2 Black Armor edition pre-order, and got it from GMG for £21.25 using the 25% off code and my playfire money.
Not bad.
They are probably using Japanese's 25th as the unlock date.Dark Souls 2 may be unlocking on the 24th....
my source is Steam store page
i've tried some options, specially on farcry2, but none were to my liking :/You have to find someone with a more conservative style that has already configured all the options.
oh man
Do they Lego games let you just grab things like minikits and just exit the level right there with that progress saved? I had to go back for a Stan Lee in a Marvel level and I really don't want to play the whole level a third time.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
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Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel --MB-5D66C52DDA5EBC72- Taken by Alduin. 8 entrants total.
Jeez, modders for Tabletop Simulator have recently added:
Arkham Horror
Unspeakable Words
And probably a bunch more presumably since I don't check reddit.
Anyways just wanted to point out that there's an active modding community going on if anyone was on the fence about picking up a copy.
Jeez, modders for Tabletop Simulator have recently added:
Arkham Horror
Unspeakable Words
And probably a bunch more presumably since I don't check reddit.
Anyways just wanted to point out that there's an active modding community going on if anyone was on the fence about picking up a copy.
J.K. Simmons was the perfect choice for Cave Johnson in Portal 2
J.K. Simmons was the perfect choice for Cave Johnson in Portal 2
what would you guys think is the better game to get @ $33?
South Park: The Stick of Truth
i'm thinkin about buying one of them on GreenManGaming, but i'm not really sure which ....kinda leaning towards South Park.
or would you wait and not buy either one right now?
anyway, thx.
what would you guys think is the better game to get @ $33?
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Not the first one nor the expansions. 2 and 3 do let you choose the level though, but I guess you were asking about 1. I don't know if there are cheats to jump to a specific level, you may want to search for them.Do F.E.A.R. games allow you to load up specific levels after you have beaten the game?
I seem to have misplaced my save file when I reformatted and I need some help.
I was on Interval 08.
haven't played south park but know that titanfall will bleed you with map packswhat would you guys think is the better game to get @ $33?
South Park: The Stick of Truth
i'm thinkin about buying one of them on GreenManGaming, but i'm not really sure which ....kinda leaning towards South Park.
or would you wait and not buy either one right now?
anyway, thx.
All for 30 cents too!
Oh wow, this game keeps sounding better and better. 12 bucks is a steep price for a game on Steam, though. I generally avoid paying more than 5 dollars a game now.
Really glad I decided to take up JaseC's offer. Checking around, the games of Clue, Monopoly, and Cards Against Humanity mods also exist.
So I just wasted an hour doing a Portal 2 coop achievement only to learn you apparently get achievements in local coop. Ahh. All for 30 cents too!
Are some of the coop achievements easy to get solo in local splitscreen?
The majority of co-op requires two people actively shooting portals.
Are some of the coop achievements easy to get solo in local splitscreen?
Apparently you can't get achievements in splitscreen. so no.
I for sure did the Portal Conservation Society cheevo in local and nothing popped.
In Lego Hobbit they do so I suspect the same is true for Lego Marvel.
Indeed it does work. Just finished 100%. I don't feel healthy.
I feel like an idiot for asking this but is there supposed to be a spring sale coming up?
I feel like an idiot for asking this but is there supposed to be a spring sale coming up?
Apparently you can't get achievements in splitscreen. so no.
I for sure did the Portal Conservation Society cheevo in local and nothing popped.
Achievements are disabled in local coop sadly, though there is a way around it.
- Enable console in the keyboard options
- Click "Play Cooperative" and wait for it to load the friends list.
- Bring up the console and type ss_map mp_coop_start
Be wary this will unlock all the chapters after the first tutorial though, so you'll get the achievements for finishing all the coop maps, though the playfire rewards didn't include that so no big deal.
Yeah I didn't feel healthy after Hobbit. And yet I'm still tempted to do LOTR and Marvel up to 100%.
Are some of the coop achievements easy to get solo in local splitscreen?
I kinda want to actually play the coop mode.
add me here and we can probably knock out a few levels today. 2 of the achievements are in the first 3 test chambers.
Heller smash!
Heavy armor Heller skin
Alex Mercer skin you can unlock by completing challenges and openworld activities
Zombie Alex Mercer skin, Heller's voice is replaced with Zombie growls.
Zombie Heller skin, same thing with the voice. Zombie growls for the in-game dialogue and cutscenes. The rendered cinematics still shows regular Heller.
Well it was mostly trying to figure out how to do a specific room, which I've got down pretty much now. You still have to play through the coop to unlock the rooms, though.
So Prototype 2 is all kinds of stupid fun. Been playing a New Game+ on Hard and burned through roughly half the game in one sitting. It's just so much fun navigating the openworld because the controls are so simple, it's just two buttons. Just two buttons but they allow you to do so much so effortlessly and it's so satisfying. You'll be running up walls, vaulting over anything in your way, running as fast as the Flash, leaping over buildings and flying through the air like Superman. I might actually 100% this game in fairly short order, there's only 5 achievements left to get.
Yeah, I played through all of coop a while ago but somehow I didn't get a single achievement for it, weird stuff. Would that be an issue?
plenty of prototypes on Steam these days.Huh, completely forgot there was a Prototype 2 on Steam. Wishlisted for Summer Sale.
Local? If you have all the test chambers unlocked via online co-op I'm assuming you could host (and choose the level) and I could show how to do that specific achievement.
Huh, completely forgot there was a Prototype 2 on Steam. Wishlisted for Summer Sale.
EDIT: Oh hey, "Not available in my Region". No wonder.