"I Need a New PC!" 2014 Part 1. 1080p and 60FPS is so last-gen and your 2500K is fine

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Neo Member
Hi about two weeks ago i decided to buy a new GPU and I went for a R9 270. Recently I decided for my bday i could get a second r9 270 and go crossfire.Would it be worth it or not?
Hi about two weeks ago i decided to buy a new GPU and I went for a R9 270. Recently I decided for my bday i could get a second r9 270 and go crossfire.Would it be worth it or not?

Personally, I'd return the original 270 and use the additional money to buy the most powerful single GPU you can afford.


Picked up more Samsung Wonder Ram lol eBay CCL had it for sale, 16gb kits £109 and 8gb kits £57. Bargain considering todays RAM prices. Got another 16Gb kit for a gand total of 2x16GB kits and 1x8Gb kit =D.


You don't need anything more than 500 unless you're going SLI.

I may consider SLI'ing, but probably not. Still, which of the two is better?

Okay, my final major decision is should I go with the Gigabyte GTX 780 GHZ edition, or would it be better to go for the more expensive 780 ti's/a different 780 model?


OK, so after getting my refund this morning and a lot of "do I, dont I's" Ive finally just ordered this lot.


I would of done this a bit differently

No point in fans, DVD drive and the thermal paste.... especially if your not overclocking and havent even bought an aftermarket heatsink. And when you do buy a aftermarket cooler, it comes with decent paste. Also AS5 is old school. AC MX2/3/4 is cheaper and performs the same without being a conductive paste.

Youll get tired of that case and its LEDs in time lol.

For £30 more ive done this build with a Z87 board and a K series CPU for futureproofing and a more sleek case imo. Take the Gigabyte 750Ti as they have the best RMA service. You can acheive the factory overclocks on any card yourself if you are concerned.

I havent seen why your making this rig, but its awfully unbalanced for gaming. Id get an i5 4670K and a beefier GPU like a GTX 760/770. Like this
I am thinking about picking up this, a BP550, and a 2 TB hard drive just to move my stuff over for now. I want to build in a few months, but for now, my case/PSU are both noisy and I'd like an improvement. Anything wrong with the HD? It's just for storage. My main drive is a 250GB Samsung 840.

reliability concerns aside (because post-Spinpoint we're dealing with trash all around) if you're planning on keeping that build on constantly you're going to want a 2 TB WD Red instead
Should I expect that kind of GPU setup to absolutely crush any game on Ultra with a stable 60 FPS?

Maybe not crush everything on ultra. Your games will be perfectly playable though. That's a shitload of pixels you're pushing. You're close to 4k resolution at that many pixels and even SLI setups will struggle at ultra settings. I'm not sure what your setup will give you since I usually don't see benchmarks for a 3x 1080p monitor setup.

edit: Just think of it this way. A 780 will crush most games at 1080p. So to have 3 1080p monitors, you'll probably want closer to 3 780s.

Here's a review of 2 and 3-way SLI in your resolution
reliability concerns aside (because post-Spinpoint we're dealing with trash all around) if you're planning on keeping that build on constantly you're going to want a 2 TB WD Red instead

Ok thanks. I don't mind the extra $15, but is there anything better than/equivalent to the red? Again, it won't be my boot drive.
Ok thanks. I don't mind the extra $15, but is there anything better than/equivalent to the red? Again, it won't be my boot drive.

going by that Backblaze article from a couple months ago, Hitachi's latest 2TB drives seem to be the best of the best (the Deskstar 7K2000)

but they also don't seem to be sold anywhere in the pcpartpicker database except for Amazon (and YMMV on whether it's actually a new drive from that site)
I may consider SLI'ing, but probably not. Still, which of the two is better?

Okay, my final major decision is should I go with the Gigabyte GTX 780 GHZ edition, or would it be better to go for the more expensive 780 ti's/a different 780 model?

You'll do great with just a 780. What resolution? If 1080 the 780 is perfect.


Maybe not crush everything on ultra. Your games will be perfectly playable though. That's a shitload of pixels you're pushing. You're close to 4k resolution at that many pixels and even SLI setups will struggle at ultra settings. I'm not sure what your setup will give you since I usually don't see benchmarks for a 3x 1080p monitor setup.

edit: Just think of it this way. A 780 will crush most games at 1080p. So to have 3 1080p monitors, you'll probably want closer to 3 780s.

Here's a review of 2 and 3-way SLI in your resolution

But I'm assuming on near 4K, it should still do very well with just x2 780 GB. When gaming on only 1 monitor out of the connected 3, I'm assuming that same setup SHOULD absolutely crush everything ever. xD
I believe EVGA warranty transfers. I would want to see it in action before I decided to buy it though. Usually with these things they work or they don't. Check each video output and check fan operation.

I just sold an evga gpu a couple of weeks ago and the warranty is for the first purchaser with valid receipt. Otherwise I would have made a huge point about it in my listing.


But I'm assuming on near 4K, it should still do very well with just x2 780 GB. When gaming on only 1 monitor out of the connected 3, I'm assuming that same setup SHOULD absolutely crush everything ever. xD

I'm gaming on 3x 1080p with two 680s and no problems on anything. I have to drop to high in BF4 if I want a steady 120fps.


Someone's looking to make a small PC, powerful enough to run smaller indie games for couch co-op. How's this?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i3-4330 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor (£89.99 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81M-H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£32.90 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£55.49 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£40.99 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card (£107.38 @ Ebuyer)
Case: Fractal Design Node 605 HTPC Case (£99.98 @ Novatech)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£45.78 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £472.51
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-10 23:15 BST+0100)

I know the Intel 4xxx APU's aren't amazing - even for smaller indie games - hence the 750 Ti. £10 copy of Windows from Reddit, and job done.


Few questions. I have a i3-4130 at the moment. Planning to upgrade to a i7.

Do I need to do anything special or can I just replace the CPU and re-boot? Do I need to re-install OS's /motherboards or anything?

Furthermore, if my i3 fits in my socket, the i7 has to as well right?
Someone's looking to make a small PC, powerful enough to run smaller indie games for couch co-op. How's this?

I know the Intel 4xxx APU's aren't amazing - even for smaller indie games - hence the 750 Ti. £10 copy of Windows from Reddit, and job done.

If its strictly indie games why are you getting a gtx 750?


If its strictly indie games why are you getting a gtx 750?

Room for better games, at a good price vs performance? What would you recommend? I guess they could get something like a 6670 for £52.99, but that rules out any potential new(ish) 3D games. I'll put it out there, though.

I know Minecraft can be surprisingly 'demanding'.


Room for better games, at a good price vs performance? What would you recommend? I guess they could get something like a 6670 for £52.99, but that rules out any potential new(ish) 3D games.

I'll put it out there, though.

Go with the 750Ti. No extra power, quiet, cool and will let you play any game if you choose


I would of done this a bit differently

No point in fans, DVD drive and the thermal paste.... especially if your not overclocking and havent even bought an aftermarket heatsink. And when you do buy a aftermarket cooler, it comes with decent paste. Also AS5 is old school. AC MX2/3/4 is cheaper and performs the same without being a conductive paste.

Youll get tired of that case and its LEDs in time lol.

For £30 more ive done this build with a Z87 board and a K series CPU for futureproofing and a more sleek case imo. Take the Gigabyte 750Ti as they have the best RMA service. You can acheive the factory overclocks on any card yourself if you are concerned.

I havent seen why your making this rig, but its awfully unbalanced for gaming. Id get an i5 4670K and a beefier GPU like a GTX 760/770. Like this

To be honest I'm not interested in over-clocking as it's obviously my 1st build I'm just finding my feet with what little budget I have. The only gaming I'll really be doing on it for the time being is DayZ SA other than that work & general home stuff.

I do however need a DVD as we have loads of stuff backed up on disks and as my son is terminally ill my so my wife is doing video diaries and general memory stuff for the future.

I'm quite happy with the build but my budget can't really stretch any higher, so the mistakes I've made this time I'll probably adjust in a couple of years but thanks for your help along the way though.
When the 2014 SSD models are supposed to hit? I'm dying to buy a SSD but I wanna wait to see if the new models bring a big improvement over last year's models.
To be honest I'm not interested in over-clocking as it's obviously my 1st build I'm just finding my feet with what little budget I have. The only gaming I'll really be doing on it for the time being is DayZ SA other than that work & general home stuff.

I do however need a DVD as we have loads of stuff backed up on disks and as my son is terminally ill my so my wife is doing video diaries and general memory stuff for the future.

I'm quite happy with the build but my budget can't really stretch any higher, so the mistakes I've made this time I'll probably adjust in a couple of years but thanks for your help along the way though.
Just send the stuff back without opening it, or don't even accept the package from the UPS guy if you haven't already paid, and build a more suitable rig.


When the 2014 SSD models are supposed to hit? I'm dying to buy a SSD but I wanna wait to see if the new models bring a big improvement over last year's models.
Current SSD have pretty much max out sata3. So, I highly doubt we will see much improvement in future models.


The Detective
Current SSD have pretty much max out sata3. So, I highly doubt we will see much improvement in future models.

That is untrue, they only thing they max out SATA3 with is sequential read and write speeds, other things that are just as important, if not more so (like 4K reads) only pull 20~30MB/s.


Germany. I have absolutely no idea about the sites question. The cheapest ones, I guess?

€1000 won't get you that it seems. You'll need to go for an i5 to get within budget and an R9 290. I'd not go near the 780 in Germany. Going by Amazon.de at least it's €100 more than an R9 290 and no way in hell is it worth paying that to go for a 780.

I'd also advise going for Windows 8 if you want to get future versions of DirectX. W7 doesn't even have the full version of 11.1 and it won't be getting 11.2 or anything after that.

From using PC Part Picker €1000 gets you this sort of build
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (€201.90 @ Caseking)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (€33.40 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-D3H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€123.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Avexir Standard Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (€59.90 @ Caseking)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€51.90 @ Caseking)
Video Card: Asus Radeon R9 290 4GB DirectCU II Video Card (€381.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Corsair 330R ATX Mid Tower Case (€79.90 @ Caseking)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€69.90 @ Caseking)
Other: Windows 8.1 Pro (MSDN COPY) (€7.27)
Total: €1010.05
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-11 01:38 CEST+0200)

Hyper 212 evo or Hyper T4 for an i5 4670k?

The 212 evo seems to be more popular but I can get the Hyper T4 $10 cheaper and it's in one of the builds in the OP.

And how silent are they?

I'd go for the Evo. It's not much more and is the better unit.

Noise wise they're OK. If it's too noisy for you, lower the RPM and if that's still not enough just replace the fan.

Few questions. I have a i3-4130 at the moment. Planning to upgrade to a i7.

Do I need to do anything special or can I just replace the CPU and re-boot? Do I need to re-install OS's /motherboards or anything?

Furthermore, if my i3 fits in my socket, the i7 has to as well right?

You shouldn't need to re-install. At worst you might need to re-activate it but that's unlike.y

Yes an i7 will fit as long as it's a socket 1150 one like the 4770 and 4770K.

Room for better games, at a good price vs performance? What would you recommend? I guess they could get something like a 6670 for £52.99, but that rules out any potential new(ish) 3D games. I'll put it out there, though.

I know Minecraft can be surprisingly 'demanding'.

Go with the 750Ti. No extra power, quiet, cool and will let you play any game if you choose

Since they're priced the same I'd grab the R7 265 instead. Uses a bit more power but still won't cause an issue.


i have a 212+, it's not even the evo version and i never hear my cpu.

I mean it has the low hum i've come to expect from a running computer, but even when playing a game with my evga 750ti it's still very quiet
If I wasn't looking to overclock, would a Xeon E3-1230 v3 build be a better choice than a 4670k build? This build would be more for programming, game development, 3ds max, etc. I'm looking to replace my dual xeon e5472 workstation since it's a power hungry bastard, heh. Is the AMD route one to consider as well?


If I wasn't looking to overclock, would a Xeon E3-1230 v3 build be a better choice than a 4670k build? This build would be more for programming, game development, 3ds max, etc. I'm looking to replace my dual xeon e5472 workstation since it's a power hungry bastard, heh. Is the AMD route one to consider as well?
I'd go with the Xeon myself. Better instructions per clock.

Not Spaceghost

Hey guys I don't really venture into this thread very often but I'm a bit tired of having a Laptop but I don't really want a tower because I move around a good bit.

Soooo I was sort of toying around with the idea of building a Mini ITX

Case+PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163225
HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236339
GPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487025
RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104339
MOBO http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128615
CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115234

Opinions on parts? Anything relatively similar with a better value?

My ideal budget would be under 700 and this is close to 750, I'd kinda like it to be closer to 600 but I think i'd have to sacrifice a bit too much power to pull that off.

My only real requirements are that the mobo has a built in wireless card, and I'd like to avoid AMD cards if possible.

Any help / opinions are appreciated!


relies on auto-aim
If I wasn't looking to overclock, would a Xeon E3-1230 v3 build be a better choice than a 4670k build? This build would be more for programming, game development, 3ds max, etc. I'm looking to replace my dual xeon e5472 workstation since it's a power hungry bastard, heh. Is the AMD route one to consider as well?
Main thing to know is no integrated graphics and sometimes you might need some instruction set that might be absent on a Desktop/Xeon. Sometimes there can be quirks with mobo compatibility, but usually it's all fine. If it was for gaming I'd slap you and tell you to overclock, but you can get away this time. Guy here before was right.

Otherwise it's a great deal if you plan to leave it at stock speeds since the multi is locked and you really don't want to FSB OC it. I don't do development, but I'd say the better performance per core is worth it over AMD, especially if you are talking power consumption.
I'd go with the Xeon myself. Better instructions per clock.
Source for this? I saw 3 benches and seemed marginal, sometimes making up the 100Mhz Turbo and sometimes not.
Hey guys I don't really venture into this thread very often but I'm a bit tired of having a Laptop but I don't really want a tower because I move around a good bit.

Soooo I was sort of toying around with the idea of building a Mini ITX

Case+PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163225
HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236339
GPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487025
RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104339
MOBO http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128615
CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115234

Opinions on parts? Anything relatively similar with a better value?

My ideal budget would be under 700 and this is close to 750, I'd kinda like it to be closer to 600 but I think i'd have to sacrifice a bit too much power to pull that off.

My only real requirements are that the mobo has a built in wireless card, and I'd like to avoid AMD cards if possible.

Any help / opinions are appreciated!
Looks good. Get 1.5V / 1.35V RAM if possible.


I've literally had enough.

My PC is the most unstable piece of crap that I've ever used.

I get constant crashes from web browsers and games. I've RMA'd a video card like 3-4 times at one point in my life and that was annoying as hell.

I think I'm done with PC gaming. My PC works for general use with this one web browser and that's it. That's all I'm going to use it for. I just don't understand how both Firefox and Chrome crash after moderate use. I've also wasted money on some recent purchases on Steam as well.

I suppose I will wave farewell to the PC gaming world as it has not treated me well. :(


I've literally had enough.

My PC is the most unstable piece of crap that I've ever used.

I get constant crashes from web browsers and games. I've RMA'd a video card like 3-4 times at one point in my life and that was annoying as hell.

I think I'm done with PC gaming. My PC works for general use with this one web browser and that's it. That's all I'm going to use it for. I just don't understand how both Firefox and Chrome crash after moderate use. I've also wasted money on some recent purchases on Steam as well.

I suppose I will wave farewell to the PC gaming world as it has not treated me well. :(
Well, this thread could have helped if you asked but, oh well.


relies on auto-aim
Sorry to hear that, sounds like it needs some extra troubleshooting.
I'd check Memtest for memory, run an HDD diagnostic, and test a clean install for issues for free things you can try.
I've literally had enough.

My PC is the most unstable piece of crap that I've ever used.

I get constant crashes from web browsers and games. I've RMA'd a video card like 3-4 times at one point in my life and that was annoying as hell.

I think I'm done with PC gaming. My PC works for general use with this one web browser and that's it. That's all I'm going to use it for. I just don't understand how both Firefox and Chrome crash after moderate use. I've also wasted money on some recent purchases on Steam as well.

I suppose I will wave farewell to the PC gaming world as it has not treated me well. :(
Did you build it yourself or buy it from somewhere? Because if it's prebuilt, that's probably why you've got so many problems.


Did you build it yourself or buy it from somewhere? Because if it's prebuilt, that's probably why you've got so many problems.
I built it myself around 2 years ago with a very bumpy road of using it with constant problems.

Just running a new game, especially ones more compliant with the hardware, I have to cross my fingers for it to not crash let alone even start up normally.
I built it myself around 2 years ago with a very bumpy road of using it with constant problems.

Just running a new game, especially ones more compliant with the hardware, I have to cross my fingers for it to not crash let alone even start up normally.

What is your build? Have you tried troubleshooting?
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