I would of done this a bit differently
No point in fans, DVD drive and the thermal paste.... especially if your not overclocking and havent even bought an aftermarket heatsink. And when you do buy a aftermarket cooler, it comes with decent paste. Also AS5 is old school. AC MX2/3/4 is cheaper and performs the same without being a conductive paste.
Youll get tired of that case and its LEDs in time lol.
For £30 more ive done this build with a Z87 board and a K series CPU for futureproofing and a more sleek case imo. Take the Gigabyte 750Ti as they have the best RMA service. You can acheive the factory overclocks on any card yourself if you are concerned.
I havent seen why your making this rig, but its awfully unbalanced for gaming. Id get an i5 4670K and a beefier GPU like a GTX 760/770. Like this